Page 43 - İngilizce 12 | Kazanım Kavrama Etkinlikleri
P. 43

4.  Read the news story and put the events in the correct order.

              16-year-old Jamie Williams saved her best friend’s life, just a day after she’d
              completed a basic life support (CPR) class at her high school.
              “I would never have thought that I would be the one to perform it on someone,”
              she said.
              Williams was driving home with her three friends in St. Petersburg, Florida on
              March 28 when another driver slammed into her from the left and sent her car
              out of the road.
              “We crashed in a yard and I hit the tree,” Williams said.
              The driver’s side door was jammed, so Williams climbed out the front window.
              Two of her friends managed to get out of the car safely, but her 16-year-old
              friend Ida Ward hit her head on the backseat window due to the collision.
              “When I turned around, I didn’t see Ida running with us,” Williams said. “So, I had
              to run back to the car as fast as I could. She was just sitting there unconscious.”
              That’s when the training Williams had just learned kicked in.
              “People started to gather around to see what was happening. I started yelling,
              ‘Back up! She needs space!’” she said.
              She pulled Ward out of the back seat, avoiding the shattered window glass.
              “I checked her pulse on her neck. I put my head against her chest, and I didn’t
              really hear anything. Then, I just started doing CPR on her.”
              After  the  30  compressions  and  two  rescue  breaths,  Ward  regained
              consciousness. Paramedics quickly arrived and rushed her to the hospital
              where she received stitches on her forehead.
              “I don’t remember anything about the accident. When I woke up, I was in the
              hospital. I was in shock. I was trying to figure out how I got there,” Ward said.
              Thanks to Williams’ quick thinking, Ward is recovering well.

                  Fortunately, Ida got conscious again.
                  Jamie took Ida out of the car.
                  Then, paramedics took Ida to the hospital.

                  Jamie was driving home, and a car hit hers.
                  Ida is fine now.
              1   Before the incident, Jamie completed CPR training.

                  Following this incident, Ida was injured.
                  Jamie used the techniques that she’d learned in the training.

          5.  Read again and choose a suitable title for the news story.
              • CPR Training Failed       • A Teen Saves Her Friend’s Life  • Paramedics Saved Two Lives

          6.  Write a news story or a past experience by answering the questions below.
               •   When and where did it happen?           •   What did they do?
               •   Who was there?                          •   What happened in the end?

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