Page 36 - İngilizce 12 | Kazanım Kavrama Etkinlikleri
P. 36

FUNCTIONS:                                              English  12
                                 •  Making requests
                                                                                                Favors 17
                                 •  Accepting and declining requests                          Theme 6
                                 •  Asking for and responding to favors
          1.  Study the dialogs and find out the requests accepted and declined.

                Anna: Dad, can you drive me to school?         Ethan: Could you take out the rubbish?
            1           I’m a bit late.                    2   Emily: I’m sorry, but my online meeting
                John:   Of course, honey!                              is starting.

                Emma: Olivia, I need to buy some disinfectant. Could you tell me where the nearest shop is
            3           please?
                Olivia:  Well, I’m afraid I can’t because I’m not from around here.

                Sophia:   Miranda, is it possible for you      Gabriel: Do you mind turning off the
                          to look after my plants while                 heating?
            4                                              5
                          I’m away?                            Elanori: No, I’m sorry because I don’t want
                Miranda: Sure. It’ll be my pleasure.                    to be sick during the pandemic.

                               Accepting                                    Declining

          2.  Now, work in pairs and make requests for the situations below, as in the example. Use the
              phrases given. Share your answers with your friends.

               Can I …?       Could I…?        Do you mind…?        Is it OK if I …?   Is it possible …?

              E.g. Ask someone to lend you something.
                 Can I borrow your mobile phone to call my mum? My battery is almost dead.

              1  Request a classmate to give you a ride after school.
              2  Request a waiter to take your order.
              3  Request your teacher for clarification.
              4  Ask a friend for a favor.
              5  Ask a friend for help with the homework.

          3.  Below are phrases of accepting and declining requests. Work in pairs, study them and write A
              (for accepting) and D (for declining) beside each phrase. Then, share your answers with your

                    1   Willingly!                                6   I’m afraid I can’t.
                    2   No, I’m sorry. I don’t have one.         7   That’s fine.
                    3   Of course! Help yourself!                8   With pleasure!
                    4   No, not at all.                          9   I’d love to, but...
                    5   Sorry, I need it for the moment.         10  Well, not really.

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