Page 20 - İngilizce 12 | Kazanım Kavrama Etkinlikleri
P. 20

FUNCTIONS:                                              English  12
                                 •  Expressing ideas on human rights (gender equality, human rights...)
                                                                                              Theme 3
                                 •  Making suggestions                                   Human Rights 9
                                 •  Discussing problems
          1.  Listen to the audio and write which human rights are violated in each speech. Three titles are
              extra.    Tapescript 3.3.1

               The right to family life  The right to liberty   The right to education   The right to work

                           The right to health   The right to a fair trial  The right to property

              Speaker A:
              Speaker B:
              Speaker C:
              Speaker D:
          2.  Listen to the audio again and write true (T), false (F), or not stated (NS) to the statements below.

                  1   The behavior of Speaker A’s employer interferes with her labor contract.
                  2   It is possible to take unpaid leave for the mothers of newborn babies.
                  3   Speaker B talks about a mother who wants one of her children to leave school.
                  4   In some countries, school fees are so high that parents can only send one of their kids to school.

                  5   Speaker C lives in an area where much of the population suffers from waterborne diseases.
                  6   Half of the factories were relocated after townspeople had been affected by arsenic poisoning.
                  7   Despite his disability, Speaker D could have learned the job if the subject was shown visually.
                  8   Employers have to provide disabled people with special equipment to help them do the job.

          3.  Discuss with your partner the problems mentioned in the audio and write suggestions about
              how to tackle these problems.


          4.  Discuss the following questions with your partner explaining your reasons.

              1  Do you think every human being deserves human rights protection equally?
              2  How would the world be if all human rights were respected?
              3  What type of human rights practices in the world should be improved?

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