Page 33 - İngilizce 12 | Kazanım Kavrama Etkinlikleri
P. 33

3.  Write about your moods reflected in a song/painting/photograph.

          4.  Work in pairs. Choose one of the role cards below. Create a dialog and act it out.

                                 Client  You are moody nowadays. For that reason, you can’t concentrate on
                                 the things you should, and don’t enjoy life much. You also feel that you make
                                 life difficult for your beloved ones. Tell these to your psychologist.

                  Psychologist  Listen to your client’s problem, and tell that you understand the situation.
                  Then, advise her/him to take a break, stay calm and look for the good in others.
                  You may use the expressions below for your suggestions:
                  Couldn’t you …?/If you want my opinion …/I thought you could …
                  I’m thinking out loud here …/Suppose you …/You could always …

          5.  Listen and fill in the blanks.     Tapescript 5.3.1

              Hi, Kendall
              First of all, I need to thank you for accepting to house-sit us at the weekend. I’m just sorry that we
              won’t get to catch up until we are back. So, let me tell you everything through the voice message.
              I’m sorry, I really have no time to text you. I hope that will help.
              Anyway, the door code for the block is 6589. (1)            for the inner one. The dogs
              (2)               feeding in the mornings, and under no circumstances (3)
              they be given time to walk in the garden. Can you please not (4)          the washing
              machine very early in the morning? The neighbors complain as it’s very noisy. (5)
              ventilating the house when the dogs are out? Please, (6)           with anything in the
              fridge, and (7)             to call if you have anything to ask. See you to hand over the keys
              on Friday afternoon and looking forward to a proper chat when we are back! Cheers!

          6.  Imagine that you are going on holiday for a couple of days and leaving the keys with a friend to
              take care of your house. In a text message, list the instructions for her/him to take care of the

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