Page 12 - English 9 | Activity Book 3-4
P. 12

Multiple Choice

         Choose the correct option to complete the sentence.    5. Read the situation and choose the best suggestion.

                                                                “For me, visiting different countries to discover their
           1. Shall we ______________ the film that got the best film
             award at Cannes Film Festival tonight?             culture and cuisine is very important, so I always spend
                                                                my money on plane tickets and other things necessary
           A) watching                                          for travelling to such countries”.
           B) watch
           C) to watch                                          A) Let’s hang out with friends from different countries

           D) to be watched                                       tonight.
           E)  watches                                          B) Why don’t we spend money on luxurious things in
                                                                  different countries?

                                                                C) How about having a trip to Thailand this summer and
           2. How about ______________ our friends from the university   tasting their meals?
             years this weekend?                                D) Shall we go to Europe to attend the international
                                                                  conference for our research?
           A) visiting                                          E) What about seeing the historical places in a different
           B) visit                                               city in our country?
           C) to visit
           D) to be visited
           E) can visit                                         6. Which water sports are both Hande and Olivia keen
                                                                  on according to the table?

           3. Steven Spielberg’s latest horror film is on 3D Cinemas.   Rafting Canoeing Diving  Swimming Flyboarding
             It is already a ______________  because it has got almost an
             audiences of one million so far.

           A) cast                                              Olivia
           B) scene
           C) blockbuster
           D) scenario                                           A)                       B)
           E) story

           4. Choose the correct option to complete the dialogue.

             Sam:  Why  don’t  we  attend  the  seminar  on  the
             negative effects of technology tomorrow?            C)                       D)
             Kevin: ____________

             Sam: No problem! We can attend the one next week.

           A) Great! Let’s meet at the café and go together.
           B) I would love to do that. What time is it?
           C) Oh, what a great idea! Do you mind if I call my brother?       E)
           D) I am sorry, I can’t. Because I have an appointment.

           E) What time shall we meet?

                                            ORTAÖĞRETİM     12 ENGLISH-11
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