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Ortaöğretim Genel Müdürlüğü                                         ENGLISH 12

                                                   ANSWER KEYS

                      FUNCTIONS:             English  12
                      •  Describing personal features
                                               Theme 2
                      •  Making conclusions   Friendship 5
                      •  Stating reasons
             1.  Listen to the audio and complete the following chart for each speaker.    Tapescript 2.2.1
                                                                A A  LLiioonn  CCuubb  iinn  LLoonnddoonn
                    Personal qualities of a good friend  Behaviors  of a good friend
                                                                1  When a video went viral and was watched by over 100
                                  1  tells the truth
               Speaker 1  honest                                million people on social media, an incredible true story of
                                  2  criticizes without being cruel, rude, or abusive  a lion and two Australian young men, John Rendall and
                                  1  accepts you as you are     Anthony Ace Bourke, revealed after forty years.
               Speaker 2  non-judgmental/accepting
                                  2  gives support without judgment  2  In 1969, after graduating from college in Australia, the
                                  1  makes you laugh            two men moved to London and started to work at an antique
               Speaker 3  humorous                              furniture shop which was ironically called SophistoCat. One day,
                                  2  improves your sense of well-being  a friend of theirs told them amazing things about a prestigious department store in London. They
                                                                were very keen to see that unique place in which exotic animals were being sold, such as alligators,
             2.  Listen again and write true (T), false (F), or not stated (NS) to the statements below.  elephants,  and camels. When they got to the store, they were shocked  to see a three-month-old
                                                                lion cub—they  named him Christian—inside  a small cage. John said, “It  was an irresistible sight;
               F  1   If you tell lies with good intentions, that will not destroy your friendship.  the moment we saw him, we couldn’t help thinking of doing something better for him.” Without any
                                                                hesitation, they bought the cub and took him to their apartment.
               T  2   Friends should tell the truth, even if it hurts.
               NS  3   Most people prefer telling white lies not to hurt someone’s feelings.  3  Christian was then the famous and beloved resident of King’s Road, but he was growing bigger,
                                                                and their small apartment was not convenient for such a giant pet anymore, and therefore, they had
               T  4   Every person has their own way of understanding the world.  to make a new place for him in the basement of the antique shop. Coincidentally, Virginia McKenna
                                                                and Bill Travers, the stars who had portrayed the Adamsons in the movie Born Free, visited their shop
               F  5   A true friend must tell us how we should look and what we should wear.
                                                                and saw Christian. Bill convinced the two young men that the best thing for Christian was to return
               NS  6   A sense of humor is a sign of intelligence.  him to the wild. With the help of a wildlife conservationist, George Adamson—the source of inspiration
               T  7   A shared sense of humor in a friendship is a sign of mutual understanding.  for the movie Born Free—they managed to get in touch with Kenyan Wildlife Services to introduce
                                                                Christian to Africa. Everything went as planned, and Bill Travers funded the costs of sending him to
                                                                Kenya. It took Adamson a year to rehabilitate and acclimate the inexperienced lion to his new habitat
             3.  Discuss with your classmates whether you agree or disagree with the following statements   and released him into the wild.
               stating reasons.  Students’ own answers
                                            Agree Disagree      4  One year later, John and Anthony went to Kenya to see Christian, but they were told that he
               1   Close friends look alike.                    would probably not remember them. Anyway, they walked in his territory, and after a while, Christian
                                                                appeared on the top of a hill. He ran towards them with great excitement and then jumped into their
               2   True friends will never hesitate to help you when you need their support.  arms and hugged the two men. John said that if they hadn’t made the decision to buy Christian and
                                                                take him to Kenya, the trust would not really have existed.
               3   Friends agree with each other all the time.
               4   Your best friend is your role model.
                                                              5.  Skim the text and write the main idea of the text.
               5   A friend is someone who knows all about you.
                                                                All kinds of relationships need love, trust, and desire to make an effort to survive.
               6   Friends understand each other without words.
                                                              6.  Read the text and write a main conclusion for each paragraph below.
             4.  Write a paragraph to describe your best friend considering the following.   Paragraph 1 The story of two men and a lion was so unique that it attracted attention of millions.
               1  Distinguishing qualities of him/her           Paragraph 2 Life is interesting; you may have to make a life changing decision in a few minutes.
               2  Reasons why you consider him/her your best friend  Paragraph 3  An apartment in London may not be the most convenient place for a lion cub. Wild animals belong
                                                                     in their natural habitat.
               3  Similarities and differences between you and your friend in terms   Paragraph 4 You need to show some concern to build trust in a relationship.
                of physical appearance, personal features, etc.
               Students’ own answers                          7.  Tick (√) the following statements that can be inferred from the text.
                                                                √  1   Selling and owning a lion was legal in those years.
                                                                 2   They bought the lion cub because they were keen on exotic animals.
                                                                √  3   They bought Christian to give him a better life.
                                                                √  4   Returning him to the wild took a lot of time, effort, and money.
                                                                 5   He adapted quickly to his new environment.
