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Ortaöğretim Genel Müdürlüğü                                         ENGLISH 12

                                                   ANSWER KEYS

                                             English  12
                                               Theme 7
                      •  Narrating a past event / experience   News Stories 21
                      •  Talking about sequential actions
             1.  Listen to the podcast and answer the questions.    Tapescript 7.3.1  4.  Read the column in the Health Global Magazine and fill in the blanks with the statements below.
               1  What are the two categories of fake news?     a  Admittedly, getting to this point was quite a journey.
                The first is the unreal or made-up stories. The second is the stories that are partially true.  b  Accordingly, it was recorded as the first successful combination transplant case of its kind.
               2  What is the most common tool for spreading fake news?  c  Then, he spent a month waking up and having physiotherapy.
                Social media.                                   d  Fortunately, a passerby on the road pulled Joe from the burning vehicle before it exploded and
               3  According to a poll, when did 25% of Americans visit a fake news website?  saved his life.
                During the 2016 U.S. presidential race.         e  Next came 45 days in intensive care after the procedure, followed by almost two months of rehab.
               4  What are the two major skills to have in order to avoid fake news?  “DON’T BELIEVE
                Critical thinking and information literacy.  EVERYTHING YOU READ   A New Face, A Second Chance
                                              ON THE INTERNET JUST
               5  What is the purpose of the eight key elements in the IFLA infographic?  BECAUSE THERE IS A
                                              PICTURE WITH A QUOTE
                To determine the validity of any news story people come across.  ON IT.”  In July 2018, Joe Dimeo, fell asleep while driving his
                                               ISAAC NEWTON     car on Route 22 in New Jersey. It was a very short
                                                                moment, but it changed young Dimeo’s life forever.
                                                                He lost control of the car, hit the curb, and flipped
             2.  Listen again and put the images of the infographic in the correct order.  over afore bursting into flames. (1)  d   Disastrously,
                                                                he  still  suffered  third-degree  burns  over  nearly  80
            8          5         7          3                   percent  of his body.  The damage  was  so serious
                                                                that,  though he survived, he was unrecognizable.
                                                                His entire life had been taken from him in an instant.
                                                                Thereafter, Joe spent months in a medically induced
                                                                coma, followed by 20 reconstructive surgeries and
                                                                numerous treatments. (2)  c
                                                                Subsequently, a reconstructive plastic surgery was
            1          6         4          2                   carried out by a team of 140 staff at NYU hospital in
                                                                New York. After 23 hours of operation, the final stitch
                                                                was made. (3)  e    Joe learned to open his new  now, and he had that one special feature which is
                                                                eyelids, to move his new hands, and to smile.  required for these kinds of operations - a high level
                                                                The NYU doctors had completed the revolutionary   of motivation,” he said. “And he had an enormous
                                                                procedure in August 2020 but waited to share the   sense of hope.”
                                                                results  to  make  sure  Joe’s  body  didn’t  reject  the  In  the  press  briefing,  Joe  pulled  a  small  notecard
                                                                transplants. (4)  b     from his pocket using his new hands and read from
                                                                                  it. Other news reports showed him playing with his
                                                                “He’s  the  most  highly  motivated  patient  I’ve  ever
             3.  Prepare a presentation about an unusual/odd news story.  met,” Dr. Eduardo Rodriguez, head of the team that   dog and lifting weights at the gym. (5)  a
                                                                completed the exceptional operation, told reporters  Asked  how  he’d  felt  over  the  past  months  of
               a.  Use the outline while preparing the presentation.
                                                                at  the  press  briefing.  “Joe  is  healthy,  he’s  young,  rehabilitation,  Joe  said  he  felt  he’d  been  given  a
                                                                he’s  strong,  he  loves  exercising,  he  eats  healthy  “second chance at life.”
                   Setting    Main Event   Ending
               Time and place of the story  Series of events, conflicts and   The conclusion of the story  5.  Read again and match the sentence halves.
               The environment that the story   the story’s top point
               took place                                       e  1  Joe Dimeo had a terrible accident  a  to successfully receive a face and double hand transplant.
               The characters involved in the                   c  2  This accident turned  b  but the doctors didn’t make it public right away.
                                                                d  3  He spent nearly two years   c  his life upside down.
                           First,                               b  4  The surgery had been completed   d  in the hospital to fully recover.
