Page 41 - İngilizce 12 | Kazanım Kavrama Etkinlikleri
P. 41

4.  Read the news story and circle the correct option.
                                             From Housekeeping

                                             to NASA

                                             For a teenager in Colombia in the 1980s, a science career in NASA seemed
                                             like landing on a distant planet. However, Diana Trujillo went further from
                                             modestly dreaming about the cosmos to actually exploring it. That’s a tale
                                             of determination which was written in heavens.
                                             Born and raised in Colombia, Diana was certain of her ardor for science.
                                             Yet, she had no idea about how far she’d be able to go in that sophisticated
                                             field. Meanwhile, destiny stepped in when her father suggested sending
              her to live with her aunt in Miami.
              At the age of 17, Diana immigrated to the US in the early 2000s, with only $300 in her pocket, to pursue her dream
              of working for NASA. She enrolled in English courses, worked at full-time jobs as a housekeeper and a fast-food
              service worker to support her studies in college, and later at the University of Florida. Nevertheless, it wasn’t easy.
              Most of the times, she had to change buses just to get to classes and other days she was cleaning bathrooms to
              help pay her tuition.
              Ensuingly, another life-altering moment came for Diana. She became the first Hispanic woman to be admitted
              to the NASA Academy. She did so well that she received a job offer from the prestigious institution. While at the
              NASA Academy, she was invited to join the NASA Space Robotics Research Team at the University of Maryland,
              where she earned her bachelor’s degree in Aerospace Engineering in 2007.
              Diana Trujillo is currently an aerospace engineer at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory. There, she is leading a
              45-person team that is responsible for the robotic arm of the latest Mars rover.

              1  Before/After she immigrated to the US, Diana wasn’t sure how far she could go in science.
              2  Luckily/Unfortunately, she didn’t have enough savings while immigrating to the US.
              3  First/Also, she enrolled in English courses when she came to the US.
              4  Before/Then, she continued her education in college and later at the University of Florida.
              5  Definitely/In contrast, her admission to the NASA Academy has been a turning point in her life.
              6  Secondly/Finally, she became the team leader of the robotic arm of the latest Mars rover.

          5.  Read again and fill in the table with a list of key words or expressions special to each part of the story.

                         Setting                 Main Event/Climax
               (Time and place in which the     (Series of events, the story’s
                    story takes place)               high point)

          6.  Write a news story, a past experience or an imaginative story   •  Paragraph 1
              following the steps and the plan below.                        The background to the event
                                                                           •  Paragraph 2
             When and where did it take place?                               When and where it happened
             What was happening?                                             and who was there
             Who was there?                                                •  Paragraph 3
                                                                             The result of the event
             What happened in the end?

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