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ENGLISH 12                                        Ortaöğretim Genel Müdürlüğü

                                                ANSWER KEYS

                                             English  12
                                               Theme 7
                      •  Narrating a past event / experience   News Stories 19
                      •  Talking about sequential actions
             1.  Listen to the news story and put the events in the correct order.    Tapescript 7.1.1  4.  Read the news story and circle the correct option.
               4  1   As the woman attempted to move, she slipped further.   From Housekeeping
               2  2   Then, he looked around and saw that the lady in pink was missing.  to NASA
               6  3   Thanks to this event, Gina met a young boy who became her hero.
               1  4   First, Nick heard some sounds of falling down.        For a teenager in Colombia in the 1980s, a science career in NASA seemed
                                                                            like landing on a distant planet. However, Diana Trujillo went further from
               3  5   After that, he decided to look for her and drifted down the rocks.  modestly dreaming about the cosmos to actually exploring it. That’s a tale
                                                                            of determination which was written in heavens.
               5  6   At last, Nick managed to catch Gina.
                                                                            Born and raised in Colombia, Diana was certain of her ardor for science.
                                                                            Yet, she had no idea about how far she’d be able to go in that sophisticated
                                                                            field. Meanwhile, destiny stepped in when her father suggested sending
             2.  Listen again and choose the correct option.    her to live with her aunt in Miami.
                                                                At the age of 17, Diana immigrated to the US in the early 2000s, with only $300 in her pocket, to pursue her dream
               1  Piestewa Peak Summit is a trail where only      of working for NASA. She enrolled in English courses, worked at full-time jobs as a housekeeper and a fast-food
                hikers can climb.                               service worker to support her studies in college, and later at the University of Florida. Nevertheless, it wasn’t easy.
                                                                Most of the times, she had to change buses just to get to classes and other days she was cleaning bathrooms to
                a  untrained
                                                                help pay her tuition.
                b  professional                                 Ensuingly, another life-altering moment came for Diana. She became the first Hispanic woman to be admitted
               2  As Nick was waiting for her mom, he noticed a   .  to the NASA Academy. She did so well that she received a job offer from the prestigious institution. While at the
                                                                NASA Academy, she was invited to join the NASA Space Robotics Research Team at the University of Maryland,
                a  couple                                       where she earned her bachelor’s degree in Aerospace Engineering in 2007.
                b  team                                         Diana Trujillo is currently an aerospace engineer at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory. There, she is leading a
                                                                45-person team that is responsible for the robotic arm of the latest Mars rover.
               3  As evidenced by the screams, Gina had   .
                a  showed up
                b  disappeared                                  1  Before/After she immigrated to the US, Diana wasn’t sure how far she could go in science.
                                                                2  Luckily/Unfortunately, she didn’t have enough savings while immigrating to the US.
               4  Nick    to rescue Gina.
                                                                3  First/Also, she enrolled in English courses when she came to the US.
                a  sloped downwards
                                                                4  Before/Then, she continued her education in college and later at the University of Florida.
                b  climbed up                                   5  Definitely/In contrast, her admission to the NASA Academy has been a turning point in her life.
               5  Nick was    to call emergency right away.
                                                                6  Secondly/Finally, she became the team leader of the robotic arm of the latest Mars rover.
                a  late
                b  wise
                                                              5.  Read again and fill in the table with a list of key words or expressions special to each part of the story.
               6  Nick distracted her by asking questions in order to keep her
                                                                    Setting   Main Event/Climax
                      .                                                                     Ending
                                                                (Time and place in which the     (Series of events, the story’s
                a  conscious                                                               (Resolution)
                b  fainted                                        story takes place)  high point)
                                                                •  The early 2000s until now  •  Immigration to the US  •  Working as an aerospace
               7  Nick was obviously the    of this rescue story.  •  Colombia and the US  •  Struggling to gain an education  engineer at NASA’s Jet Propulsion
                a  savior                                       •  NASA     •  Admission to the NASA Academy
                                                                            •  Joining the NASA space robotics  •  Leading a team responsible for
                b  failure                                                   research team  the robotic arm of the latest Mars
                                                                            •  Graduation from the university  rover
             3.  a.  Look at the image and make up a story by answering the questions below.
