Page 34 - İngilizce 12 | Kazanım Kavrama Etkinlikleri
P. 34

FUNCTIONS:                                              English  12
                                 •  Making requests
                                                                                                Favors 16
                                 •  Accepting and declining requests                          Theme 6
                                 •  Asking for and responding to favors
          1.  Read the dialog and underline the expressions related to making requests.

               Luigi: Excuse me! Could you tell me the time, please?
              Kenny: Sure. It’s five to one. Hey, you are the new guy in our class, aren’t you?

               Luigi: Oh! Yes. I’m Luigi. You are Kenny, right?
              Kenny: Yes. Our house is near here. What about you? Do you live in this neighborhood, too?
               Luigi: Yes. We’ve just moved. I need to go to a pharmacy. Can you tell me the way to the nearest
              Kenny: Certainly. You are on your lucky day. There is one across the park over there.
               Luigi: Oh, how lucky of me! Look, I’m new here and I may need your help. Will you please give
                      me your phone number?
              Kenny: Of course, Luigi. Here it is, on this piece of paper. Do not hesitate to call at any time.
               Luigi: That’s very kind of you. I will not. I know it is too much, but I was late for Mr. Johnson’s
                      lecture today. Can I ask you to send your class notes to me?
              Kenny: Sure, it’ll be my pleasure to help you.

          2.  What requests would you make in the following situations? Discuss.
              1  You must see a teacher at the break time. Ask a friend to get a bottle of water for you at the
                 school canteen.
              2  You are a doctor. Remind your patient to switch off his/her mobile phone before the examination.
              3  You are at a restaurant. Ask the waiter/waitress for the menu.
              4  You are having lunch with your friends. Ask one of them to pass the sauce.
              5  You are a security guard at an airport gate in İstanbul. Ask the travelers to show their HES codes.
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