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Ortaöğretim Genel Müdürlüğü                                         ENGLISH 12

                                                   ANSWER KEYS

                                             English  12
                                               Theme 9
                      •  Talking about things needed to be done   Technology 25
                      •  Asking and answering questions in interviews
             1.  Listen to a school radio interview with James Cruise, Assistant Professor of Sociology at Toronto   5.  Read the dialog and write five things needed to be done before handing in a phone to a technician.
               University, and number the given sentences in the order you hear.    Tapescript 9.1.1
                                                                Mary: My smartphone got damaged, and I don’t   Mary: Looking forward  to  hearing your safety
               5  Technology is evolving to satisfy the needs of this new and upcoming generation.  know what to do.  precautions.
               3  Being the first digital natives, they’ve grown up with technology.  Eric: What exactly happened? Let me see it.  Eric: First,  to avoid the risk of losing your
                                                                                     contacts, photos, videos, documents, etc.
               1  They just think of technology as the way it is.  Mary: I accidentally shattered it, which made me   during the repair process, get them stored
                                                                   feel extremely upset.
                                                                                     in external storage. Second, have your
               2  What are the core characteristics of born-digitals?  Eric: Come on, Mary! A shattered phone screen   SIM card taken out. If your card gets into
                                                                   is not the end of the world or at least an   the wrong hands, it may be misused. Also,
               6  Generation Z is really shaping technology consumption.  end to your phone.  till you get your phone back, you can use
               4  How do Gen Zers communicate?                  Mary: I should have been more careful. You know   your card on any other phone.
                                                                   I can’t afford a new one at the moment.  Mary: Oh! Eric, you are great, my friend.
                                                                Eric: What about your warranty?   Eric: If  your phone is secured with a PIN,
             2.  Listen to the radio interview again and write true (T) or false (F).  Mary: It  has  already  expired.  I  can’t  have  it   pattern lock, or fingerprint authentication,
                                                                   repaired for free.  you need to disable it. Doing this will allow
               T  1   Prof. Cruise has been searching for Generation Z for 10 years.  Eric: Were you enrolled in a device protection   the experts repairing  your phone  to test
                                                                                     the status after the issue is fixed. Then, get
               T  2   Generation Z is the generation born between 1997-2012.  program through your  phone company   your IMEI number noted down.
                                                                   while buying it?
               F  3   Gen Zers are unwilling to take calculated risks.  Mary: Unfortunately, no. I wish I had signed   Mary: What’s that number for?
                                                                   those papers.   Eric: IMEI  (International Mobile Equipment
               T  4   They love to use various apps for video calls as they prefer sound, movement and full sight.  Identity)  is  a  unique  fifteen-digit  serial
                                                                Eric: Somehow, you’re going to get it repaired   number that every phone has. In order to
               F  5   They have no tendency to buy futuristic wearables like smartwatches and eye gears.  by  a  technician  or  the  company’s  official   avoid any risk of misplacing your device, it’s
                                                                   service center. I really can lend you some   wise to get it noted. And finally, have your
                                                                   money if you are in need.  phone repaired by a certified technician.
             3.  Look at Simon’s speech bubble and complete it with the given words. One is extra.  Mary: Thanks a lot, but I think I can handle it.   Mary: So  right.  A  certified  technician  will  also
                                                                                     guarantee my phone, I suppose.
                                                                Eric: OK! Then,  I’d  just  like  to  give  you  some
               watching  learning  enjoying  guessing  feeling  flying  friendly reminders before you hand in your   Eric: Exactly.  It’ll  be  highly  useful  in  case  you
                                                                   phone to someone whom you don’t know.  need to take your phone back due to some
                                                                                     other issues that might be detected later.
