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P. 68

Ortaöğretim Genel Müdürlüğü                                         ENGLISH 12

                                                   ANSWER KEYS

                      FUNCTIONS:             English  12
                      •  Expressing ideas on human rights (gender equality, human rights...)
                                               Theme 3
                      •  Making suggestions  Human Rights 9
                      •  Discussing problems
             1.  Listen to the audio and write which human rights are violated in each speech. Three titles are   5.  Skim the text and tick (√) the topics below that are not stated.
               extra.    Tapescript 3.3.1
                                                                √  1   The precautions to be taken to remind some countries of their responsibilities
               The right to family life  The right to liberty   The right to education   The right to work
                                                                 2   Children’s rights to education, health care, and equal opportunities
                    The right to health  The right to a fair trial  The right to property  √  3   The popularity of the Convention on the Rights of the Child
               Speaker A:  The right to family life              4   The crucial role of education in creating happy generations
               Speaker B: The right to education                CHILDREN AS INDIVIDUALS
               Speaker C:  The right to health
               Speaker D: The right to work                     The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, popularly
                                                                known as CRC, was adopted in 1989 when the governments made
             2.  Listen to the audio again and write true (T), false (F), or not stated (NS) to the statements below.  a commitment to the needs of children for specific rights. Signed
                                                                by 196 countries, it has been the most ratified international human
               T  1   The behavior of Speaker A’s employer interferes with her labor contract.  rights treaty in history.
               NS  2   It is possible to take unpaid leave for the mothers of newborn babies.  The  convention  affirms  that  children’s  rights  are  the  obligations  and
                                                                responsibilities that all must respect and honor; besides, they cannot be considered an option, favor,
               T  3   Speaker B talks about a mother who wants one of her children to leave school.   or kindness to children. It aims all children of the world—every individual below the age of 18—to
               NS  4   In some countries, school fees are so high that parents can only send one of their kids to school.  grow up in an environment of happiness, love, and understanding without being discriminated against,
                                                                and have equitable access to education and health care, and equal opportunities to develop their
               F  5   Speaker C lives in an area where much of the population suffers from waterborne diseases.  personalities, abilities, and talents to the fullest potential without exception.
               F  6   Half of the factories were relocated after townspeople had been affected by arsenic poisoning.  A universal  set of standards that offers a new vision of the child as an individual  with rights and
                                                                responsibilities are defined and declared. All these rights on the convention are connected, and all are
               T  7   Despite his disability, Speaker D could have learned the job if the subject was shown visually.
                                                                equally important to be followed by all countries. The guiding principles of the convention are:
               NS  8   Employers have to provide disabled people with special equipment to help them do the job.  Non-discrimination
                                                                The whole convention is established on the principle of non-discrimination, which means every child,
                                                                regardless of race, gender, nationality, ethnic origin, wealth, disability, or religion, has rights. All children
             3.  Discuss with your partner the problems mentioned in the audio and write suggestions about   are equal in dignity and rights and deserve the same opportunities as others, no matter who they are.
               how to tackle these problems. Students’ own answers
                                                                The right to survival and development
               1                                                All children are born equal. They all have the right to have a standard of living adequate for their
               2                                                physical, mental, spiritual, moral, and social development including healthy food, clean water, clothing,
                                                                housing, health care, and an equal chance in accessing information and necessary social services.
               4                                                The children of today are the adults of tomorrow. The role of education is vital to create healthy and
                                                                happy generations and to make young people realize their full potential and participate effectively in
             4.  Discuss the following questions with your partner explaining your reasons. Students’ own answers
                                                              6.  Scan the text and write the main idea of the three titles below.
               1  Do you think every human being deserves human rights protection equally?   1  Children as individuals:   All children have equal rights to access education, health care, and equal opportunities
                                                                          in a decent environment.
               2  How would the world be if all human rights were respected?  2  Non-discrimination:  All children are equal in dignity and rights and deserve the same opportunities as others.
               3  What type of human rights practices in the world should be improved?
