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Ortaöğretim Genel Müdürlüğü                                         ENGLISH 12

                                                   ANSWER KEYS

                                             English  12
                                                Music 1
                      •  Expressing opinion (agreeing, disagreeing, etc)  Theme 1
                      •  Expressing preferences
             1.  Listen to the podcast and complete the following sentences accordingly.    Tapescript 1.1.1
               1  When two people get to know each other, music is one of the main subjects that they   TOPIC: How do you describe your taste of music?
                 tend to   talk about.
               2  In my opinion , our music preferences reveal the deepest parts of our personalities.   Jerry Spark says:
               3   According to    the research I’ve been conducting, they’re mostly introverts and very creative.   Every true note with harmony makes me feel better. I think music can be divided into
               4  What do you  think about   extroverts, as I’m one of them?  two parts; one is the lyrics part, and the other is the instrumental part. In my opinion,
                                                                     music without lyrics is better because it doesn’t limit the boundaries of imagination.
               5  I will get more results and develop a theory in a few years, I   believe  .   In music with lyrics, you are somehow forced to imagine in the direction of the story.
             2.  Listen to the podcast again and answer the following questions.
                                                                     Edgar Pyne says:
               1  What is the topic of the podcast?                  I don’t like to listen to the same type of music over and over again. However, I really
                The relation between music preferences and personality.  hate one: heavy metal. To me, it’s not music; it is shouting. I also don’t like country
                                                                     music; it’s as boring as listening to lullabies. So, I can say that I don’t like music that
               2  According to Dr. Cliff, who have more intellectual curiosity than the others?  is too loud or too boring.
                The people who listen to classical music.
               3  What kind of music do extroverts like to listen?
                They are more likely to listen to calming sounds such as country and folk music.  Nicole Lintz says:
               4  What is the other subject Dr. Cliff is researching?   “I like the way this song sounds,” is a good enough explanation for me. Anything that
                The reason why people like specific types of lyrics.  makes me feel good in my ears and in my heart is okay. Even if someone listens to
                                                                     music I dislike, most of the time, it doesn’t matter. It only matters when they play it
                                                                     really loudly and disturb others.
             3.  Read the following opinions and rate your level of agreement from 4 to 1. Students’ own answers
              4  completely agree  3  agree to a large extent  2  agree to an extent  1  disagree  André Chandler says:
                                                                     Taste in music is a bit like taste in food. You can’t say that you have great taste in food
               1  Music is an important part of my life, and it satisfies my emotional needs.   if you have only tasted pizza. I believe people should give a chance to every kind of
               2  Music and lyrics are enough to express my feelings.   music for a period of time in life. As an old enough woman, I can say that I really like
               3  When I feel stressed, my favorite song can easily change my mood.
               4  Sometimes, a song can remind me of my bad memories.
               5  I focus on the subject better if I am listening to music while studying.
                                                              5.  Read the forum comments above and answer the following questions.
                         4.  Discuss your opinions in Exercise 3 with your partner using   1  Why does Jerry think music is better without lyrics?
                          the statements below. Students’ own answers  He thinks it doesn’t limit the boundaries of imagination.
                                                                2  How does Edgar define country music?
                                 I believe/think/suppose…        He defines it as boring as listening to lullabies.
                            I agree/disagree…                   3  What is Nicole’s criterion for good music?
                                                                 Anything that makes her feel good in her ears and in her heart.
                              I don’t agree with you because...  4  According to André, what should people do for some time in life?
                                                                 She believes people should give a chance to every kind of music for a period of time in life.
                         In my opinion…
                                                              6.  Write your own comment answering the topic question on the forum page above.
                            Don’t you think…?
                                                                      Students’ own answers
                                 Why do you think that…?