                                                  11          12
                      FUNCTIONS:             English  12
                      •  Describing personal features   Theme 2
                      •  Making conclusions   Friendship 6
                      •  Stating reasons
             1.  Listen  to the audio and write true  (T),  false (F), or not stated  (NS) to the statements below.     5.  Skim the text below and decide which of the following could be the best title for it.
               Tapescript 2.3.1                                 1  Seeking True Friendships  2  Avoiding False Friendships  3  Ending a False Friendship
                                                                Friendships are an indispensable part of life, so you had better be choosy about your friends. Not all
               T  1   With a true friend, you will never feel alone when your life gets far more challenging.  friends are good; there may be some who persistently do toxic things. Identifying and avoiding such
               NS  2   If a friend shows you that s/he trusts you, it means you can definitely do the same.  people is a must-have life skill. The following are some basic characteristics of false friends that you
                                                                should beware.
               NS  3   A true friend will forgive you for your simple mistakes as s/he values your friendship.
                                                                False friends pretend to be by your side when you need assistance. That is not because they are
               F  4   If true friends are not happy with who you are now, they may push you to change.  solely concerned about you, but because they want to feed their ego. It is when you achieve success
               T  5   True friends care about you and respect your opinions even if they do not agree.  that they unmask themselves. They start feeling jealous as they are afraid to be seen worthless when
                                                                surrounded by those who are better off.
                                                                False friends are of the opinion that friendships are one-sided; they almost never call you unless they
             2.  Listen to the audio again and answer the following questions.
                                                                need something. They borrow money which they will never pay back and always have a favor to ask.
               1  When is the redefinition of true friendship needed?  However, they will be gone right after you serve a purpose. When you need help, they
                When problems in a friendship become too extreme and start to harm you.  disappear into the woodwork and completely ignore you, so we can call them “fair-
                                                                      weather friends”. Friendship requires sharing; if a friend does not care about your
               2  What does a true friend do when you experience something bad?  needs, you need to review your friendship.
                S/he backs us up and tries to keep you safe.
                                                                       False friends claim that they do everything for your good. That, however, is a lie;
               3  Why do true friends always speak the truth for your own good?  they lack respect and strive to control every aspect of your life. They may decide
                Because they wish to see the best version of you leading a happy life.  with whom you will spend time and can even push you to end your friendships with
               4  What is the main idea of the podcast?               others. Apart from their efforts to isolate you, they tend to cut you off or speak for
                True friends are those who are always supportive, sincere, and respectful.  you in front of others. That way, they make themselves feel better while attempting to
                                                                     make others think less of you.
                                                                       In conclusion, you need to watch out for false friends whom you should definitely
             3.  Choose the two most important qualities of a good friend from the following. Then talk with your   avoid. Do not let anyone rule you and make sure your unique identity is not
               partner about your choices stating your reasons. Students’ own answers
                                                                       overshadowed by them.
                A good friend should have…  great patience with me.  6.  Read the text and tick (√) the statements that can be inferred from the text.
                                 the same hobbies and interests as me.  √  1   Some friendships can bring you unhappiness and cause a great deal of harm.
                                 good social skills.             2   Being able to recognize toxic people can help you effectively handle your friendships.
                                                                √  3   A false friend derives a sense of personal satisfaction from helping other people.
                                 loyalty and supportiveness.
                                                                 4   It is always crystal clear to a person that a false friend has some selfish motives.
                                 a great sense of humor.
                                                                √  5   A false friend can never be a type of person that you would call “a friend in need”.
                                 the same musical taste as me.
                                                                 6   With false friends, there is no way you can experience inequality in your friendships.

             4.  Match the words with the descriptions below. One word is extra.  7   False friends behave out of pure concern and they have your best interests at heart.
                                                                √  8   A false friend can even tell you how to behave or what to wear to a special occasion.
               creative  disciplined  empathetic  fair  knowledgeable  supportive
                                                              7.  Read the quote below and write an opinion essay about it.
               1  My colleague Fiona is best known for her vivid imagination, and she is really quick to come up   “Online friendship does not provide people with the opportunity to
                with original ideas.   creative                 have experiences together that help to develop bonds with a friend.
                                                                What is more, one cannot build the required skills that go with
               2  My best friend has always been there for me; whenever I feel down, she offers me   changing social dynamics and situations in real life.”
                encouragement and emotional help.   supportive
               3  All of the teachers in our school are highly intelligent and well informed; they are real experts on   Students’ own answers
                their subjects.  knowledgeable
               4  Our manager tries to behave according to what is morally right at all times and makes our
                working environment more fulfilling.   fair
               5  Ronald is a highly sensitive person; he is attuned to other people’s moods and can deeply feel
                their emotions.   empathetic
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