Page 55 - İngilizce 12 | Kazanım Kavrama Etkinlikleri
P. 55

6.  Read the interview and write true (T), false (F) or not stated (NS).

             Interviewer: Today,  we’re  here  to  interview  with  an   Mr. Olsen: Exactly.
                         automobile designer,  Arvid Olsen from   Interviewer: What about its speed?
                         Norway. Can you introduce yourself to
                         us, please?                        Mr. Olsen: Actually, it can only reach speeds of 60
               Mr. Olsen: I’m a 57-year-old mechanical engineer.      km/h at the moment.
                         After the university, I got my Ph.D. in  Interviewer: Then,  available  just  for  short  journeys
                         the same field, and I’ve been designing      where high speeds are not necessary.
                         cars  since then. I worked with one of    Mr. Olsen: You know my car hasn’t been seen on
                         the biggest companies’ F1 racing-design      the roads yet. It has to be remembered
                         crew in the 1990s and pioneered the use      that this is just a test car yet. There are
                         of magnesium in pistons.                     still some problems to overcome before
             Interviewer: If  I’m  not  mistaken,  you  were  given   my dream becomes a reality.
                         an award for your pioneering by your   Interviewer: You’re  being  modest.  We  know  that  a
                         company.                                     big airline company is interested in your
               Mr. Olsen: Oh, yes! You remember it.                   aircar. What can you say about that?
             Interviewer: I do. Now, please let us know about your   Mr. Olsen: Ha ha ha! You don’t miss any detail. Yes,
                         environmentally-friendly aircar. Concept     that’s  right.  One  of  the  biggest  airline
                         cars, especially the green ones, grab        companies wanted to use the aircars to
                         public’s attention.                          replace  their  electric  cars  at  Budapest
                                                                      Ferenc Liszt International Airport.
               Mr. Olsen: You know fuels are very polluting. Petrol
                         is the worst. A mixture of battery power   Interviewer: Great! As far as I know, you are working
                         and petrol is slightly cleaner. Hydrogen     on another type of car at the moment.
                         is very expensive, and electric cars rely    What would you like to say about it?
                         on inefficient battery power. My car just   Mr. Olsen: It’s  a  car  which  combines  both  air  and
                         runs on air. So simple.                      petrol  power.  This  car  will  be  ultra-
             Interviewer: Can you tell us its principle?              efficient and be able to travel hundreds
                                                                      of kilometers on one liter of petrol.
               Mr. Olsen: Briefly,  the  electricity  is  transmitted
                         to  a  compressor,  which mechanically   Interviewer: You mean if the pump for the air is
                                                                      powered by clean energy, then the car
                         compresses  the  air  into  the  car’s  tank.   will  be  100%  pollution-free.  Even  if  its
                         The  car’s  engine  then  converts  the      performance is improved by using petrol,
                         compressed air into mechanical energy.
                                                                      it’ll still be less polluting than most cars.
             Interviewer: So, can we say an aircar is cheaper than   Mr. Olsen: Definitely.
                         an  electric  car,  doesn’t  have  batteries
                         that need replacing every five years, and  Interviewer: Breathtaking.  Thank you so much,  Mr.
                         is much quicker to recharge with clean       Olsen.
                         energy?                            Mr. Olsen: My pleasure.

                 1   The interviewer had Arvid Olsen talk      6   He has lots of experience in working
                     about his aircar.                             with hydrogen power.
                 2   Mr. Olsen has been designing cars         7   Aircar is a vehicle that uses a motor
                     since he started university.                  powered by compressed air.
                 3   His crew in the 1990s took the lead in    8   You can easily drive at a high speed if
                     using magnesium in pistons.                   you have an aircar.
                 4   His company rewarded him with a huge      9   He let an airline company use the
                     amount of money.                              aircars at Budapest Airport.
                 5   People would like to see
                     environmentally-friendly aircars around.

          7.  Work in pairs as an interviewer/interviewee and prepare an interview following the steps.
             •   Search for a person who is an innovator in   •   Ask and answer.
                 technology.                                 •   Write your interview.
             •   Prepare your questions.                     •   Present it in the class.

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