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ENGLISH 12                                        Ortaöğretim Genel Müdürlüğü

                                                ANSWER KEYS

                      FUNCTIONS:             English  12
                      •  Describing problems
                                               Theme 8
                      •  Making complaints  Alternative Energy 23
                      •  Offering solutions
             1.  Read the text and fill in the blanks with the correct statements.  4.  Listen to a phone call between an energy consultant and a client. Tick (√) the energy sources
                                                                you hear.    Tapescript 8.2.1
               a  it absorbs carbon dioxide not only from the water but also from the air while growing
               b  the scientists are putting a lot of effort into searching for promising alternative energy sources  √
               c  engineers have been working hard to convert kinetic energy
               d  this gas covers 74% of the universe
               e  these sources are still far from meeting the world’s growing energy demands
                     The Future of Alternative Energy
               As renewable energy technologies develop, solar, wind and water power have been put into use in recent years.
               They have contributed to decreasing the damage caused by fossil fuels, but (1)  e  .  As a result of this fact,
               scientists  have  been  seeking  non-polluting  and  more  affordable  alternative  energy
               sources.                                             biomass   geothermal power  wind power
               To begin  with, hydrogen energy  is  one of  the  most  promising future energy ideas. It   √  √
               will provide a big mass power as (2)  d  . It has already been proved that it is a clean
               energy source which causes almost no pollution. The only problem is that it is found only
               in combination with other elements, and it requires an enormous budget to produce pure
               hydrogen power with today’s technology.  At present, it is majorly being used in industry,
               aviation and heavy shipping because it’s highly expensive. Once the budget problem is
               resolved, it will sufficiently provide green electricity and low-carbon fuel.
               In addition to hydrogen power, algae production for biofuel has a tremendous potential for
               clean energy.  Algae is a quick-growing plant that contains energy-rich oils. It’s eco-friendly
               in that (3)  a  . They can easily grow in wastewater or man-made ponds; however, algal
               biofuel production requires an expensive and time-consuming process. Therefore, the   solar power  hydropower  tidal power
               number of refineries producing algal oils to supply biofuels for planes, trains and cars is
               far from ideal. Fortunately, attentive studies have been underway to lower the cost.
               How about saving the planet by doing some exercise? Producing energy from the human   5.  Listen to the phone call again and answer true (T), false (F) or not stated (NS).
               body is not a new idea. There have been potential developments in human-powered
               electricity generators, but their efficiency is still in question. You may be surprised to hear   F  1   Mr. Token is suffering from energy cuts because he lives in a crowded neighborhood.
               that human power has already been used at a gym in Hong Kong and a dance club in   T
               London. In recent years, (4)  c  , which is a free constant power source, into electrical   2   He doesn’t want to harm the environment while generating electricity.
               energy.  Doing  the  required  physical  movements  may  be  difficult  for  old  or  disabled   T  3   His property contains sustainable energy sources.
               people, though. Not to mention that it is bad news for couch potatoes! But who knows,
               maybe science fiction movies will actually come true.  NS  4   He will be able to make money by selling the excess electricity to the grid.
               The inevitable technological progress is, unfortunately, harming nature day by day, so clean energy sources must   F  5   The cost of installment is standard for all homes.
               be used without delay.  Thankfully, (5)  b  , as we still have a long road ahead of us.
                                                                NS  6   Hybrid energy systems have become increasingly popular in recent years.
             2.  Read the text again and complete the table.
               Alternative source  Pros   Cons                6.  Look at the environmental problems and take notes on the cards. Then, discuss your ideas with
                                                                your friends. Students’ own answers
                       •  provides a big mass power  •  a highly expensive process
               Hydrogen power  •  produces low-carbon fuel
                       •  grows quickly  •  takes a long time to grow  a    b            c
               Algal biofuel  •  cleans the water and air  •  a highly expensive process
                       •  good for health  •  difficult for old and disabled people
               Human power  •  free and never-ending
             3.  Imagine you are working on a project to find an alternative energy source for the future world.
               Write an opinion essay including the points below and then talk about your ideas.
