Page 21 - İngilizce 12 | Kazanım Kavrama Etkinlikleri
P. 21

5.  Skim the text and tick (√) the topics below that are not stated.

                 1   The precautions to be taken to remind some countries of their responsibilities
                 2   Children’s rights to education, health care, and equal opportunities
                 3   The popularity of the Convention on the Rights of the Child
                 4   The crucial role of education in creating happy generations


             The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, popularly
             known as CRC, was adopted in 1989 when the governments made
             a commitment to the needs of children for specific rights. Signed
             by 196 countries, it has been the most ratified international human
             rights treaty in history.
             The  convention  affirms  that  children’s  rights  are  the  obligations  and
             responsibilities that all must respect and honor; besides, they cannot be considered an option, favor,
             or kindness to children. It aims all children of the world—every individual below the age of 18—to
             grow up in an environment of happiness, love, and understanding without being discriminated against,
             and have equitable access to education and health care, and equal opportunities to develop their
             personalities, abilities, and talents to the fullest potential without exception.
             A universal  set of standards that offers a new vision of the child as an individual  with rights and
             responsibilities are defined and declared. All these rights on the convention are connected, and all are
             equally important to be followed by all countries. The guiding principles of the convention are:
             The whole convention is established on the principle of non-discrimination, which means every child,
             regardless of race, gender, nationality, ethnic origin, wealth, disability, or religion, has rights. All children
             are equal in dignity and rights and deserve the same opportunities as others, no matter who they are.
             The right to survival and development
             All children are born equal. They all have the right to have a standard of living adequate for their
             physical, mental, spiritual, moral, and social development including healthy food, clean water, clothing,
             housing, health care, and an equal chance in accessing information and necessary social services.
             The children of today are the adults of tomorrow. The role of education is vital to create healthy and
             happy generations and to make young people realize their full potential and participate effectively in

          6.  Scan the text and write the main idea of the three titles below.

              1  Children as individuals:
              2  Non-discrimination:
              3  The right to survival and development:

          7.  Discuss with your partner what you think about the rights in the text and why these rights have
              been violated in many parts of the world.

          8.  Search the problems faced by children globally on the Net. Then, write an argumentative essay
              including solutions to these problems.

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