Page 45 - İngilizce 12 | Kazanım Kavrama Etkinlikleri
P. 45

4.  Read the column in the Health Global Magazine and fill in the blanks with the statements below.

              a  Admittedly, getting to this point was quite a journey.
              b  Accordingly, it was recorded as the first successful combination transplant case of its kind.
              c  Then, he spent a month waking up and having physiotherapy.
              d  Fortunately, a passerby on the road pulled Joe from the burning vehicle before it exploded and
                 saved his life.
              e  Next came 45 days in intensive care after the procedure, followed by almost two months of rehab.
              A New Face, A Second Chance

              In July 2018, Joe Dimeo, fell asleep while driving his
              car on Route 22 in New Jersey. It was a very short
              moment, but it changed young Dimeo’s life forever.
              He lost control of the car, hit the curb, and flipped
              over afore bursting into flames. (1)    Disastrously,
              he  still  suffered  third-degree  burns  over  nearly  80
              percent  of his body.  The damage  was  so serious
              that,  though he survived, he was unrecognizable.
              His entire life had been taken from him in an instant.
              Thereafter, Joe spent months in a medically induced
              coma, followed by 20 reconstructive surgeries and
              numerous treatments. (2)
              Subsequently, a reconstructive plastic surgery was
              carried out by a team of 140 staff at NYU hospital in
              New York. After 23 hours of operation, the final stitch
              was made. (3)      Joe learned to open his new  now, and he had that one special feature which is
              eyelids, to move his new hands, and to smile.  required for these kinds of operations - a high level
              The NYU doctors had completed the revolutionary   of motivation,” he said. “And he had an enormous
              procedure in August 2020 but waited to share the   sense of hope.”
              results  to  make  sure  Joe’s  body  didn’t  reject  the  In  the  press  briefing,  Joe  pulled  a  small  notecard
              transplants. (4)                              from his pocket using his new hands and read from
                                                            it. Other news reports showed him playing with his
              “He’s  the  most  highly  motivated  patient  I’ve  ever
                                                            dog and lifting weights at the gym. (5)
              met,” Dr. Eduardo Rodriguez, head of the team that
              completed the exceptional operation, told reporters  Asked  how  he’d  felt  over  the  past  months  of
              at  the  press  briefing.  “Joe  is  healthy,  he’s  young,  rehabilitation,  Joe  said  he  felt  he’d  been  given  a
              he’s  strong,  he  loves  exercising,  he  eats  healthy  “second chance at life.”

          5.  Read again and match the sentence halves.

                 1  Joe Dimeo had a terrible accident  a  to successfully receive a face and double hand transplant.
                 2  This accident turned             b  but the doctors didn’t make it public right away.
                 3  He spent nearly two years        c  his life upside down.
                 4  The surgery had been completed   d  in the hospital to fully recover.
                     a year ago,
                 5  He’s the world’s first patient   e  as he fell asleep while driving.

          6.  Imagine you are a columnist in a magazine. Write down an unusual story for this week’s column.

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