               •  The sustainable source you want to use  •  The problems it will solve
               •  The pros and cons of the suggested source
                                                                 cause:      cause:      cause:
               Students’ own answers                             effect:     effect:     effect:
                                                                 solution:   solution:   solution:
                                                  47          48
                      FUNCTIONS:             English  12
                      •  Describing problems   Theme 8
                      •  Making complaints  Alternative Energy 24
                      •  Offering solutions
             1.  Listen to the podcast about the success story of Freiburg, Europe’s solar city, and put the events   5.  Read the news story and complete the blanks with the following numbers.
               in the correct order.    Tapescript 8.3.1
                                                                 3 GW  €28 billion  80 km  2033  200  70%  1991
               5  The city was given an award for their efforts to protect nature.
               3  The first example of a solar-powered resident was built in the city to solve energy problem.
               1  Thousands demonstrated against the use of nuclear energy.  The World’s
               4  The residents got the right to receive money to set up solar panels on their roofs.  First Artificial Energy
               2  A terrible accident occurred at a nuclear power plant.  Island on Danish Coast
                                                                Denmark is  preparing to  build a  huge island
                                                                to supply energy for millions of households
                                                                and green hydrogen  for use in industry,  the North Sea and started to  invest more in
                                                                transportation  and  aviation.  The  world’s  first  alternative energy sources. The Nordic country
                                                                energy island  will be situated (1)   80 km    intends to reduce greenhouse gas emissions
                                                                off the west coast of the country.  When it is  by (5)   70%   within a decade. “This is truly
                                                                completed, it will be as big as 18 football pitches,  a  great  moment for  Denmark and for  global
                                                                serving as a hub for (2)   200   offshore wind  green transition,” said the Energy Minister Dan
                                                                tribunes. Being the largest construction project  Jorgensen.
                                                                in  Danish  history,  the  artificial  island  will cost  The energy island, estimated to be in service
                                                                about (3)  €28 billion  . The Danish Energy Agency  in (6)   2033
             2.  Listen to the podcast again and choose the correct option.            , will produce energy more than
                                                                reported that the country, which is the primary  the country needs; therefore, it will be capable
               1  Freiburg was a pioneer in    in Europe.       stakeholder, would be partners with the private  of distributing  electricity to the neighboring
                                                                sectors in this project.
                                                                                 countries, too.  The  capacity of  the  energy
                a  objecting to a project that would harm the environment  Setting  up  the  world’s  first  wind  farms  back  hub, calculated to be (7)  3 GW
                b  cooperating with the authorities to start the energy projects  1991        in the initial
                                                                in  (4)   , Denmark has been a leader  phase, can be increased by three times in the
               2  Chernobyl disaster forced the city council to   .  in onshore and offshore wind farms.  The  future. In this way, millions  of households  in
                a  meet the energy demand from reliable nuclear plants  government announced that  the  country had  Europe will be able to use the green energy
                                                                decided  to stop searching  for oil  and  gas in  provided by the giant island.
                b  work on sustainable energy solutions
               3  After the introduction of clean bill by the government,   .
                a  people started selling the surplus energy to the grid  6.  Read the news story again and answer the questions below.
                b  more and more houses installed solar panels
                                                                1  What is the purpose of constructing an energy island?
               4  People prefer cycling or using trams because the city   .  To provide clean energy and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
                a  promotes the use of public transportation
                                                                2  Who are the sponsors in project finance?
                b  does not allow cars in the streets            The Danish state and the private sectors.
                                                                3  How has Denmark contributed to the reduction of greenhouse gases so far?
             3.  Choose one of the cities which have been using alternative energy successfully for years. Do
               some research on them to write about their success story. Include the answers of the following   It set up wind farms, stopped searching for oil and gas and started to invest more in alternative energy.
               questions in your writing.                       4  What is Denmark planning to do with the excess energy produced on the island?
                                                                 It will supply electricity to the neighboring countries.
                                                                5  How will the number of countries benefiting from the island be increased?
               •   What kind of power   •   How much energy will   •   How much does the   By expanding the capacity of the energy hub.
                source is used?  it produce?  project cost?
               Students’ own answers                          7.  Work in groups and discuss the questions below. Students’ own answers
                                                                a  How does the use of fossil fuels affect the environment?
                                                                b  How can we reduce our carbon footprints?
                                                                c  Can renewable energy completely replace fossil fuels in the future?
                                                                d  What is the most promising alternative energy source of the future?
             4.  Imagine you are responsible for the energy policies of your city. Work with a partner and discuss   e  Are you pleased with the renewable energy policies in the world? Why/Why not?
               what renewable energy sources you will invest in. Students’ own answers
                                                  49          50
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