Page 11 - English 9 | Activity Book 3-4
P. 11

Gap Filling

          7   Read people’s comments about different films and fill in the blanks with the appropriate
             forms of the verbs.

            Harry: I am really keen on (1) _____________ (feel) the thrill in the
            films, so my favourite film is ‘Bird Box’. There is always silence in

            the whole film and this makes you feel thrilled and sometimes
            afraid. I love  (2) _____________ (watch) these kind of films. For
            comedy films, I can’t tell the same thing. OK, comedy is part of

            everybody’s lives, but I hate (3) _____________ (hear) too many jokes
            in a film.

                                                  Mutlu : My name defines me best. I am always happy, and I
                                                  always want to smile or laugh. I prefer (4)  _____________ (watch)

                                                  comedy films to (5) _____________ (watch) other types. My favourite
                                                  one is ‘A Night in the Museum’. I can say that I would always love

                                                  (6) _____________ (go) to cinema to watch comedies.

            Pam: Normally, I hate even (7) _____________ (see) an action scene in
            a film as I am a calm person all the time, but I love James Bond

            and his films, so Skyfall is also one of my favourite films. Just like
            me, most of the people love (8) _____________ (spend) their time and

            money on such films and they would prefer (9) _____________ (watch)
            these kind of blockbuster films at cinemas.

          8   Fill in the table with the types of the films and names.

                                            A Night in the Museum           Skyfall             Bird Box

               Type of the film            ___________________________  _____________________  _____________________

               Whose favourite film        ___________________________’s  _____________________’s  _____________________’s

                                            ORTAÖĞRETİM     11 ENGLISH-11
                                        GENEL MÜDÜRLÜĞÜ
   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16