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ENGLISH 12                                        Ortaöğretim Genel Müdürlüğü


          was that moment when it felt like she wouldn’t make it, but she was   Tapescript 8.1.1
          surrounded by love. She made it!              Radio Presenter: Good evening, everybody. Welcome to Protect
          Reporter: How is she doing now?               Nature and Protect Life Program. Today, we’re going to talk
          Brigid Mahoney: She’s still not fully on his back legs however in   about air and water pollution around you. You can call us for any
          general, she’s doing fantastic. She is still receiving special care and   environmental problems you’ve witnessed, and we can talk about
          hasn’t yet started galloping alongside her peers, but she’s made a lot   what to do to prevent these problems. Here comes our first guest.
          of progress since that muddy day.             Hello.
          Reporter: Thank you so much for being with us today and sharing   Guest 1: Hi. I think the most important problem we’re facing
          this hopeful and inspiring story.             nowadays is water pollution, and we must do something to protect
                                                        our world as soon as possible.
          Tapescript 7.3.1                              Radio Presenter: You’re completely right. Have you ever witnessed a
          Ronald Davis: Welcome to another episode of our podcast. My   threat to the environment around the area you live in?
          name is Ronald Davis and my guest today is Casey Chafin, a college   Guest 1: Unfortunately I have. I live in the countryside, and there’s a
          consultant and researcher. We’re going to talk about the craze of   river running through our village. We used to walk or have a picnic
          fake news in our popular culture. Hello, Casey. It’s a great pleasure   by the riverbank. It was magnificent with its clean water. We could
          to have you here. I would like to jump into the subject immediately.   see different types of fish in it even from the surface until the factory
          Can you tell us what fake news is?            they built started to work. Now, we sadly see thousands of dead fish
          Casey Chafin: Hello, everyone. Thank you for inviting me, Ronald.   wash up on shore several times a year. They analyzed the fish and
          Fake news can be divided into two categories. First are the stories   said that they died from shortage of oxygen in the water. Needless to
          that are entirely made-up and unreal. The intention behind that   say, drinking tap water isn’t safe anymore.
          is to get people to believe in something that isn’t true in order to   Radio Presenter: Oh, this is horrible! Have you done anything to
          make them buy some certain products or visit websites for clickbait.   solve this problem so far?
          Second, there are stories that contain some reality but aren’t   Guest 1: We’ve been writing to the authorities constantly. Hopefully,
          completely true. A columnist, for example, can only quote a portion   they’ll install stronger filters to the pumps where the wastewater is
          of what a politician said, giving the public a distorted interpretation   discharged.
          of their purpose. This can be either done on purpose to persuade
          audiences of a certain point of view, or be the consequence of an   Radio Presenter: Thank you. I hope it’ll work and stop the fish
          unintentional fault. In any case, it easily gains an audience and turns   kills. We have another guest who will talk about geothermal energy
          out to be an “urban myth”.                    plants. Welcome.
          Ronald Davis: So true! How does fake news spread? I mean, is it   Guest 2: Hello. Most people think geothermal energy doesn’t harm
          possible to know or detect where they come from?   the environment at all. Well, they’re wrong. I’m a farmer, and I grow
                                                        olives and figs. Unfortunately, I’ve been getting fewer products in
          Casey Chafin: It has become remarkably easy to share both accurate   recent years. We also suffer from the annoying smell, especially
          and fake information on a global scale. Everyone can use social   on windy days. I’ve learned that it’s because of the harmful gases
          media platforms to express their opinions with the rest of the world.   released by the geothermal energy plants near my field. So, I’m
          The problem here is that people do not really check the origins of   asking the local authorities not to allow the construction of those
          the online content before publishing it. This causes fake news to   energy plants too close to the residences and fields. Maybe I can’t do
          circulate rapidly or go viral. Also, identifying the original source   anything for my own field now, but other farmers can do something
          of news reports has become increasingly difficult. It’s really hard   for their fields.
          to determine their authenticity. As a result, there has been a huge
          wave of fake news. According to one survey, more than a quarter of   Radio Presenter: Thank you for your attention and warning. I’m
          all Americans accessed to a fake news website during the 2016 US   sure the authorities will hear us and increase the use of clean energy
          presidential race.                            to protect nature.
          Ronald Davis: This is very interesting to note. So, how do we avoid   Tapescript 8.2.1
          fake news?
          Casey Chafin: First of all, libraries and educational institutions   Energy Consultant: Hello. Home Energy Installation Company.
          should work on this issue a lot more. The mission of these institutions   How can I help you?
          is to educate and advocate for critical thinking as a core skill in media   Mr. Token: Hello. It’s Arthur Token. I’d like to get some information
          and information literacy. Also, I believe that we, as individuals, have   about installing power to my property.
          a responsibility to maintain a high level of consciousness about this   Energy Consultant: Certainly, sir. Could you please explain what
          issue and to warn those around us.            you need in detail?
          Ronald Davis: Well then, let me ask the most important question of   Mr. Token: My wife and I bought a property from the Breeze Island
          today. How do we spot fake news?              a few months ago. We decided to construct our own house. At
          Casey Chafin: The International Federation of Library Associations   first, we thought we’d get enough electricity from the energy grid.
          (IFLA) has developed an infographic with eight key elements for   However, as it’s quite far from the mainland, we’ve started to face
          determining the validity of any news story people come across.   power cuts regularly. A generator was useful for the construction
          According to this infographic, the first thing to do is to consider   period, but soon we realized that it would be a good idea to install
          the resource whether it is reliable or not. After that, it’s important to   alternative energy systems and produce our own energy for heating,
          read beyond the headlines to see if there is any outrageous attempt.   lighting and household appliances.
          Then, check the author to see if he or she is someone credible. Next,   Energy Consultant: I understand, Mr. Token. Would you consider
          look for supporting resources to find out if the given links are valid   installing a power room that runs with fuel oil or coal?
          or not. Later, check the date of the news because it may belong to
          an irrelevant event in the past. Also, consider this question; “Is it a   Mr. Token: To be honest, I’d rather use renewable energy than fossil
          joke?” If it is too bizarre, it’s worth checking from other resources   fuels because I don’t want to cause air or water pollution. Can I have
          as well. Check your biases periodically to be sure that your personal   some information about the alternative energy sources you use?
          beliefs don’t affect your judgment. And lastly, it’s significant to ask   Energy Consultant: Sure. I have a few questions about your
          the experts like consultants before spreading it.   property. Is it in a high place or close to a water source? Is it windy
          Ronald Davis: Thank you so much for sharing a lot of valuable   most of the time?
          information with us today.                    Mr. Token: Yes, we’re quite lucky about this. Our land is on the top
          Casey Chafin: My pleasure. Thanks for the opportunity.  of the hill and gets too much wind. There’s also a stream just behind
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