                             What do you think about...?
                                                  3           4
                                             English  12
                      FUNCTIONS:               Theme 1
                      •  Expressing opinion (agreeing, disagreeing, etc)  Music 2
                      •  Expressing preferences
             1.  Listen to the audio and complete the sentences.    Tapescript 1.2.1  5.  Skim the text below and circle the best title for it.
               1  Peer or family influence is said to be the other external factors that affect our choices as well.   1  Psychology of Music   2  Brief History of   3  Why Are Musical Genres
                  Don’t you think that   it makes sense?                      Music
               2  That sounds rational, but I don’t agree with the idea that  external factors solely influence our
                preferences.                                   Music is present in almost every aspect of our lives with a variety of melodies, harmonies, and rhythms
                                                               in it. Being inexpensive and easily accessible makes it the best form of entertainment of all kinds.
               3   I hold the opinion that   there are also internal influences that affect our choices.  Therefore, no other alternative can boost our mood and positively impact our physical and psychological
               4  Hmm...   You may be right  , but what do you mean by internal factors?  well-being as much as music. It evokes and arouses emotions in the listeners. However, the emotions
               5  I have no objection, and   we are of the same mind   on that point.  evoked by music cannot be identical for each audience. Musical tastes and preferences of the listeners
               6   In my opinion  , both sides of the issue must be considered before you take a stance   for a particular kind may impact the interpretation of the emotion felt by them. Several pieces of research
                on it.                                             and studies have shown that there is a strong relationship between music preferences and
                                                                     personality traits.
                                                                      David M.  Greenberg, a  psychologist at  the  University of  Cambridge, found that
             2.  Tick (√) the following statements that are correct according to the audio.
                                                                       individuals’  musical  preferences  are  linked  to  three  broad  thinking  styles:
                                                                       empathizers (Type E), systemizers (Type S), and the ones classified as balanced
               √  1   It is argued that the more you see something, the more you like it.
                                                                       (Type  B).  The  participants  were  asked  to  listen  to  fifty  musical  excerpts and
                2   Carol thinks external factors are the major causes influencing the preferences.  indicate their preferences. Type E who has a strong interest in others’ thoughts
                                                                       and emotions was more interested in  mellow music that had low energy,
                3   Influence of the family members is an example of internal factors.
                                                                       sad emotions, and emotional depth like R&B and soft rock genres. Whereas
               √  4   Music preferences can change as people get older.  Type S who is interested in the systems  and instrumental elements preferred
                                                                       more intense music, such as hard rock, punk, and heavy metal genres. Type
               √  5   Internal factors are so important that they can influence decision-making.
                                                                       B individuals  who have the characteristics of both styles equally  displayed  a
                                                                       broader range of musical preferences.
             3.  Discuss the factors that determine one’s musical preference with your partner. Express your   On  the other hand, there is no adequate evidence to  justify the belief that
               opinions using the phrases below. Students’ own answers  personality  traits determine  our musical  tastes. Some other factors such as age,
                                                                     cultural background, and gender—that may influence our preferences—should also be
               What are your feelings about…?  I believe/think/suppose...  considered in explaining how one’s musical taste is shaped.
                                                              6.  Read the text and match the highlighted words in the text to the definitions below.
               What do you think about…?  According to…  In my opinion, ...
                                                                1   trait  : a particular quality in someone’s character
                  Don’t you think…?   Why do you think that …?    intense
                                                                2     : extreme and forceful
                                                                3   excerpt  : a short part taken from a speech, book, etc.
             4.  Ask at least ten of your friends to take the   Why do you listen to music?  4   boost  : to improve or increase something
               survey on the right. Then write a survey
               report  on  their  reasons  for  listening  to   Circle the number that best represents your opinion   5   mellow  : smooth and soft
               music.               from 1 (Never) to 5 (Always).  6   evoke  : to bring a feeling, a memory or an image into your mind
               Students’ own answers  Name:                         Surname:                        Age:
                                1 To concentrate better     1  2  3  4  5
                                                              7.  Read the text again and answer the following questions.
                                2 To lower stress or anxiety  1  2  3  4  5
                                                                1  What are the functions of music in everyday life?
                                3 To feel more relaxed  1  2  3  4  5  It boosts our mood, evokes and arouses emotions, and positively impacts our physical and psychological well-being.
                                4 To sleep well  1  2  3  4  5  2  How does Greenberg classify thinking styles?
                                5 To boost my creativity  1  2  3  4  5  He classifies three broad thinking styles: empathizers (Type E), systemizers (Type S), and balanced (Type B).
                                                                3  What are the characteristics of empathizers?
                                6 To evoke certain feelings  1  2  3  4  5
                                                                 They have a strong interest in others’ thoughts and emotions.
                                7 To evoke memories  1  2  3  4  5
                                                                4  Why are Type B individuals called balanced?
                                8 To feel better  1  2  3  4  5  Because they display the characteristics of both Type E and Type S.
                                9 To relieve pain  1  2  3  4  5
                                                                5  What are the factors that shape our musical tastes?
                               10 To boost my energy levels  1  2  3  4  5  Our musical tastes are shaped by some factors such as age personality traits, cultural background, and gender.
                                                  5           6
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