                           After                                   a year ago,
                           Following    this   event,           a  5  He’s the world’s first patient  e  as he fell asleep while driving.
                                                              6.  Imagine you are a columnist in a magazine. Write down an unusual story for this week’s column.
               b.  Now present it to the class.  Students’ own answers  Students’ own answers
                                                  43          44
                      FUNCTIONS:             English  12
                      •  Describing problems   Theme 8
                      •  Making complaints  Alternative Energy 22
                      •  Offering solutions
             1.  Read the complaint letter and put the paragraphs in the correct order.  4.  Look at the pictures of environmental problems and discuss their causes and solutions.
                                                                Students’ own answers
                                                                a        b        c        d
                Dear Sir or Madam,
               3  Another problem is the wastewater discharged from the power plant. We used to get clean water from the tap, but now
                our water has become undrinkable since it’s being contaminated by the wastewater. As it can be expected, the fertile
 A New Face, A Second Chance  fields have become unproductive because the dirty water flow into the waterways and soil. We have started to get
                fewer and unhealthy products, and many animals have died after drinking dirty water from the polluted streams near
                our village.                                      acid rain  global warming   water pollution  smog
               1  I am writing to express my concern regarding Pathway Thermal Power Plant, which has been polluting the air in our
                village and draw your attention to the dangers that threaten the lives of our families and animals. This issue has already
                become a fatal risk for the local inhabitants and nature.  5.  Listen to a radio program in which people are talking about the environmental problems they are
               6  To sum up, the local administration of our village has contacted the management of the thermal plant. Unfortunately,   facing and take notes about their complaints.    Tapescript 8.1.1
                they have been uneager to solve these problems. I hope that you will deal with this matter as soon as possible.
               4  To make matters worse, the enormous amount of ash released into the atmosphere causes respiratory problems. We   Cause  Effect
                can’t even breathe well, and we have to use masks or stay indoors, especially in the evening in winter months.
               2  First of all, a large number of harmful gases are given out by the plant. As a result of the emission of these gases, there   •  a factory polluting the river  •  fish kills in the river
                                                                                  •  undrinkable tap water
                is always a heavy smog over the city, which has caused visibility problems and prevented incoming sunlight.
               5  As recent surveys show, thermal plants do more harm than good. A large number of developed countries have been   •  a geothermal energy plant  •  getting fewer products from the farm
                investing in alternative energy sources, and some of them have already started to use green energy in production and   •  an annoying smell
                industry. Our village, which is usually sunny during the year, is surrounded by rivers and streams. It is also located at
                the skirts of a mountain. I would appreciate it if you could invest in renewable sources like solar, wind or hydropower to
                produce energy. I hope this matter will receive your immediate attention.
                Yours faithfully,                             6.  Listen to the radio program again and tick (√) the offered solutions to the environmental problems.
                Steve Townshend
                                                                 1   Conduct regular tests to identify water quality.
                                                                √  2   Accelerate renewable energy development.
             2.  a.  Read the complaint letter again and complete the table.
                                                                √  3   Increase pump efficiency in the water discharge system.
                   Problem     Cause       Solution
               •  air pollution  •  emission of harmful gases  •  investing in alternative energy  4   Recycle the kitchen waste.
               •  a heavy smog         •  using clean energy sources   √
               •  visibility problems   like solar, wind or hydropower  5   Ban the construction of energy plants near residential areas.
                                                                 6   Minimize the use of pesticides in agriculture.

               •  water pollution  •  discharge of wastewater
               •  contaminated tap water  from the plant      7.  Complete the table with what you know about the following energy sources. Then, share your
               •  unproductive fields                           ideas with the class. Students’ own answers
               •  animal deaths
               •  respiratory problems  •  release of ash        Energy source  Advantages  Disadvantages
               •  having to use masks and
                stay indoors                                    Nuclear power
                                                                Tidal power
               b.  What other solutions can you add to the table? List them. Students’ own answers
                                                                Solar power
             3.  Write a complaint letter about an environmental problem around you. Use the tips given in the   Fossil fuels
               box in your letter.
               •  Explain your problem.  •  State your demands.  •  End your letter with closing remarks.
               Students’ own answers
                                                  45          46
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