Page 9 - English12 | Activity Book 3-4
P. 9

Multiple Choice

        Choose the correct option.

         1.  Martin Luther King, who is widely known for his   5.  Suppose that you are preparing banners for a meeting
           famous  speech  “I  have a  dream”,  was awarded  the   which will underline the importance of human rights,
           Nobel  Peace  Prize  for  his  commitment  to  achieving   which of the following banners is not suitable for such
           racial ------ in America in 1964.
                                                                  a meeting?
            A)  equality                                           A)           Say NO to Racism!
            B)  discrimination
            C)  refugee
            D)  abuse                                              B)    Take a Stand for Human Rights!
            E)  injustice

        2.  Which of the following is a positive expression related   C)   Learn to Respect Differences!
           to human rights?

            A)  Inequality                                         D)            Injustice for all!
            B)  Abuse
            C)  Racism                                             E)     Stay United for Equal Rights!
            D)  Justice
            E)  Deprivation
                                                               Find the Turkish translation of the sentence given

        3.  Which of the following statements is related to the   below.
           protection of animal rights?
                                                                6.  Children are more vulnerable to poor living
            A)  Everyone should respect others’ opinions and      conditions such as poverty, inadequate health care, or
                thoughts.                                         malnutrition than adults as their developments still
            B)  Resting  after  working  for  a  period  is  a  human   continue.
                right.                                             A)  Gelişimleri devam eden çocuklar, yoksulluk,
            C)  People should behave badly towards animals.            yetersiz sağlık bakımı veya yetersiz beslenme
            D)  Employers should pay equal salaries for the same       gibi kötü yaşam koşullarına karşı yetişkinlere
                job.                                                   oranla daha savunmasızdırlar.
            E)  Municipalities should build shelters and provide   B)  Yoksulluk, yetersiz sağlık bakımı ve yetersiz
                food for street animals.
                                                                       beslenme gibi kötü yaşam koşulları gelişimleri
        4.  Your little brother wants to play a video game on          devam ettiği için çocukları yetişkinlerden daha
            PC, and he asks for help from you about how to start       fazla etkilemektedir.
            playing. You say: “First, ----- so that you can save your   C)  Yoksulluk, yetersiz sağlık bakımı ve yetersiz
            game and re-start from your last saved spot. Then,         beslenme gibi kötü yaşam koşulları gelişimleri
            -----. That picture will represent you throughout the      devam etmesine rağmen çocukları yetişkinlere
            game. Now, you can play it as you wish.”                   göre daha az etkilemektedir.
                                                                   D)  Çocuklar, gelişimleri devam ettiği için, yoksulluk,
                Fill in the gaps with the correct instructions.
                                                                       yetersiz sağlık bakımı veya yetersiz beslenme
                                                                       gibi kötü yaşam koşullarına karşı yetişkinlere
            A)    create a password / learn the rules                  göre daha savunmasızdırlar.
            B)    create an account / choose an avatar             E)  Yetişkinler yoksulluk, yetersiz sağlık bakımı ve
            C)    access the webpage of the game / log in              yetersiz beslenme gibi kötü yaşam koşullarına
            D)   follow the steps / get out of the maze                karşı savunmasızdırlar, fakat çocuklar bu
            E)    create an account / create a password                durumlarda onlara göre daha savunmasızdırlar.

                                            ORTAÖĞRETİM     9 ENGLISH-12
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