                                                                3  The right to survival and development:  All children have the right to have a standard of living for
                                                                               healthy personal development.
                                                              7.  Discuss with your partner what you think about the rights in the text and why these rights have
                                                                been violated in many parts of the world. Students’ own answers
                                                              8.  Search the problems faced by children globally on the Net. Then, write an argumentative essay
                                                                including solutions to these problems.
                                                                Students’ own answers
                                                  19          20
                      FUNCTIONS:             English  12
                      •   Making predictions   Theme 4
                      •   Expressing degrees of certainty and uncertainty  Coming Soon 10
                      •   Receiving instructions about cyber games
             1.  Work in pairs. Read the dialog, find out the predictions and underline them.   4.  Write questions using the phrases below as in the example. You can add questions of your own.
                                                                Students’ own answers
               John: Oh, hi Jane! What’s up?                     Do you think …?  Do you believe …?  Do you imagine …?  Your own phrase
               Jane: Hello, John. Reading a column on future technology.  petrol-free cars/reduce transportation   Do you think petrol-free cars will reduce
               John: Wow! That sounds interesting. I’m really curious about that. Are there any predictions at all?   E.g.   costs?   transportation costs?
               Jane: Oh, of course! Here comes the first one. There will be personal robots in 2050.
                                                                 1  robot teachers/become a reality?
               John: Oh, no! I’m not sure about it. It really looks like a fantasy. What do you think about it?
                                                                 2  cyber and cyborg figures/be around?
               Jane: I am in two minds about that. We’ll wait and see. What else?
                                                                 3  time travel/be possible?
               John: Well… The year 2050 will be a very hi-tech one, for sure. Robotics and artificial intelligence
                  will be much more dominant in everyday life.   4  space travel/be possible for everyone?
               Jane: Definitely. No doubt about it.              5  teleportation/advent?
               John: What about robot workers, any news about them? It is believed that factories with robot   6  Your own question
                  workers will produce much more.
               Jane: Oh, come on! Do you think it is
                                                              5.  Now, work in pairs. Take it turns to ask and answer the questions in Part 4. Write down your
                  really possible?
                                                                friend’s answers in the chart given. Then, share them with your classmates by using the phrases
               John: I guess it isn’t. What about cars?         below. Students’ own answers
               Jane: Self-driven cars will be around.
                                                                E.g. I think petrol-free cars will not reduce transportation costs, but my friend thinks they will.
               John: I believe most people will have
                                                                 I believe petrol-free cars will not reduce transportation costs, and my friend thinks so.
                  them for moderate prices.
               Jane: Then, let’s wait and see.                  I believe  I guess  I imagine  I think
                                                                Definitely/Definitely not  Certainly/Certainly not  Of course/Of course, not  I’m sure/I’m not sure
             2.  Discuss Jane and John’s predictions.
               Do you agree or disagree with them?                Questions  Your Answer  Your Friend’s Answer
               Students’ own answers
                                                                Question 1
                                                                Question 2
             3.  Work in pairs. Write your predictions as answers to the following questions. You can make   Question 3
               further notes and share with your classmates. Students’ own answers
                                                                Question 4
                                                                Question 5
               1  Will technology make lives easier or more difficult?
                                                                Your own question
               2  What will the computers of the future be like?
                                                              6.  You will hear the description of a cyber game. Listen and tick (√) the game actions you hear.
               3  What will be the next biggest technological advance in the near future?  Tapescript 4.1.1
                                                                                  √  1  practice  11  move
               4  Will it be possible to travel outside the solar system?         √  2  improve  12  register
                                                                                   3  shoot  √  13  level up
               5  Your own question                                                4  roll  14  divide
               Students’ own answers                                              √  5  create  √  15  fail
                                                                                  √  6  log in  16  defeat
                                                                                   7  win  √  17  solve
                                                                                   8  draw  √  18  get out of
                                                                                  √  9  choose  19  score
                                                                                  √  10  enter  20  run
                                                  21          22
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