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ENGLISH 12                                        Ortaöğretim Genel Müdürlüğü

                                                ANSWER KEYS

                      FUNCTIONS:             English  12
                      •  Describing mood
                                               Theme 5
                      •  Making suggestions to change negative mood  Psychology 15
                      •  Following and giving instructions
             1.  Below are some posts. What might these people’s moods be?  3.  Write about your moods reflected in a song/painting/photograph.
               E.g.    @numberone    confident                  Students’ own answers
                  Level of trust, selfie with no filter!

                1      grateful
                 @ sun-flo33
                 Thanks to those who left, I improved my survival skills.
                 Thanks to those who stayed, I learned about true friendship.
                2  @Jd-malone23 lonely                        4.  Work in pairs. Choose one of the role cards below. Create a dialog and act it out.
                 And then I think that maybe I was designed to be all by myself…  Students’ own answers
                3  @ MuFe_2010 confused                                 Client  You are moody nowadays. For that reason, you can’t concentrate on
                 I don’t know what I feel anymore.                      the things you should, and don’t enjoy life much. You also feel that you make
                4  @ Nibila2020 hopeful                                 life difficult for your beloved ones. Tell these to your psychologist.
                 Everyday may not be good, but what I believe is that there is something good in every day.
                5  @ snito-econ brave                             Psychologist  Listen to your client’s problem, and tell that you understand the situation.
                                                                  Then, advise her/him to take a break, stay calm and look for the good in others.
                 Throw me to the wolves and I’ll come back leading the pack.
                                                                  You may use the expressions below for your suggestions:
                                                                  Couldn’t you …?/If you want my opinion …/I thought you could …
             2.  Read the text and answer the questions.          I’m thinking out loud here …/Suppose you …/You could always …
                        Mood In LIterature
               Every piece of writing in literature has its own unique atmosphere. We feel the ambience which they   5.  Listen and fill in the blanks.    Tapescript 5.3.1
               give us through the power of the words, and the way they come together in novels, essays, poems
               and even in short stories. We can define it as mood in literature. It’s the feeling that is evoked in the   Hi, Kendall
               reader by the author.
                                                                First of all, I need to thank you for accepting to house-sit us at the weekend. I’m just sorry that we
               We feel joyful when we read a delightful story and think upon the meanings behind the words more   won’t get to catch up until we are back. So, let me tell you everything through the voice message.
               than ever when they are sarcastic. On the other hand, some novels are so exhilarating that we   I’m sorry, I really have no time to text you. I hope that will help.
               wish they never came to an end and kept us excited. In novels, it is possible for the author to mix   Anyway, the door code for the block is 6589. (1)   Press 3556   for the inner one. The dogs
               a lot of different moods, but one of them is usually overarching and shall be remembered later in
               time by the reader. In most poems and short essays, just one or two moods are involved since   (2)   need   feeding in the mornings, and under no circumstances (3)   should
               the space is limited for authors. You feel miserable as you read a poem beginning with the lines.  they be given time to walk in the garden. Can you please not (4)   use   the washing
               “I see the sky above the barren trees,           machine very early in the morning? The neighbors complain as it’s very noisy. (5) Would you mind
               The gloomy clouds, no rays of the sun,           ventilating the house when the dogs are out? Please, (6)  help yourself   with anything in the
               No more sunshine cause you have gone.”           fridge, and (7)   feel free   to call if you have anything to ask. See you to hand over the keys
               and remain in that mood for a while. You feel joyful when it reads, “The   on Friday afternoon and looking forward to a proper chat when we are back! Cheers!
               sun is shiny” or calm when the poem tells about a picturesque forest.
               Literature has a great power to change our moods, and a strong mood   6.  Imagine that you are going on holiday for a couple of days and leaving the keys with a friend to
               is extremely important for the lasting power of a story.  take care of your house. In a text message, list the instructions for her/him to take care of the
                                                                Students’ own answers
               1  Which of the following can replace the word “atmosphere” in the text?

