Page 63 - İngilizce 12 | Kazanım Kavrama Etkinlikleri
P. 63

5.  Read the first newspaper extract below and complete the second with the required info.

                                                           The abandoned  bus on  and cruised over the tundra
                                                           the Stampede  Trail in  to the Museum of the North
                                  Alaska’s “Into the                   ,   made at  the  University  of Alaska
                                  Wild” bus, known         famous by the book and film  in  Fairbanks.  The  decision
                                                                       , has made  to  remove  the  bus  was
                                  as a deadly lure         its first journey in decades;  made  out  of  concern  for
                                  for people, has          this time by        .  public safety as the bus had
                                  been removed by          Bus142, known also as the  drawn       into
                                  air.                     Magic Bus, was strapped to  the  danger  of  the  Alaska
                                                           the  bottom  of  a  helicopter  wilderness.

          6.  Read the story behind the Magic Bus and answer the questions.

          ONLY REAL WHEN SHARED                           If  he had traveled upstream, he
          Bus 142,  known as  The Magic Bus,  has received  would  have seen better options
          international  attention  since  Christopher  McCandless’s  ahead. If  he had been a more
          body was discovered inside in 1992. Then, with the book  experienced hiker, he would have
          Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer in 1997 and its film adaptation  also known to try to traverse the
          in 2007, McCandless’s story has become a modern myth.  river in the morning  when  the
          As you know, McCandless was a talented young man who   water reaches its lowest point.
          had a well-to-do family and a bright future ahead. One day,  Many believe that McCandless’s story is not about a man
          he told his parents that he wanted to spend the summer  who died, but about someone who truly lived. Therefore,
          traveling in his car. In fact, he left his family and friends  the bus had been a magnet for those who  search for
          behind to vanish into the wild. He donated all his money,  themselves and pursue dreams of freedom out there in the
          left his car and went on his solo adventure by hitchhiking  wilderness, till the time it was moved away. Hikers risked
          to his dreamland, Alaska. He reached there one year later  their lives crossing the dangerous river to reach the bus.
          and started to live in an abandoned bus in the wild.  One of them once said, “The bus is where McCandless’s
          Four months later, he decided to turn back and took   journey ended, and the rest of ours begins.”
          the trail from Bus 142 to the main park entrance.  McCandless wrote in his diary that he had a happy life, and
          However,  he discovered the  Teklanika River had turned  happiness was only real when shared. His sister, Carine
          into a raging torrent with glacier melt, and it was completely  McCandless,  visited  the bus in  August 2007  and  left a
          uncrossable. Therefore, he went back to the bus and decided  notebook with a quote on the cover: “There is no way to
          to wait until the water would decrease. Unfortunately, Chris  happiness; happiness is the way.” She believed in Chris’s
          did not realize that there was another way across the river.  story and knew that it was only real when shared.

              1  What is the book or the movie Into the Wild about?

              2  Where did McCandless want to go?

              3  Why couldn’t he return?

              4  Why did people risk their lives to see the bus?

              5  Why did Chris’s sister leave a notebook in the bus?

          7.  Considering the true story of Christopher, write your thoughts and ideas on how you feel about
              his extraordinary experience.
             I don’t understand how he…/I think he should/shouldn’t have…/I can understand why he…

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