Page 61 - İngilizce 12 | Kazanım Kavrama Etkinlikleri
P. 61

6.  Read the text and choose the correct option to complete the sentences.

                      We all make mistakes and thus feel sorry for the consequences of our decisions. We wish
                      that things could have been different in the past, but we cannot change the reality of the
                      present. Most of us think that we should have studied more, traveled more, saved more
                      money, found a better job, or we wish we wouldn’t have said those words or hadn’t worked
                      so hard, and the list of regrets goes on. However, if we take a look at the amazing history, we
                      witness bigger regrets which changed the destiny of nations. There are things in life even the
                      most famous scientists wish they hadn’t discovered or invented anything.
                      “If only I had known that the Germans would not succeed in producing an atomic bomb, then
                      I would have never lifted a finger,” said Einstein regretfully. Although Einstein wasn’t involved
              in the creation of the atomic bomb, he felt remorse due to his role in encouraging its development. He
              was so fearful with the idea that Germany was attempting to create nuclear weapons to use against the
              World War II Allies; therefore, he sent an urgent letter to President Franklin Roosevelt both informing
              and encouraging him to support the U.S. research into producing one. But after he had witnessed the
              devastation of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, he publicly shared his deep sorrow.
              Alfred Nobel, the Swedish inventor of dynamite hoped that his invention would only
              be used for peace-time industries, however, he witnessed people misuse his creation
              as a weapon of war. He was frustrated with this unpleasant result, but he didn’t let
              this  situation  get  him  down.  He  was  determined  to  create  one  of  the  world’s  most
              prestigious international prizes. “I wish I weren’t remembered for my invention”, were
              the words of Alfred Nobel before writing his last will and testament. Alfred Nobel had
              no family of his own. In his will, he wrote that his fortune should be invested to form
              a fund, and every year the interest of this fund should be given to the people who did
              outstanding work for humanity in the fields of physics, chemistry, medicine, literature
              and peace, and this is called the Nobel Prize.
              1  It is stated in the text that     .         4  Alfred Nobel was disappointed to see his
                 a  most of us feel sorry for some of the        invention was           .
                     decisions we made in the past               a  used in the wrong hands
                 b  we still have a chance to change the         b  was a failure
                     results of our actions that we regret   5  Alfred Nobel created the Nobel Prize because
              2  Einstein felt sorry for       .                            .
                 a  helping the Germans to create a nuclear      a  his only ambition was to be well-known
                     weapon                                          worldwide
                 b  sending a letter to the U.S. president       b  he wanted to be remembered for
              3  Although Einstein didn’t work directly on the       something useful for the benefit of
                 atomic bomb,            .                           humankind
                 a  he expressed his regret openly after the
                     disaster in Japan
                 b  he felt deep sorrow for the Germans’ attack

          7.  Read again and choose a suitable title for the text.

          8.  Write a paragraph about telling something you regret in the past.
             •  Think of something you regret and write why you regret this by using the phrases below.
                If only…/I wish I hadn’t…/I should have…

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