                a  weather    b  mood    c  power   d  delight

               2  How would you comment on “Mood in Literature” giving examples from the text?
                Students’ own answers             .
               3  How do the verses of the poem given in the text make you feel?
                Students’ own answers             .
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                      FUNCTIONS:             English  12
                      •  Making requests
                                                Favors 16
                      •  Accepting and declining requests  Theme 6
                      •  Asking for and responding to favors
             1.  Read the dialog and underline the expressions related to making requests.   3.  List the phrases in the correct category.
                                                                 Certainly.              My pleasure.           All right.  I’m sorry.  No problem.
                                                                      Sure.                 No, I can’t.            Of course.         I’m afraid I can’t.
                                                                    Expressions of Accepting  Expressions of Declining
                                                                 Certainly.                  My pleasure.     All right.              I’m sorry.               I’m afraid I can’t.
                                                                 No problem.             Sure.                      Of course.           No, I can’t.
                                                              4.  Fill in the gaps. Use expressions of your choice from Part 3.
                                                                1    Lisa: Hi, Kyle! I don’t feel well. Can you come and drive me to hospital?
                                                                    Kyle: Certainly/Sure/Of course/No problem/All right , Lisa. I’ll be there in 5 minutes.
                                                                2    Ted:  Can you take care of my pet while I’m away for the weekend?
                                                                     Sue:   I’m sorry/I’m afraid I can’t/No, I can’t      ,  Ted. I’ll be at my grandma’s to take
                                                                       care of her. I think Helen can help you.
                                                                3  Alexander: Hi! My room’s keycard doesn’t work. Would you please change it?
                                                                 Receptionist:  Certainly/Sure/Of course/No problem/All right , sir. Here is the new one.
                                                                4  Wallace: Excuse me! Could you tell me where the restrooms are?
                                                                    Waiter:  Certainly/Sure/Of course/No problem/All right .  They are on the left, behind the
                                                                5    Ted:  Tim, can I ask you to make tea for us?
               Luigi: Excuse me! Could you tell me the time, please?  Tim: I’m sorry/I’m afraid I can’t/No, I can’t
               Kenny: Sure. It’s five to one. Hey, you are the new guy in our class, aren’t you?  , Ted. I’m about to leave the house
                                                                       right now.
               Luigi: Oh! Yes. I’m Luigi. You are Kenny, right?
               Kenny: Yes. Our house is near here. What about you? Do you live in this neighborhood, too?
               Luigi: Yes. We’ve just moved. I need to go to a pharmacy. Can you tell me the way to the nearest   5.  Joe and Bill are in their dormitory room. Listen and tick (√) the phrases you hear.    Tapescript 6.1.1
               Kenny: Certainly. You are on your lucky day. There is one across the park over there.  1   Will you give me a lift?  4   Would you mind posting this parcel?
               Luigi: Oh, how lucky of me! Look, I’m new here and I may need your help. Will you please give   √  2   Can you give me a lift?  5   Could you do me a favor?
                  me your phone number?                         √  3   Could you post this parcel?  √  6   Can you do me a favor?
               Kenny: Of course, Luigi. Here it is, on this piece of paper. Do not hesitate to call at any time.
               Luigi: That’s very kind of you. I will not. I know it is too much, but I was late for Mr. Johnson’s
                  lecture today. Can I ask you to send your class notes to me?  6.  Complete the statements to create meaningful contexts related to asking for favors. Use the
                                                                statements given. More than one option is possible.
               Kenny: Sure, it’ll be my pleasure to help you.
                                                                   I’m kind of busy.  I’ll leave the office a bit late and pick the kids up at school.
             2.  What requests would you make in the following situations? Discuss. Students’ own answers
                                                                My hands are dirty and I shouldn’t touch it.  I feel exhausted.  I’ve already missed the bus.
               1  You must see a teacher at the break time. Ask a friend to get a bottle of water for you at the   1  Hey, John! Can you do me a favor and turn off the lights? I feel exhausted.
                school canteen.                                 2  Will you open the door for me? My hands are dirty and I shouldn’t touch it./I’m kind of busy.
               2  You are a doctor. Remind your patient to switch off his/her mobile phone before the examination.  3  Will you answer the phone for me? I’m kind of busy. /My hands are dirty and I shouldn’t touch it.
               3  You are at a restaurant. Ask the waiter/waitress for the menu.
               4  You are having lunch with your friends. Ask one of them to pass the sauce.  4  Martin, would you cook the dinner? I’ll leave the office a bit late and pick the kids up at school.
                                                                5  Hey, Susan, could you drop me off on your way home? I’ve already missed the bus.
               5  You are a security guard at an airport gate in İstanbul. Ask the travelers to show their HES codes.
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