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ENGLISH 12                                        Ortaöğretim Genel Müdürlüğü

                                                ANSWER KEYS

                                             English  12
                                                Music 3
                      •  Expressing opinion (agreeing, disagreeing, etc)  Theme 1
                      •  Expressing preferences
             1.  Listen to the audio. Match the conversations (A-D) with the following statements (1-4) and write   5.  Discuss the following question with your partner. Students’ own answers
               if the speakers partly agree, mostly disagree, or disagree with each other.    Tapescript 1.3.1
                                                                Do you think one’s age has an influence on the type of music s/he listens to? Why/Why not?
               C  1   Even minor mishaps can spoil the pleasure we can get from live performances.   disagree
                                                              6.  Skim the text and circle the correct statement that best expresses its main idea.
               D  2   We must combat music piracy in order that musicians can earn money.   partly agree
               B  3   Tickets to the plays performed by singers and an orchestra cost far too much.   disagree  1  The perception that people have of us has a strong association with our musical preferences.
                                                                2  Our musical taste keeps changing in accord with some key life challenges as we age.
               A  4   Ethnic music of a country is way better than its modern counterpart.  mostly disagree
                                                                3  All musical ages are about one’s gaining acceptance from others and being independent.
                                                                We define ourselves with music and use it to express our intellect or emotions. However, do we always
             2.  Listen to the audio again and number the following phrases in   listen to a specific kind of music throughout our lives? To answer this question, researchers have done
               the order they are spoken.
                                                                a study which shows that the music we have a liking for adapts itself to new phases in our lives.
               4  a   In my opinion, …                          According to the study,  such intense forms of music as metal are favored in adolescence.  In
                                                                mid-twenties  and  thirties,  however,  people  prefer  contemporary  music  such  as  pop,  and  more
               8  b   I’m a bit doubtful about …                sophisticated  ones like  jazz in middle  age.  The theory is that adolescents  desire  autonomy  and
                                                                associate loud, distorted sounds in metal music with a call for independence, which is one of the key
               6  c   I firmly believe that …
                                                                “life challenges”  of  this period.  Having become autonomous,  people grow concerned about being
               1  d   I’ve always thought that …                loved, and they begin  preferring romantic, emotionally  positive, and danceable  songs of pop and
               7  e   I’m of the opinion that …                 R&B. After that stage of life, people start getting on in years and settle down. Then, the last musical
                                                                age where elegant, relaxing, and emotional musical genres like classical, folk, and jazz are preferred
               2  f   I think …                                 by  the  middle-aged  emerges.  One  key  life  challenge  to
               5  g   From my point of view, …                  be achieved at this stage is social  standing. Trying  to
                                                                promote our social status, we tend to listen to songs
               3  h   As far as I’m concerned, …                reflecting the esthetic of high culture and intellect.
                                                                While work exhaustion and hardships of nurturing
                                                                a family require relaxing  music, having  to cope
                                                                with the loss of loved  ones  gets us to listen  to
             3.  Discuss the statements below with your partner using the expressions in Exercise 2.
                Students’ own answers                           emotive music that speaks to the experiences of
               1  Music is a perfect way of bringing many people together regardless of their cultural or   this life stage.
                educational backgrounds.                        To sum up, our musical preferences go through
               2  Rather than just being a form of entertainment, music is a powerful tool that can be used to   great changes while we get older, and there are
                shape society.                                  some certain age trends in musical taste. Do you
                                                                wonder how your musical preferences will evolve
               3  Modern music, especially the lyrics of the songs, may influence children and teenagers in a bad
                way.                                            in the future? Well, you will live; you will see.
             4.  Choose one of the statements given in Exercise 1 and write a short opinion paragraph about it.  7.   Read and choose the best answer according to the text.
               Students’ own answers                            1  Which of the following could be the best title for the text?
                                                                 a  A Variety of Musical Genres in Order of Preference