                Students’ own answers
               •   Where do you think the press briefing took place?  6.  Write a news story, a past experience or an imaginative story   •  Paragraph 1
                                                                following the steps and the plan below. Students’ own answers
                                                                                         The background to the event
               •   Whom were the press members waiting for?                             •  Paragraph 2
               •   What was the press briefing about?           When and where did it take place?   When and where it happened
                                                                What was happening?      and who was there
               b.  Now, narrate your story to                   Who was there?          •  Paragraph 3
                the class.                                      What happened in the end?   The result of the event
                Students’ own answers
                                                  39 39       40
                                             English  12
                      FUNCTIONS:               Theme 7
                      •  Narrating a past event / experience   News Stories 20
                      •  Talking about sequential actions
             1.  Listen to the interview and fill in the blanks with the words below.    Tapescript 7.2.1  4.  Read the news story and put the events in the correct order.
               Meanwhile  Suddenly  As soon as   Finally  After  Then  Firstly  A Teen Saves Her Friend’s Life
               1   Suddenly  , Brigid Mahoney heard Dyna, one of her horses, moaning.    16-year-old Jamie Williams saved her best friend’s life, just a day after she’d
                                                                completed a basic life support (CPR) class at her high school.
               2   As soon as   she got out, she realized that she was stuck in a muddy hole.   “I would never have thought that I would be the one to perform it on someone,”
               3   Firstly  , Brigid rushed out and called her friends for help.  she said.
               4  Meanwhile , she wrote about the situation on her social media, and many people flocked there.   Williams was driving home with her three friends in St. Petersburg, Florida on
                                                                March 28 when another driver slammed into her from the left and sent her car
               5   Then  , the fire department arrived immediately, but they failed to save Dyna.  out of the road.
               6   After   many trials, the tow trucks arrived and managed to rescue Dyna.  “We crashed in a yard and I hit the tree,” Williams said.
                                                                The driver’s side door was jammed, so Williams climbed out the front window.
               7   Finally  , the efforts ended up successfully. Dyna was rescued and was able to stand up after   Two of her friends managed to get out of the car safely, but her 16-year-old
                long hours of hopeful waiting.                  friend Ida Ward hit her head on the backseat window due to the collision.
                                                                “When I turned around, I didn’t see Ida running with us,” Williams said. “So, I had
                                                                to run back to the car as fast as I could. She was just sitting there unconscious.”
                                                                That’s when the training Williams had just learned kicked in.
                                                                “People started to gather around to see what was happening. I started yelling,
                                                                ‘Back up! She needs space!’” she said.
                                                                She pulled Ward out of the back seat, avoiding the shattered window glass.
                                                                “I checked her pulse on her neck. I put my head against her chest, and I didn’t
                                                                really hear anything. Then, I just started doing CPR on her.”
                                                                After  the  30  compressions  and  two  rescue  breaths,  Ward  regained
                                                                consciousness. Paramedics quickly arrived and rushed her to the hospital
                                                                where she received stitches on her forehead.
                                                                “I don’t remember anything about the accident. When I woke up, I was in the
                                                                hospital. I was in shock. I was trying to figure out how I got there,” Ward said.
                                                                Thanks to Williams’ quick thinking, Ward is recovering well.
                                                                6  Fortunately, Ida got conscious again.
                                                                4  Jamie took Ida out of the car.
                                                                7  Then, paramedics took Ida to the hospital.
             2.  Listen again and write true (T) or false (F).
                                                                2  Jamie was driving home, and a car hit hers.
               F  1   Brigid Mahoney is a horse lover who heard a trapped horse mourning while hiking.  8  Ida is fine now.
               T  2   Dyna, a 12-year-old jumping horse, got stuck in a muddy hole a week ago after a rainy day.  1  Before the incident, Jamie completed CPR training.
               F  3   With the help of many neighbors and friends, Dyna was able to stand up on her feet in an hour.  3  Following this incident, Ida was injured.
               F  4   The cautious efforts of the fire department were quite handy in saving the trapped horse.  5  Jamie used the techniques that she’d learned in the training.
               T  5   When the tow trucks showed up, they were finally able to drag her out of the dirt.
                                                              5.  Read again and choose a suitable title for the news story.
               T  6   Dyna was only able to get up at night, and fortunately, she keeps recovering day by day.
                                                                • CPR Training Failed  • A Teen Saves Her Friend’s Life  • Paramedics Saved Two Lives
             3.  Think of a notable experience of yourself and narrate it to your friends by considering the   6.  Write a news story or a past experience by answering the questions below.
               questions on the image below. Students’ own answers
                                                                •   When and where did it happen?  •   What did they do?
                                                                •   Who was there?  •   What happened in the end?
                                                                Students’ own answers
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