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P. 72

Ortaöğretim Genel Müdürlüğü                                         ENGLISH 12

                                                   ANSWER KEYS

                      FUNCTIONS:             English  12
                      •  Making requests
                                                Favors 17
                      •  Accepting and declining requests  Theme 6
                      •  Asking for and responding to favors
             1.  Study the dialogs and find out the requests accepted and declined.  4.  Listen to the conversations and list the expressions of accepting and declining requests.
                                                                Tapescript 6.2.1
                Anna: Dad, can you drive me to school?   Ethan: Could you take out the rubbish?  Accepting  requests  Declining requests
              1    I’m a bit late.  2  Emily: I’m sorry, but my online meeting   Sure!  I’d love to, but...
                John:  Of course, honey!  is starting.               Yes, with pleasure.  I’m afraid you can’t...
                                                                     Of course!        I’d like to help you, but...
                Emma: Olivia, I need to buy some disinfectant. Could you tell me where the nearest shop is   Willingly!
                                                                     Sure, please do!
              3    please?
                Olivia:  Well, I’m afraid I can’t because I’m not from around here.
                                                              5.  Read the dialog and answer the questions.
                Sophia:  Miranda, is it possible for you   Gabriel: Do you mind turning off the
                    to look after my plants while   heating?    Anna: Hi, Emily. How are you?
              4                  5
                    I’m away?     Elanori: No, I’m sorry because I don’t want   Emily: Hello, Anna. Thanks, not bad. You?
                Miranda: Sure. It’ll be my pleasure.  to be sick during the pandemic.
                                                                Anna: Thank you Emily, I’m also fine. Would you do me a favor? I need some help.
                                                                Emily: Of course. What’s it?
                      Accepting         Declining
                                                                Anna: You know my sister lives in New York. I want to visit her because tomorrow is her birthday.
                       1, 4              2, 3, 5
                                                                Emily: Oh, how nice! Please tell me what I can do for you. Oh! Is it about the present?
                                                                Anna: Good guess, but you’re wrong, Emily. Could you please take care of my home while I’m
                                                                   away? Nowadays, the electricity goes off very often and my refrigerator may have some
             2.  Now, work in pairs and make requests for the situations below, as in the example. Use the   problems.
               phrases given. Share your answers with your friends. Students’ own answers
                                                                Emily: Sure Anna, no problem. Anything else?
               Can I …?  Could I…?  Do you mind…?  Is it OK if I …?  Is it possible …?  Anna: No, dear. Thank you so much. I appreciate that. See you.
                                                                Emily: See you, Anna. Have a nice trip.
               E.g. Ask someone to lend you something.
                Can I borrow your mobile phone to call my mum? My battery is almost dead.  1  Who needs help? Anna needs help.
               1  Request a classmate to give you a ride after school.  2  Why is Anna going to New York? Anna is going to New York for her sister’s birthday.
                                                  ?             3  What does Anna ask Emily for?  She asks Emily for taking care of her home while she’s away.
               2  Request a waiter to take your order.          4  Does Emily accept or decline the request? Emily accepts the request.
               3  Request your teacher for clarification.
                                                  ?           6.  Work in pairs and create dialogs for the situations given. Ask for a favor and decline or accept
               4  Ask a friend for a favor.                     with expressions of your choice. Students’ own answers
               5  Ask a friend for help with the homework.
                                                                You have bought a dress/suit for the graduation party, but you realize that it doesn’t fit you well. You
                                                                have a limited time and it doesn’t need much alteration. You know that your best friend’s mother is
                                                                good at tailoring. Ask your friend’s mother to help with the dress/suit.
             3.  Below are phrases of accepting and declining requests. Work in pairs, study them and write A
               (for accepting) and D (for declining) beside each phrase. Then, share your answers with your
                                                                You are busy writing your project and your laptop has broken down. You don’t have time to go to a
               A    1   Willingly!  D    6   I’m afraid I can’t.  professional. Fortunately, you remember that your neighbor is a computer engineer. Call him/her for
               D    2   No, I’m sorry. I don’t have one.  A  7   That’s fine.  a favor to repair it.
               A    3   Of course! Help yourself!  A  8   With pleasure!
               A    4   No, not at all.  D  9   I’d love to, but...  You need to get to the Health Care Center for COVID-19 vaccination and your father has a pop-up