                                                                 b  How Our Taste in Music Changes over a Lifetime

                                                                 c  The Reason Why Some Have Poor Musical Taste
                                                                2  Which of the following can be inferred from the text?
                                                                 a  The middle-aged people prefer listening to folk music rather than jazz.
                                                                 b  The musical genre we love is a clear sign of our intellectual superiority.
                                                                 c  Music is a powerful tool with which we are able to identify ourselves.
                                                                3  With which of the following would the author most likely disagree?
                                                                 a  The things we go through at different life stages have little impact on our musical taste.
                                                                 b  To meet social and psychological needs, our taste in music will presumably change.
                                                                 c  We would rather listen to sophisticated musical genres to express our intellect.
                                                  7           8
                      FUNCTIONS:             English  12
                      •  Describing personal features
                                               Theme 2
                      •  Making conclusions   Friendship 4
                      •  Stating reasons
             1.  Look at the photos below and describe the people stating the similar and different personal   FRIENDSHIP
               features between two friends. Students’ own answers
                                                                Making a lot of  friends throughout our lives, from  childhood to  adolescence  and aging, from
             1            2            3                        neighborhood to school and workplace, shortly in various aspects of our life, is ultimately inevitable.
                                                                Nevertheless, we categorize them into different types of gradual phases based on the level of the
                                                                intimacy between us and others; some are ordinary friends, some are much more valuable to
                                                                us, some are in the inner center of our life. It is the fact that the more quality time we spend with
                                                                someone in our lives, the stronger emotional bonds we have, which enable us to spend time
                                                                together to have fun, distract, share some basic feelings and thoughts, and comfort.
                                                                When it comes to friendship, it is the feeling of being much closer to some people than others
                                                                because of a dyadic relationship resulting from sharing a series of social, emotional,
                                                                sometimes cultural interactions and  reciprocal  respect,  love, value, and
                                                                intimacy between two  people. Should we feel completely comfortable
             2.  Listen to the audio and match the speakers to the photos above.    Tapescript 2.1.1  with someone without fear of judgment on their part, relying on their
                                                                support, we truly  bring them  into our life as  the  closest,  best,
               Speaker A:   Photo 3                             confidant, and valuable ones. That, of course, comes true when
               Speaker B:   Photo 1                             some certain vital friendship core traits such as trustworthiness,
                                                                respect, loyalty, and accepting you as you are have been fulfilled.
               Speaker C:   Photo 2
                                                              6.  Skim the text and tick (√) the topics below that are not stated.
             3.  Listen to the audio again and choose the correct option.
                                                                √  1   The effective ways of making a friend
               1  The age difference between Emma and   3  Sophia is incredibly    with making   2
                her friend is   .  time for her friend.            The meaning of friendship
                a  5               a  stingy                     3   The qualities of friendship
                b  10              b  generous                  √  4   How to maintain a friendship
                c  15              c  sensitive
                                  4  Danny and his friend sometimes have
               2  Emma always gives her friend                7.  Read the text and match the highlighted words in the text to the definitions below.
                support.               .
                a  emotional       a  difficulties              1   confidant  : a person that you trust and who you talk to about private or secret things
                b  physical        b  discussions               2   ordinary  : not unusual or different in any way
                c  financial       c  challenges                3   dyadic  : consisting of two parts
                                                                4   intimacy  : the state of having a close personal relationship with somebody
             4.  Write the adjectives that you think best describe each person in the audio giving reasons.  loyalty
               Students’ own answers                            5     : the quality of being constant in your support of somebody/something
               Sophia:                                          6   reciprocal  : involving two people or groups who agree to help each other or behave in the
               Danny:                                                 same way to each other
                                                              8.  Read the text again and write the main conclusion for each topic below.
                                                                1  The reason for categorizing friends: The intimacy between us and others can change.
             5.  Work in pairs. Describe one of your best friends, considering the following points.
               Students’ own answers                            2  How emotional ties occur: The more quality time we spend with someone in our lives, the stronger emotional
                                                                          bonds we have.
               •   The similarities and differences of personal features with you  3  The importance of friendship traits: When some certain vital friendship core  traits come true, we truly bring
               •   An example of quality time you spend together              people into our life as the closest, best, confidant and valuable ones.
               •   The reasons why you think s/he is your best friend
                                                              9.  Rank the traits of a good friendship you think below, stating reasons. Students’ own answers
                                                  9           10
   60   61   62   63   64   65   66   67   68   69   70