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Ortaöğretim Genel Müdürlüğü ENGLISH 12
but I can lend the car. I can walk to the dentist’s. It’s within the kept on their way.
walking distance, already. Nick suddenly heard a series of tumbling sounds. Then, he heard
Joe: Oh! I don’t want to cause any trouble. the man shouting desperately, “Gina! Gina!” Nick looked around
Bill: Come on, buddy. That’s OK. but couldn’t see the woman in pink anywhere. She had gone over
the edge of the cliff.
Joe: That’s very generous of you, Bill. Hikers began searching for her right away, but their vision was
Bill: No problem. By the way, could you post this parcel for me on blocked by trees. Nick and his mother joined them down the trail.
your way to the gym? He thought instinctively that he could help. Later, he started sliding
Joe: Sure, with pleasure. Do you need anything else? down the layers of dirt until he saw someone in pink about 30 meters
Bill: Thanks, nothing. Can you do me a favor and turn off the light below him. She was there on a small rock on her knees. She had
on my side? You are closer. fallen almost 25 meters down, but she was miraculously alive. Nick
Joe: Of course, have a good night’s sleep. shouted, “Gina! Is that you?”
Bill: You, too. The woman was hurt and hardly responded. The next thing Nick
did was to call 911 to report her whereabouts. Meanwhile, Gina
was trying to move, but each time she shifted, she slid even further.
Tapescript 6.2.1 Finally, Nick slid down a bit more and reached Gina. She was
1. Emma: Can I borrow your disinfectant, please? I can’t find mine. muttering, and there was blood on her head, arms, and legs. She
Elijah: Sure! Here it is. had major injuries. Leaning against a branch, Nick softly took her
hand, and distracted her by asking questions. Soon a hiker found
2. Zoey: Is it possible to repair my watch? I know you’re a handyman. them. Fortunately, the rescue team arrived about 45 minutes later
Wyatt: I’d love to, but I’m very busy at the moment. and rescued Gina.
3. Lily: Could I possibly turn on the TV? After all, Gina has completely recovered. And as a result of an almost
Evan: I’m afraid you can’t because I’ve a terrible headache and I tragic event, she encountered a young man who she declared to be
need a quiet place. her new hero.
4. Noah: Can I open the door?
Tapescript 7.2.1
Andrew: Yes, with pleasure. During the pandemic, all we need is
a breath of fresh air. Reporter: Hello, everyone. This is Amanda Williams from Wild Life
Rescue Channel. Today’s guest is Brigid Mahoney, owner of a horse
5. Luke: Would you translate this song for me, Luke? rescue & sanctuary in County Wicklow, Ireland. She is going to tell
Claire: Of course! French songs are my cup of tea. us the incredible rescue story of a former jumping horse after being
6. Ava: Is it OK if I use your computer to reply to an e-mail? stuck in an icy muddy pit for hours. Welcome, Brigid. Can you tell
us what actually happened?
Mia: Willingly! You know where to find it. Brigid Mahoney: Thank you. It was after a very rainy day a week
7. Liam: Could you take the dog for a walk? ago. I heard the crying of one of my horses and ran out of the house
Adam: I’d like to help you, but I’ve got an appointment. to find out what was going on. There I immediately noticed Dyna, a
8. Joshua: Can I have a cup of coffee? I feel exhausted. 12-year-old female horse got trapped in a muddy hole in the yard.
Jonathan: Sure, please do! Reporter: Oh, that’s so terrible! What was the first thing you did?
Brigid Mahoney: I ran towards her trying not to get stuck in the
mud as well and when I reached by her side, I realized that we needed
Tapescript 6.3.1
help. I called out for my neighbors, and as soon as they arrived, we
Julia: Hello! tried everything we could do, but we failed. Meanwhile, I put a post
Carol: Hi, Julia. It’s Carol. I’m still at work. on my social media account and dozens of people arrived soon after
Julia: Really? I thought you got off work earlier. reading my plight. Carol was one of the first people to arrive and call
the fire department.
Carol: Yeah, I was supposed to, but I had to write and send some Reporter: How many hours passed by until then?
e-mails. Listen, Julia. I’m running late. Could you do me a favor?
Julia: Sure. Anything. What do you need? Brigid Mahoney: It had already been almost three hours, and I was
crying desperately when the fire department reached out.
Carol: I’m going out with some friends tonight and I want to wear Reporter: Were they able to help Dyna?
my black pants and grey shirt, but they are wet. Could you put them
in the dryer for me? Brigid Mahoney: Following many failed efforts, they decided to get
Julia: I’ll do that right now. Anything else? additional help from the tow trucks to pull her out.
Carol: That’s it, thanks. Reporter: That must be very hard for you and her. What happened
Julia: No problem. Oh, by the way, we’re out of cat food, Carol. Brigid Mahoney: The tow trucks arrived and they managed to pull
Would you mind picking some up from the pet shop? her out of the mud eventually. She was rescued after several hours
Carol: I’m sorry, I can’t. I should be home as soon as possible. See of meticulous work. They provided her with some blankets and we
you soon. started giving her a massage to resume the body temperature.
Julia: Well, I’ll probably be gone by the time you get here. I’m going Reporter: Was she able to get up soon?
to a concert with my brother. Brigid Mahoney: Oh, unfortunately not very soon. She was very
Carol: OK, then. See you later tonight. Have fun. fragile and numb because of the cold. Her vet arrived soon and
gave her some antibiotics immediately. We all started waiting and
Tapescript 7.1.1 praying for her to stand up.
Piestewa Peak Summit, located near Phoenix, Arizona is a long trail Reporter: She was so lucky to have all the loving people around.
with beautiful wildflowers along. However, it has steep and slippery Brigid Mahoney: I’m so grateful for all those people. That night
cliffs and it’s only for the most experienced adventurers. while watching her, we realized there was a change. She gave it a try
In July 2017, while freshman Nick Sandlers was waiting for his and at last, there she was, standing! It was an incredible moment,
mother to catch him up, a hiker woman in pink around her 60s and almost unreal. We all started shouting and jumping with joy.
her husband caught his attention. As Nick’s mother joined him, they Dyna did it all by herself. She had all the support, and then there