               D    5   Sorry, I need it for the moment.  D  10  Well, not really.  meeting. You don’t want to use public transportation because of the pandemic. Ask your uncle to
                                                                give you a lift.
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                      FUNCTIONS:             English  12
                      •  Making requests       Theme 6
                      •  Accepting and declining requests  Favors 18
                      •  Asking for and responding to favors
             1.  Choose the appropriate request and reply for each situation to make meaningful dialogs.  3.  Respond to the requests in the dialogs with an expression of your choice from the list. If you
                                                                decline, give reasons. Students’ own answers
                   SITUATION   REQUEST     REPLY
               1  These sneakers are a bit    a  Would it be possible to   I  Oh, sorry, sir. The next    Accepting   Declining
                expensive.  tell me where the nearest   flight is two hours later.   Fine. No problem.   Sure. Just a moment.   Sorry, but …   I’m sorry, but …
                            supermarket is?
               2  My flight has been   b  I was wondering if you   II  It’s a little bit far from here.    That’s OK, I guess.   Of course.   I’d be happy to, but …   I’d love to, but …
                cancelled.  could tell me about your   You’d better take a taxi.   I’d be glad to.   Certainly.   I’d like to, but …   Sorry to say that …
                            last job.
               3  This job requires 3 years of  c  I’d really appreciate it if you  III  Oh, I’m afraid, I can’t. This    I’d be happy to.   All right.   I’m sorry, I can’t.   It sounds great, but …
                experience.  could suggest a room for   material is of good quality.
                                                                  Greg: Do you think you could lend me your car for a few hours? I need to take my sister to
               4  I’m new in this   d  Do you think you could give  IV Sure. I have worked as a   1  the  airport.
                neighborhood.  me a discount?  legal advisor for a well-
                                        known company.             Roy:                            .
               5  I’ve never stayed in this   e  Do you happen to tell me   V Certainly, ma’am. We have   2  Alison:  Would it be possible for you to check the essay I’ve written for the next lesson?
                hotel before.  what time the next flight is?  an outstanding selection of   Brooke:  .
                                        rooms for you.
                                                                3  Tina: Would you mind if I stayed at your home during the renovation process?
               E.g.  These sneakers are a bit expensive.          Hillary:                         .
                       — Do you think you could give me a discount?
                       — Oh, I’m afraid, I can’t. This material is of good quality.  4  Mark: I  was  wondering  if  you’d  mind  carrying  these  suitcases  for  me.  I  have  a  terrible
                  2- e-I   3- b-IV   4- a-II  5- c-V              Jason:                           .
             2.  Work in pairs. Complete the dialogs with a request. Use the phrases and pictures given.  4.  Listen to the dialog and answer the following questions.    Tapescript 6.3.1
               Students’ own answers
                Is there any chance you could…?  Do you think I could…?  Would you be kind enough…?                                           1  What kind of a favor does Carol ask Julia for?
                                                                 Carol asks Julia to put her black pants and grey shirt in the dryer .
               I’d appreciate it if you could...    Would it be possible for you…?  I was wondering if you’d mind...
                                                                2  What is Julia’s response?
              1  Jim:       ?    2  Paul:      ?                 Julia accepts Carol’s request (by saying “I’ll do that right now.”).
                Tony: It’s down the hall, on the right.  Liz: Let me check if he’s available or not.  3  What does Julia request Carol to do?
                                                                 Julia requests Carol to buy some cat food from the pet shop on the way home.
                                                                4  Does Carol accept or decline Julia’s request?
                                                                 Carol declines Julia’s request (by saying “I’m sorry, I can’t.”).
                                                              5.  Work in pairs. Study the role-cards and create a dialog. Then, act it out. Students’ own answers
                                                                        You              Your friend
              3  Stanley:     ?   4  Mr.Wilson:   ?
                                                                 You are running late because you had to   The light bulb in the living room is gone.
                Nick: It’s 20 floors and 60 meters in height.  Molly: I have so much work to do, but I’ll   give a presentation about the company   You need to change it, but you are out of
                                     do my best.
                                                                 catalog.  You are going to visit a friend   it. You want your roommate to pick one up
                                                                 at hospital, so you need your roommate   from the hardware store. You will be gone
                                                                 to lend you his/her car because  yours   before your roommate gets back because
                                                                 is broken down. You should be home in   you are going to take your dog to the vet.
                                                                 about an hour.
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