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P. 69
ENGLISH 12 Ortaöğretim Genel Müdürlüğü
FUNCTIONS: English 12
• Making predictions
Theme 4
• Expressing degrees of certainty and uncertainty Coming Soon 11
• Receiving instructions about cyber games
1. Below are some predictions in a newspaper from 50 years ago. Work in pairs, and discuss which 3. Below are the statements of a group of people about the COVID-19 Pandemic. In pairs, study
ones have come true/which ones haven’t. Students’ own answers them and discuss the certainty and uncertainty of the utterers. Write C (for certain) and U (for
... uncertain) beside each statement.
Frank @homereading C
F F To my surprise, I came across very interesting predictions from 50 years ago. Here they U 1 I am absolutely sure the pandemic will come to an end soon.
are. Can’t wait to see your comments. 2 It’s unlikely that we will get rid of it in a couple of months.
U 3 My impression is that vaccines might not put an end to the pandemic.
C 4 Vaccines will definitely prevent the spread of the disease.
U 5 Lockdowns might cause serious psychological problems.
y There will be mobile phones. They will allow people to talk to C 6 There is no doubt that scientists will bring solutions to problems.
each other anywhere possible.
y Self-driving cars will do everything themselves instead of U 7 I am not sure about the origins of the disease.
drivers. C 8 I certainly believe that humanity will get over this problem, for sure.
y Personal computers will give access to numerous resources.
y Space shuttles will make it possible for people to travel into
space. 4. Share your opinions on the COVID-19 Pandemic or an issue of your choice. Make sentences
y Robotics will be very advanced, and new generation robots using the expressions of certainty and uncertainty as in the ones in Part 3. You can make your
will be doing a lot of things instead of us. notes here.
y Artificial intelligence, which is demonstrated by machines Students’ own answers
and devices like computers, smartphones, robots, etc., will
make a huge progress in the near future.
y We will be able to see the hologram technology.
y Aeromobiles will carry people with a possibility of door-to-
door transportation by air.
2 days ago. 09.32 PM
2. Imagine that your predictions will take place in the same newspaper. What would your predictions
be about 50 years later? Work in groups and write them.
5. Below are jumbled statements about a cyber game. Listen and put them into the correct order.
Tapescript 4.2.1
Students’ own answers
7 a Tap on the jump button to enter the climbing mode.
5 b Tap on the roll button to perform a tactical roll.
10 c Go over and see what there is at the target point.
1 d Swipe left to adjust your view.
9 e Aim at the marked checkpoint.
4 f Tap on the skills button and select one skill to use.
2 g Press the L1 button on the gamepad to move around freely.
3 h Tap on your inventory to pick a defensive tool.
6 i Use the jump button to vault over the walls and windows.
8 j Enter the glide mode to dive through the air and reach the ground.
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FUNCTIONS: English 12
• Making predictions Theme 4
• Expressing degrees of certainty and uncertainty Coming Soon 12
• Receiving instructions about cyber games
4. With your classmates, try to write as many cyber game actions as you can on the board. After
According to the Cambridge Online Dictionary, e-sports is “the activity of playing computer games the listening activity in Part 5, look through your list and find out which one/s you have heard.
against other people on the Internet, often for money, and often watched by other people using the Students’ own answers
Internet, sometimes at special organized events”. It has completely replaced interests of many young
people in traditional sports. This has a lot to do with different opportunities it offers. First, it allows 5. Listen to the dialog and complete the sentences. Tapescript 4.3.1
players to develop a career through playing. In addition, e-sports is also a competition that brings
people from all over the world together. Another difference is that e-sports tournaments are gender- 1 In multi-player games, players enter a virtual world and take on an online personality. That online
neutral and they offer far more opportunities for the disabled to compete. an avatar
personality is called .
The future of e-sports seems to be bright as in the case of a 16-year-old boy who became the best 2 One must choose a nickname and an avatar to be safe while playing an online
player in the world, winning 3 million dollars thanks to e-sports. His income from just one tournament game.
is even more than annual incomes of some top athletes. Some predictions for the future of e-sports 3 Goals of Mumuny players are to run away from the other characters and to collect as
are as follows: many stars as they can.
y Most people will be familiar with the expression “e-sports”. 4 In order not to be caught by the other characters, the player must jump over the pits.
y Most people will be familiar with e-sports, so the popularity of e-sports will grow. 5 When a character comes across another character, he/she must hit it and keep running .
y E-sports will become an olympic game.
y Brand investments in e-sports will increase, so e-sports will generate more revenue than many 6. Work in pairs. Imagine that you are developing an online game. Take notes about your game
traditional sports and it will be as profitable as traditional sports.
including its name, purpose(s), target group and main actions. Then, describe it to the class.
y Major media organizations will broadcast e-sports competitions. They will pay high amounts of Students’ own answers
money for livestreaming rights.
E.g. Name Purpose(s) Target Group Main Actions
Martians to defeat the Martians teenagers over 14 to form a team
1. Read the text and answer the questions.
to invade Mars to settle on Mars
1 In what ways are e-sports tournaments different from traditional ones?
They are gender-neutral and they offer far more opportunities for the disabled to compete. to defeat the Martians
2 How will the popularity of e-sports grow?
Most people will be familiar with e-sports, so the popularity of e-sports will grow. My game’s called Martians. The aim of the players is to defeat the Martians and invade Mars. The
3 What can we infer from the passage about the financial future of e-sports? game is aimed at teenagers over 14. Some of the main actions of the game are to form a team, to settle
E-sports will generate more revenue than many traditional sports and it will be as profitable as traditional on Mars and to defeat the Martians...
Name Purpose(s) Target Group Main Actions
2. What do the words in bold refer to in the text?
1 it (in line 3) e-sports 3 his (in line 9) a 16-year-old boy’s
2 they (in line 6) e-sports tournaments 4 they (in line 16) major media organizations
3. Share your predictions about the following. Use the phrases given in the boxes.
I’m sure … I expect … I believe … I guess … I don’t think …
E.g. I don’t think e-sports will become more popular than football or basketball.
Students’ own answers
coronavirus pandemics e-sports space tourism e-trading digital currency transportation
Students’ own answers
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