Page 23 - İngilizce 12 | Kazanım Kavrama Etkinlikleri
P. 23

4.  Write questions using the phrases below as in the example. You can add questions of your own.

                Do you think …?       Do you believe …?      Do you imagine …?       Your own phrase

                    petrol-free cars/reduce transportation   Do you think petrol-free cars will reduce
                    costs?                                  transportation costs?
                1   robot teachers/become a reality?

                2   cyber and cyborg figures/be around?
                3   time travel/be possible?
                4   space travel/be possible for everyone?
                5   teleportation/advent?
                6   Your own question

          5.  Now, work in pairs. Take it turns to ask and answer the questions in Part 4. Write down your
              friend’s answers in the chart given. Then, share them with your classmates by using the phrases
             E.g. I think petrol-free cars will not reduce transportation costs, but my friend thinks they will.
                 I believe petrol-free cars will not reduce transportation costs, and my friend thinks so.

              I believe              I guess               I imagine                I think
              Definitely/Definitely not  Certainly/Certainly not  Of course/Of course, not  I’m sure/I’m not sure

                  Questions                 Your Answer                    Your Friend’s Answer
              Question 1
              Question 2
              Question 3
              Question 4
              Question 5
              Your own question

          6.  You will hear the description of a cyber game. Listen and tick (√) the game actions you hear.
               Tapescript 4.1.1
                                                               1  practice         11  move
                                                               2  improve          12  register
                                                               3  shoot            13  level up

                                                               4  roll             14  divide
                                                               5  create           15  fail
                                                               6  log in           16  defeat
                                                               7  win              17  solve
                                                               8  draw             18  get out of

                                                               9  choose           19  score
                                                               10  enter           20  run
   18   19   20   21   22   23   24   25   26   27   28