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P. 67

ENGLISH 12                                        Ortaöğretim Genel Müdürlüğü

                                                ANSWER KEYS

                      FUNCTIONS:             English  12
                      •  Expressing ideas on human rights (gender equality, human rights...)
                                               Theme 3
                      •  Making suggestions  Human Rights 7
                      •  Discussing problems
             1.  Listen to the articles of basic rights and match them to the following titles.    Tapescript 3.1.1  4.  Skim the text and tick (√) the given human rights which you think are violated.
                    a Children’s Rights  b Gender Equality      √  1   All human beings are born free and equal.
                 3               1
                                                                 2   We are all equal before the law.
                                                                √  3   No one shall be discriminated.
                                                                √  4   No one shall be treated inhumanely.
                                                                √  5   Everyone has the right to a nationality.
                                                                 6   Every grown-up has the right to marry and have a family.
                                                                   7   We are always innocent till proven guilty.
                                                                √  8   We have freedom of thought and religion.
                     c Animal Rights  d Rights of Disabled People
                                                               RESIDENTIAL FAULTENTIAL FAULT
                 4               2
                                                               In Canada, from the 1880s to the 1990s, more than a hundred thousand Native Canadian Indian—also
                                                               known as First Nations—children were sent to Indian residential schools by the government. These
                                                               schools, often located far from Indian homeland, were established by the Government of Canada and
                                                               run by Catholic and Protestant churches. Their aim was to educate children on European culture and
                                                               language. As the children were boarder students, family visits were occasional, but they were not
                                                               allowed to keep any personal or family items at school. They could not wear their own clothes, and
                                                               they were not allowed to keep their hair long and braided as part of the culture. Furthermore, they
                                                                             were forbidden  to  speak their  native indigenous  language.
                                                                              Most of them suffered from culture shock, and many could
                                                                               not graduate.
             2.  Listen to the audio again and complete the following sentences accordingly.  On  June 11,  2008, Prime  Minister Stephen Harper
                                                                                made a Statement of Apology to the former students
               1  Studies show that women with   better conditions   can care for their families and children better,   of  Indian Residential  Schools, on behalf of  the
                which is good for the next generations.                         Government of Canada, and asked for forgiveness.
               2  This requires that countries take appropriate measures to remove any obstacles and barriers  that   In 2015, a commission released a report saying that
                                                                                the government was faulty. Today, the graduates of
                they face in having access to these things.                     residential schools are still trying to recover from this
               3  Both parents are primarily   responsible for   bringing up infants.   experience.
               4  They cannot be bred and killed for clothes and experiments, which is a   violation   of
                their right to live without torture.
                                                              5.  Answer the questions according to the text.
             3.  Work with your partner. Discuss the problems and write suggestions to improve the practices   1  Why were the Indian children sent to residential schools?
               of rights. Students’ own answers                  The aim was to educate them on European culture and language.
                                                                2  Why was it forbidden to keep their hair long and braided?
                                   Suggestions                   Because it was a part of Indian culture.
               Children’s Rights                                3  What happened to the most of the children in residential schools?
                                                                 Most of them suffered from culture shock, and many could not graduate.
                                                                4  What was confirmed by the commission report?
               Gender Equality
                                                                 The Government of Canada was faulty.
               Animal Rights
                                                              6.  Create and write a slogan/motto about children’s rights.
                                                                Students’ own answers
               Rights of Disabled People
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                      FUNCTIONS:             English  12
                      •  Expressing ideas on human rights (gender equality, human rights...)  Theme 3
                      •  Making suggestions  Human Rights 8
                      •  Discussing problems
             1.  Work in pairs. Look at the photos below and discuss the human rights violated.   6.  Skim the text and write the main idea below.
               Students’ own answers                            Disabled people have difficulties with their full and effective
                                                                participation in society on an equal basis with others because of
              1           2            3                        the barriers created by society.
                                                                 ON AN EQUAL BASIS
                                                                 ON AN EQUAL BASIS
                                                                    WITH OTHERS
                                                                    WITH OTHERS
                                                                Nearly all human beings have encountered various day-to-day living challenges, social problems, or
                                                                physical difficulties at one time or another. However, regarding the possibilities of dealing with daily
                                                                living  problems, some people  have no enough  equal  chance  to handle  these kinds  of challenges
                                                                smoothly, in particular, disabled  people. But rather than all obstacles they may have, the barriers
             2.  Listen to the audio and tick (√) the human rights practices to be improved below.    Tapescript 3.2.1  created by society to restrict them from participating in social life result in much more negative impacts
                                                                on their life.
                1   Animal rights
                                                                One of the most common barriers relates to stereotyping, stigma, prejudice, and discrimination; many
                2   Freedom of speech                           regard a disability as a tragic shortcoming of someone and assume their life as a pity or that they are
               √  3   Gender pay gap                            unhealthy because of their impairments. These kinds of attitudinal barriers frequently obstruct their
                                                                convenient participation in life. On the other hand, the lack of decent structural facilities such as an
               √  4   Disabled people                           elevator for the disabled that lifts wheelchairs or others who have difficulty in stepping up is another
                5   Peace                                       obstacle they have. These physical barriers in daily life prevent them from accessing the buildings or
                                                                block moving around in the environment.
               √  6   Children’s rights
                                                                Additionally, scarcely do people in the community know sign language, which creates a significant
                √  7   Discrimination                           communication barrier for many with hearing disabilities. And also, many technological devices have no
                                                                provisions for vision-impaired people like a description in Braille. In addition to all forenamed obstacles,
                                                                they mostly face some problems with driving or having access to private or public transportation means
             3.  Listen to the audio again and answer the following questions.
                                                                that is why it hinders their ability to travel and thereby maintain a stable job.
               1  What kinds of problems are there about human rights?
                There are some problems with the protection, implementation, and promotion of human rights.  7.  Write the barriers disabled people face in the text below. Then, discuss with your partner giving
                                                                suggestions to deal with these problems.
               2  What is the demand of disabled people?
                They want an equal opportunity to earn money for a living and to live independently.  1   Attitudinal barriers  3   Communication barriers
               3  Why do children work long hours in many countries?  2   Physical barriers  4   Transportation barriers
                To contribute to their family income.
                                                              8.  Read the text and answer the following questions.
               4  What do we still hear of in many parts of the world?
                We still hear of people facing some problems with living together in harmony.  1  What is the effect of barriers created by society on disabled people?
                                                                 It restricts them from participating in social life.
               5  What do you think should be done to eliminate these problems?
                Students’ own answers                           2  What do attitudinal barriers include?
                                                                 Stereotyping, stigma, prejudice, and discrimination.
             4.  Discuss with your friends the good human rights practices in the photos justifying your ideas.  3  How does the lack of decent structural facilities affect disabled people’s lives?
               Students’ own answers                             It prevents access or blocks moving around in the environment.
              1           2            3                        4  Why don’t they maintain a stable job?
                                                                 Because they mostly face some problems with driving or having access to private or public transportation means.
                                                              9.  Work in groups to create the most effective and remarkable mottos and slogans you think on
                                                                protecting the rights of disabled people. Write them below.
                                                                Students’ own answers
             5.  Work in pairs. Talk about the good examples of human rights practices in your country or the
               world expressing your ideas. Students’ own answers
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