                         After unwrapping a brand new drone
                     less than two weeks ago and (1)   enjoying   a few days
                   of blissful photography, the worst happened yesterday. It really made me   1  Get the data in the phone stored in external storage.
                 feel helpless and powerless. I just crashed my drone into a tree (2)   flying     2  Have the SIM card taken out.
                backward. I thought it was above the treeline, but I was dead wrong. (3)   Watching   my   3  Make the PIN, pattern lock, or fingerprint authentication disabled.
               fragile, complicated and expensive flying camera bounce between tree branches, I got shocked   4  Get the IMEI number noted down.
              when it hit the ground and broke one of the motor arms. (4)   Feeling   desperate, I checked its   5  Have the phone repaired by a certified technician.
              website to see if there’s an authorized repair center anywhere near me. As the damage to my drone
               isn’t under warranty, I’ll have to pay to have it repaired. Though I’m aware of the fact that when   6.  Read the dialog again and write true (T) or false (F) for the given statements.
                 owning a drone, a crash is inevitable, I feel really miserable and disappointed. I know it
                 happens to everyone, but I must confess that (5)   learning   how to properly   F  1   Mary is thinking of buying a new smartphone as she has enough money.
                    fly a drone is a real challenge. Tomorrow, the first thing to do is to get   F
                         my beloved drone checked and fixed.     2   She can have her phone repaired without paying any money because it is under warranty.
                                                                T  3   She is sorry for not having signed the device protection program papers during her purchase.
                                                                T  4   Disabling any locks on the phone will let the technician test the status after the repairing process.
               Guessing is extra.                               T  5   Unless she knows her IMEI number, her phone can be handed over to someone else who
                                                                   owns the same brand, model, color, etc.
                                                                F  6   Eric says it’s not typical for any technology-driven gadget to appear with some deficiency in
                                                                   working at a point in time.
                                                              7.  Write a paragraph about the things needed to be done when a computer breakdown occurs.
                                                                Students’ own answers
             4.  Share your experiences with your digital devices in class as in Exercise 3. Students’ own answers
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                                             English  12
                      FUNCTIONS:               Theme 9
                      •  Talking about things needed to be done   Technology 26
                      •  Asking and answering questions in interviews
             1.  Listen to Brenda and the interviewer to answer the questions.    Tapescript 9.2.1  6.  Read the interview and write true (T), false (F) or not stated (NS).
               1  What did Brenda study at the university?      Interviewer: Today,  we’re  here  to  interview  with  an   Mr. Olsen: Exactly.
                Mechanical engineering                              automobile designer,  Arvid Olsen from
                                                                    Norway. Can you introduce yourself to   Interviewer: What about its speed?
               2  How did she feel in her first days at the university?  us, please?  Mr. Olsen: Actually, it can only reach speeds of 60
                Uneasy                                          Mr. Olsen: I’m a 57-year-old mechanical engineer.   km/h at the moment.
                                                                    After the university, I got my Ph.D. in  Interviewer: Then,  available  just  for  short  journeys
               3  What is her position in her company now?
                                                                                      where high speeds are not necessary.
                The head of engineering                             the same field, and I’ve been designing   Mr. Olsen: You know my car hasn’t been seen on
                                                                    cars  since then. I worked with one of
                                                                    the biggest companies’ F1 racing-design   the roads yet. It has to be remembered
             2.  Listen to the interview again to correct the statements.  crew in the 1990s and pioneered the use   that this is just a test car yet. There are
                                                                    of magnesium in pistons.
               1  Brenda has always been into how things work since secondary school.  still some problems to overcome before
                                                                                      my dream becomes a reality.
                Brenda has always been into how things work since she was four or five.  Interviewer: If  I’m  not  mistaken,  you  were  given   Interviewer: You’re  being  modest.  We  know  that  a
                                                                    an award for your pioneering by your
               2  She was one of the girls in her department at the university.  company.  big airline company is interested in your
                She was the only girl in her department at the university.  Mr. Olsen: Oh, yes! You remember it.  aircar. What can you say about that?
                                                                Interviewer: I do. Now, please let us know about your   Mr. Olsen: Ha ha ha! You don’t miss any detail. Yes,
               3  She started her career in a car manufacturing company.  environmentally-friendly aircar. Concept   that’s  right.  One  of  the  biggest  airline
                She started her career in an aerospace company.     cars, especially the green ones, grab   companies wanted to use the aircars to
                                                                    public’s attention.  replace  their  electric  cars  at  Budapest
               4  Mr. Dawson made her work on all areas of military aircraft.         Ferenc Liszt International Airport.
                Mr. Dawson made her work on all areas of commercial planes.  Mr. Olsen: You know fuels are very polluting. Petrol   Interviewer: Great! As far as I know, you are working
                                                                    is the worst. A mixture of battery power
               5  All co-engineers have to make sure projects come in on budget and meet the deadline.  and petrol is slightly cleaner. Hydrogen   on another type of car at the moment.
