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Tapescript 1.1.1 Tapescript 1.3.1
Maddie: Hi, you’re listening to www.trpod.cast. I’m Maddie Sandler, Conversation A
and we’re here today with Dr. Harry Cliff to talk about the relation Joshua: I rather like listening to pop music, but I’ve always thought
between music preferences and personality. Welcome, Dr. Cliff, it’s that traditional music is greater.
nice to have you here. Pamela: For real? That doesn’t apply to pop music. It’s loved by a
Dr. Cliff: Hi, and thanks for inviting me. huge number of people worldwide and really fun to listen to.
Maddie: First of all, I want to ask the reason why you believe that Joshua: Well, what I’m trying to say is that traditional music of a
there is a relation between our personalities and preferences for country is better than its pop music as it has a deep-rooted history
music. and represents native people better.
Dr. Cliff: Well, I think that music is revealing something about our Pamela: I don’t know; you might be right.
natural state of mind because when two people get to know each
other, music is one of the main subjects that they tend to talk about. Conversation B
Maddie: Oh, that’s true. However, can we say that “You like this Amy: Do you often go to the opera?
singer, I don’t like her, so don’t call me again.”? Ha ha! Dan: Um, to be honest, I rarely do that. I think the tickets are a bit
Dr. Cliff: (Laughing) No, no. That’s not what I’m talking about. In expensive. Don’t you agree?
my opinion, our music preferences reveal the deepest parts of our Amy: Well, I take your point, but as far as I’m concerned, the
personalities. For example, people who like to listen to rap music are experience is worth it. What’s more, I really enjoy myself while
more likely to be self-confident and motivated deep inside, or people seeing a live performance.
who listen to classical music have more intellectual curiosity than
the others. According to the research I’ve been conducting, they’re Conversation C
mostly introverts and very creative. Jenny: How did you like yesterday’s concert?
Maddie: I see. What do you think about extroverts, as I’m one of Dennis: It was somewhat disappointing. The sound system failed,
them? (Laughing) and we had to wait for it to be fixed for more than half an hour, yet
Dr. Cliff: Extroverts are found to be more likely to listen to calming in my opinion, the band’s performance wasn’t bad.
sounds such as country and folk music. Do you agree? (Laughing) Jenny: That’s true. It was really unfortunate, but from my point of
Maddie: Wow! That matches my taste! Interesting. You are still view, it was worth waiting as we were able to witness such a brilliant
working on the research, right? performance.
Dr. Cliff: Sure. Conversation D
Maddie: So, what comes next? Leo: I firmly believe that if someone’s listening to music without
Dr. Cliff: Well, another thing for which I’m researching is the paying for it, they’re stealing from the artist. I’m of the opinion that
reason why people like specific types of lyrics. I use data-mining we should pay to listen to music on the Net or download it to our PCs
techniques in order to find out the relation between people and so musicians can make money.
specific types of lyrics, such as sarcastic, romantic, etc. I’ll get more Clara: Yeah, I agree to a great extent, but I’m a bit doubtful about
results and develop a theory in a few years, I believe. whether they can find a way to prevent people from practicing music
Maddie: Wish you the best, Dr. Cliff, thanks again for this piracy.
impressive interview.
Dr. Cliff: Thanks for the chance. Tapescript 2.1.1
Speaker A
Tapescript 1.2.1 Hello, this beautiful, kind, and warm-hearted woman is my best
Carol: Hey, Tim. What are you reading? friend and neighbor, Emma. We’ve been living very close to each
Tim: An article on what shapes our musical taste. other; at any time of the day, I can call her to go out for a drink or
walk in a park. She’s much younger than me, maybe fifteen years,
Carol: Wow! That sounds cool! but it’s never held us to be close friends. I’m so lucky to have a great
Tim: Yes, it is interesting to learn that various things impact our friend like Emma; she has an amazing heart that really comforts
music preferences. According to the article, our musical tastes are me when I feel insecure or alone, and also, she always gives me
shaped by several external factors. emotional support to handle some troubles I have.
Carol: Oh, I wonder what they are! Speaker B
Tim: Well, it is argued that we like certain types of music as a result Well, this very much pretty, kind, and sympathetic girl is my best
of being constantly exposed to that kind in the past. The repeated friend, Sophia. I feel very much lucky to bring a friend like Sophia
exposure leads to an increase in positive effect towards an object or into my life; she’s so soft-hearted, incredibly generous with making
a person, and thus we tend to like things and develop a preference for time for me. I feel completely comfortable with her because I know
them when they are familiar to us. Peer or family influence is said to she’ll never judge me when I make some awkward mistakes, and I
be the other external factors that affect our choices as well. Don’t you know she’ll never make me feel ashamed of my flaws or failures. Of
think that it makes sense? course, she warns me not to do these weird things again and helps
Carol: That sounds rational, but I don’t agree with the idea that me to see my mistakes, and also wipes my tears every time. I’m glad
external factors solely influence our preferences. I hold the opinion to spend time with her.
that there are also internal influences that affect our choices. Speaker C
Tim: Hmm... You may be right, but what do you mean by internal
factors? Indeed, I don’t have enough words to describe this brave man,
Danny. He’s been in my life since my childhood. Although we
Carol: Factors like personality traits, beliefs, values, mood, or sometimes have discussions, he’s always with me not only in good
age. You know, they are the things that motivate one’s behaviors times but also in bad times. You know, life has lots of ups and downs,
or future actions, and seen as important factors that influence and feeling he’s always ready there to protect me from challenges
decision-making. and will be by my side for the toughest of days makes me happy,
Tim: I have no objection, and we are of the same mind on that point. relaxed, and powerful.
In my opinion, both sides of the issue must be considered before you
take a stance on it.