Page 57 - İngilizce 12 | Kazanım Kavrama Etkinlikleri
P. 57

5.  Read the interview in a hi-tech magazine Tech-Wise and complete the blanks with the questions
              a  Are driverless cars more efficient drivers than humans?
              b  What about the cons behind the use of these cars?
              c  What is the technology behind self-driving cars?
              d  Are you optimistic about achieving your goal despite the challenges?
              e  How long have people been dreaming of automated driving?

                                                         SELF-DRIVING CARS:

                                                         BOON OR BANE?

                                                         Should we fear or welcome driverless cars? Dr. Lisa
                                                         Shields, the director of the Humans and Autonomy
                                                         Laboratory and Duke Robotics, gives us  a look
                                                         ahead. The professor is going to help us understand
                                                         artificial intelligence (AI) in self-driving cars.

            Dr. Shields: Almost  since  we  had  cars.  The  science-fiction  writer  and  futurologist  Arthur  C.  Clarke
                        describes the cars that choose their own route in his book Profiles of the Future. A concrete
                        vision of automated driving was there in the 1960s. Today, we have been designing and
                        testing these cars, and we just need to see the final tests. As safety is one of our core values,
                        there’s still a way to make these cars safer before introducing them to the mass market.
            Dr. Shields: Actually, more than that. I’m convinced that autonomous driving will become part of daily
                        lives sooner than most people expect. Everyone will benefit from it. It also helps disabled
                        people lead more independent lives without the need to drive the car themselves.
            Dr. Shields: Well, they have sensors all around which can detect other cars and obstacles on the road.
                        AI can communicate with all other vehicles to avoid creating traffic jams. Sensors on the
                        wheels help them park. All you have to do is type in the address. You won’t have to worry
                        about  remembering  directions  where  you’re  going.  Enjoy  the  ride  sitting  back  and  even
                        reading a book.
            Dr. Shields: Absolutely  yes.  They  will also drive more  safely  than  people.  Nothing  makes  them  get
                        distracted. Furthermore, they would always obey the speed limit. You know human error
                        is a natural part of life, and when this happens behind the wheel of a car, it can lead to
                        catastrophic consequences which driverless cars are designed to avoid.
            Dr. Shields: Well, the price of this technology would be high. Out of sight high. Do you prefer to pay
                        such high costs for a driverless car? Furthermore, what happens if one or more sensors get
                        damaged? How the car responds is not certain yet.

          6.  Are you ready for self-driving cars to be part of your everyday life? Give your reasons considering
              the interview in Exercise 5.

          7.  Write a for and against essay about self-driving cars. Organize your essay in four paragraphs
              including an introduction, pros of self-driving cars, cons of self-driving cars and a conclusion.

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