                                                                                      What would you like to say about it?
                Brenda has to make sure projects come in on budget and meet the deadline.   is very expensive, and electric cars rely   Mr. Olsen: It’s  a  car  which  combines  both  air  and
                                                                    on inefficient battery power. My car just
                                                                    runs on air. So simple.  petrol  power.  This  car  will  be  ultra-
             3.  Listen again and tick (√) the phrases that are true for project management.  efficient and be able to travel hundreds
                                                                Interviewer: Can you tell us its principle?
                                                                                      of kilometers on one liter of petrol.
                1   Brainstorming  5   Paying for the cost of the project  Mr. Olsen: Briefly,  the  electricity  is  transmitted   Interviewer: You mean if the pump for the air is
                                                                    to  a  compressor,  which mechanically   powered by clean energy, then the car
                2   Giving ideas  √  6   Making engineers work on the project  compresses  the  air  into  the  car’s  tank.   will  be  100%  pollution-free.  Even  if  its
                                                                    The  car’s  engine  then  converts  the
               √  3   Investigating feasibility  √  7   Making good use of the budget  compressed air into mechanical energy.  performance is improved by using petrol,
                                                                                      it’ll still be less polluting than most cars.
               √  4   Developing objectives  √  8   Having engineers meet the deadline  Interviewer: So, can we say an aircar is cheaper than   Mr. Olsen: Definitely.
                                                                    an  electric  car,  doesn’t  have  batteries
                                                                    that need replacing every five years, and  Interviewer: Breathtaking.  Thank you so much,  Mr.
             4.  Read the dialog and fill in the blanks using the correct words.  is much quicker to recharge with clean   Olsen.
                believe  agree  have  feel  think  look  let                      Mr. Olsen: My pleasure.
               Eva:  What do you (1)  think   about the new technologies in cosmetic surgery?  T  1   The interviewer had Arvid Olsen talk   NS  6   He has lots of experience in working
                                                                   about his aircar.  with hydrogen power.
               Lisa: Mind-blowing. It is really hard to catch up with them. And to be honest, I’m against
                 cosmetic surgery. Most of the doctors make people (2)  look   the same.  F  2   Mr. Olsen has been designing cars   T  7   Aircar is a vehicle that uses a motor
               Eva:  I (3)  agree   with you. Unfortunately, a lot of women nowadays look alike. By the   since he started university.  powered by compressed air.
                 way, my cousin, Sheila will (4)  have   her nose straightened next Thursday.   F  3   His crew in the 1990s took the lead in   F  8   You can easily drive at a high speed if
               Lisa: Oh, no! I know Sheila. She is such a pretty girl. Please don’t (5)  let   her have   using magnesium in pistons.  you have an aircar.
                 the surgery.                                   NS  4   His company rewarded him with a huge   NS  9   He let an airline company use the
               Eva:  Too late. She’s been so depressed recently thinking that she has a crooked   amount of money.  aircars at Budapest Airport.
                 nose. She’s got everybody in the family, except me, to (6) believe   that this surgery will improve her   T  5   People would like to see
                 self-esteem.                                      environmentally-friendly aircars around.
               Lisa: I really (7)  feel    sorry for her. I’m sure she’ll be visiting the doctor very often from now on.
                                                              7.  Work in pairs as an interviewer/interviewee and prepare an interview following the steps.
               Eva:  She is used to seeing the doctor. She’s already had some injections in her forehead.
                                                                •   Search for a person who is an innovator in   •   Ask and answer.
               Lisa: Unless cosmetic surgery is used for serious health problems, it is nonsense and such a waste of   technology.  •   Write your interview.
                 money, I suppose.                              •   Prepare your questions.  •   Present it in the class.
               Eva:  You’re right.                              Students’ own answers
             5.  Think about a new technology used in a specific field and prepare a similar dialog with your
               partner. Then act it out.  Students’ own answers
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