Page 50 - İngilizce 12 | Kazanım Kavrama Etkinlikleri
P. 50

FUNCTIONS:                                               English  12
                                •  Describing problems
                                                                                              Theme 8
                                •  Making complaints                                  Alternative Energy 24
                                •  Offering solutions
          1.  Listen to the podcast about the success story of Freiburg, Europe’s solar city, and put the events
              in the correct order.    Tapescript 8.3.1

                  The city was given an award for their efforts to protect nature.
                  The first example of a solar-powered resident was built in the city to solve energy problem.
                  Thousands demonstrated against the use of nuclear energy.
                  The residents got the right to receive money to set up solar panels on their roofs.

                  A terrible accident occurred at a nuclear power plant.

          2.  Listen to the podcast again and choose the correct option.
              1  Freiburg was a pioneer in           in Europe.
                 a  objecting to a project that would harm the environment
                 b  cooperating with the authorities to start the energy projects
              2  Chernobyl disaster forced the city council to      .
                 a  meet the energy demand from reliable nuclear plants
                 b  work on sustainable energy solutions
              3  After the introduction of clean bill by the government,    .
                 a  people started selling the surplus energy to the grid
                 b  more and more houses installed solar panels
              4  People prefer cycling or using trams because the city      .
                 a  promotes the use of public transportation
                 b  does not allow cars in the streets

          3.  Choose one of the cities which have been using alternative energy successfully for years. Do
              some research on them to write about their success story. Include the answers of the following
              questions in your writing.

             •   What kind of power         •   How much energy will       •   How much does the
                 source is used?               it produce?                    project cost?

          4.  Imagine you are responsible for the energy policies of your city. Work with a partner and discuss
              what renewable energy sources you will invest in.
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