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Ortaöğretim Genel Müdürlüğü ENGLISH 12
our yard. As it’s an open area, we can get sunlight during the whole How do you feel about this experience?
year. Mickey Harmon: It’s one of the most unforgettable journeys of my
Energy Consultant: It’s really motivating to hear this, Mr. Token. life. Almost all the rooftops were covered with glass, and just like
We highly recommend hybrid renewable energy systems that me, almost everybody was cycling or using electric trams running
combine both solar and wind energy. Rooftop solar panels and a on the green streets of Vauban.
small residential wind turbine in the yard will solve your energy Damien: Oh, in your documentary you mention that there are 400
problems. Even if the sun isn’t shining, you’ll still get the necessary km bike paths in Freiburg. That’s stunning! I must say that it’s a
energy thanks to the wind turbine. The good news is that you have dream for every bike rider.
the opportunity to build a small hydropower system as you have a
source of flowing water on your property. Mickey Harmon: Definitely!
Mr. Token: So, what could be the next step for the installation? We Tapescript 9.1.1
can’t afford to lose any more time to move into our new house.
Energy Consultant: Well, our specialists need to analyze the power Radio Presenter: Welcome to Radio TeenSmart, Prof. Cruise. We’re
potential of your property first. I’ll put you through to the related so excited and incredibly proud to have you here in our digital home
department to get the contact details. to learn about Generation Z.
Mr. Token: Thank you. And, I would like to know how much it’ll Prof. Cruise: My pleasure to be here and talk about Gen Zers as I’ve
cost. been searching for them for a decade.
Energy Consultant: We’ll decide on the expenses after the Radio Presenter: Very long time. Here is my first question. Who is
measurements. I can assure you that these energy systems are not Generation Z?
only environmentally friendly, but they’re also budget-friendly Prof. Cruise: Gen Zers are the generation born between 1997
when you think of the electricity bills you’ve paid in your lifetime. and 2012 into a world of immense technological advances and
Please hold the line. My colleagues will help you. innovations. Technology plays an intuitive and a spontaneous role
Mr. Token: Thank you for your help. in their daily lives. They just think of technology as the way it is. All
sorts of information at their fingertips. As a result, they’re totally
different from other generations who either grew up without or came
Tapescript 8.3.1
into adulthood during the rise of social media and smartphones.
Damien: Hello. Welcome to our program Green Cities of the World. Radio Presenter: I see. What are the core characteristics of born-
Today, I host a journalist, Mickey Harmon, to talk about the success digitals?
of the solar city of Europe, Freiburg. Yes, Mickey! I watched your
documentary about the visit to Freiburg, and I was quite impressed Prof. Cruise: Good description. Being the first digital natives,
with the life in there. Can you tell us how the green energy story they’ve grown up with technology. I mean they’ve been exposed
started in Freiburg? to the Internet, social networks and mobile systems. Therefore,
they’re creative, innovative, self-reliant, reasonable, ambitious and
Mickey Harmon: I must confess that today’s success is not a entrepreneurial by nature.
coincidence because Europe’s first environmental demonstrations
took place in this city. Thousands of people gathered to object to Radio Presenter: Then, can we say that they’re ready to take risks?
the construction of the nuclear power plant near Freiburg in 1975. Prof. Cruise: Exactly. They are truly ready to take calculated risks
After nine months of demonstrations, the authorities were finally as they aren’t afraid of making mistakes. They’re incredibly fast
convinced not to build the plant, and this started the solar city learners.
adventure of Freiburg. Radio Presenter: How do Gen Zers communicate?
Damien: And so, how did the residents discover the use of Prof. Cruise: Well, their innate familiarity with and dependency
sustainable energy? on the Internet usage influence the way they communicate. In
Mickey Harmon: Well, the construction of the nuclear plant was several surveys conducted by independent organizations, they
canceled, but the need for energy was still enormous. Following the have expressed their likeliness towards chatting and video-calling
Chernobyl nuclear disaster in 1986, the city council wanted to find over meeting the people physically. They’re more into video calls
innovative solutions to the energy problem. Eventually, they decided through various apps as they prefer sound, movement and full sight.
to create a sustainable city that is entirely powered by renewable They’re spending approximately 6 hours a day online. This actually
energy, which is much more reliable and efficient. At this point, their defines the way they communicate, solve their problems, learn and
main focus was on solar energy because, as you know, Freiburg is the purchase. Technology is evolving to satisfy the needs of this new and
sunniest city in Germany. upcoming generation.
Damien: We see a rotating house, called Heliotrope, in your Radio Presenter: How does Gen Zers perceive technology?
documentary. That’s quite interesting. Why don’t you tell us a little Prof. Cruise: Actually, Gen Zers treat technology as something that
bit about it? is as obvious as the presence of their right hand. It’s simply a way
Mickey Harmon: In 1994, architect Rolf Disch designed the world’s of life. They’re intrigued to explore high-tech devices because these
first energy-plus house with rooftop solar panels. He designed that devices provide immense experience, visual delight and intelligent
house in a way that it could rotate to track the movement of the sun. entertainment. Experiments with cutting-edge technological
It’s a fully self-sustainable house. Not only does it generate more inventions never scare them; therefore, they’re the hottest target
energy than it needs, but it also feeds the excess energy back into the market for futuristic wearables like smartwatches and eye gears.
electricity grid. As you would expect, this has led to an increase in Companies are already aware of their attitude towards technology,
the number of households using solar energy. so Generation Z is really shaping technology consumption. Their
Damien: That’s fascinating! How’s the country encouraging the willingness to use technology makes them more productive and
public to install solar panels? efficient. Technology isn’t an addiction for them as they’ve never
known a time when there weren’t any search engines, when they
Mickey Harmon: Well, Germany introduced a clean energy bill in couldn’t use a smartphone or when they didn’t have a world-class
2000, which made it possible for the residents to get paid a setup film studio in their pockets.
fee by power companies if they promise to provide electricity to the
grid. Pretty motivating, ha? Radio Presenter: Thanks for your detailed and clear explanation,
Prof. Cruise. It was really helpful and understandable.
Damien: Absolutely! That explains how the city won a national
award for climate protection only a decade later… So, Mickey, we
watch you cycling around the small town of Vauban in Freiburg.