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Ortaöğretim Genel Müdürlüğü                                         ENGLISH 12


                                                           appropriate steps to give them access, in the same way others have
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                                                           access to things, places, transport, information, and services that
                               Speaker 1                   are open to the public. This requires that countries take appropriate
            Relationships are built on trust, and lying breaks that trust, even if   measures to remove any obstacles and barriers that they face in
            they are told with good intentions. No matter how difficult it may   having access to these things.
            be, friends should not be scared of telling each other the truth. What   Article 3
            I seek in a friendship is honesty. A true friend will let you know   Both parents are primarily responsible for bringing up infants.
            how you really behaved in that stressful situation or how you really   When they do not have any parents, another adult will have this
            look in that neon outfit without being cruel, rude, or abusive. I hold   responsibility, and they are called “guardians”. Parents and
            the opinion that criticism is something that can motivate you to   guardians should always consider what is best for their children,
            improve yourself when it is constructive.      and  governments  should  help  parents  and  guardians  with  their
                               Speaker 2                   economic and social needs.
            Each individual is unique, and the way we see the world is based on   Article 4
            our beliefs, cultural background, or experiences. True friends know   All other creatures suffer in the same way and to the same degree
            that your choices are yours and accept you as you are. They will not   that humans do. They feel pain, pleasure, fear, frustration, loneliness,
            try to change how you look, what you wear, or how you think. They   and  familial  love.  Whenever  we  consider  doing  something  that
            will give support without judgment and love you despite all of your   would interfere with their needs, we must take them into account.
            flaws.                                         They cannot be bred and killed for clothes and experiments, which
                                                           is a violation of their right to live without torture.
                               Speaker 3
            Laughter  is  said  to  be  the  best  medicine  that  improves  one’s   Tapescript 3.2.1
            sense of well-being. It’s nice to have someone who can make you
            laugh, but it’s even better when you can make each other laugh.    It has been 73 years since the Universal Declaration of Human
            A shared sense of humor in a friendship is a sign of sincerity and   Rights was proclaimed; however, we still have some problems with
            mutual understanding, which are considered key factors in healthy   the protection, implementation, and promotion of human rights
            relationships. True friends are the ones who can laugh together.   in practice. For example, in many countries, women continue to
                                                           be paid less although they have been doing the same job and even
                                                           have more work hours per week than men. On the other hand,
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                                                           disabled people want just an equal opportunity to earn money for a
            Hello, dear listeners, and welcome back to another podcast! I’m your   living and to live independently; they still have been discriminated
            host, Abdul Khan. We talked about how we can make friends in   against  by some employers. Sometimes, these employers may not
            yesterday’s episode, and today, we’ll talk about how to differentiate a   see  how disabled people are perfectly capable  of work  skills and
            true friend from a false one.                  abilities. And unfortunately, in many countries, children work long
            It’s normal to have some problems with your friends. However, if   hours to contribute to their family income, often under hazardous
            these problems become too extreme and start to harm you, it is time   conditions for little pay. Child labor is a big issue that humanity
            to redefine true friendship. Well, first of all, a true friend backs   faces. Instead of going to school, spending time with peers, and
            you up and tries to keep you safe when something bad happens. If   playing games, children have been working. Another significant
            someone wants to harm you, a true friend is always there to defend   issue is discrimination. Although, as human beings, we are all born
            you no matter what. S/he stands by you in times of trouble, and   equal, there is still stereotyping of thoughts about people who have
            you never have to cope with difficult situations in life by yourself.   different races, gender, age, and religion. Unfortunately, we still hear
            Secondly, true friends act sincerely and don’t hide themselves   of people facing some problems with living together in harmony in
            behind masks. They are never dishonest with you or try to deceive   many parts of the world.
            you into believing that they are more successful or powerful than
            they really are. If one of your friends talks to you about his or her   Tapescript 3.3.1
            problems and feelings, this is a sign that s/he trusts you. Apart   Speaker A
            from having honesty about themselves, true friends are also candid
            with you. They always speak the truth for your own good and say   My labor contract clearly states that a female employee may take
            it to your face if you are making a dreadful mistake despite your   four months of unpaid maternity leave after giving birth. However,
            reluctance to listen. That’s because they wish to see the best version   my  employer  has  failed  to  provide  me  with  maternity  leave  and
            of you leading a happy life. And finally, even if real friends want you   threatened me with demotion and pay cut upon my return from
            to become the best version of you, they appreciate the beauty of who   leave. I haven’t fully recovered from pregnancy, and I can’t be with
            you are right now. They accept you as you are and never push you   my baby who really needs my care and attention.
            to change. Though they encourage you to take wise decisions, they   Speaker B
            respect your judgment, and they don’t get aggressive towards you   Last semester, one of our classmates started to skip school from time
            when you don’t follow their advice.            to time, and he has been absent from school for a month now. They
            Well, that’s all for today. Thanks for listening to today’s episode. I’ll   say his mother had to stop his schooling because she couldn’t afford
            be back next week for another episode! Until then, take care!  his school fees, stationery, and uniform anymore. What’s more, he
                                                           has been put to work to raise money to pay for his younger siblings
             Tapescript 3.1.1                              to go to school.
                                Article 1                                    Speaker C
            When women are given equal educational opportunities as men and   In our town, there’s been a long-term problem of arsenic in drinking
            can participate in the economy in the same way as men, the society   water. There is an industrial zone near here, and most of the factories
            and the economy do better. Closing the gap plays a significant role   produce environmentally harmful waste containing many toxic
            in this. Studies show that women with better conditions can care   chemicals.  That’s  why  hundreds  of  townspeople  have  been  badly
            for their families and children better, which is good for the next   affected by arsenic poisoning. Authorities were going to relocate at
            generations.                                   least half of the factories, but they thought better of it.
                                Article 2                                    Speaker D
            Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities requires   I had applied for a part-time position in a well-known coffee shop
            that disadvantaged people have the right to live independently and   and was called for a job interview last week. As a matter of principle,
            take part in all aspects of life. To achieve this, countries must take   I was honest with my interviewers; I told them that I was dyslexic,
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