Page 12 - English 11 | Activity Book 5
P. 12

Skill-based Activity

          1  Translate the following sentences into English.

                 1.  Keşke anne ve babam bu kadar katı olmasa!
                 2. Keşke en yakın arkadaşım yan dairede otursaydı.
                 3. Eric daha dikkatli araba kullanmış olsaydı, kaza yapmazdı.
                 4. Rica etmiş olsaydın, bayan Shepherd sana ödünç para verebilirdi.
                 5. Öğretmenin tavsiyesini dinlememiş olsaydın, sınavı geçemezdin.

          2  Complete each sentence with two to five words, including the word in parentheses.

               E.g.  It’s a pity I forgot about your birthday. (wish).   I   wish I hadn’t forgotten about your birthday.

            1.  Sara wants to join a gym, but she hasn’t got enough time.   3.  I regret telling Mary my address. (wish)
              (wishes)                                          I __________________________________________ Mary my address.
              Sara __________________________________________ enough time to join a   4. Why don’t you try to pay more attention in class? (would)
              gym.                                              I __________________________________________ to pay more attention in

            2.  He didn’t wear his helmet and got injured. (had)  class.
              If he __________________________________________, he wouldn’t have   5. I don’t think it’s a good idea to take the car. (were)
              got injured.                                      If __________________________________________, I wouldn’t take the car.

          3  Write a response for each statement.
                                                                          E.g.  I was very selfish when I was younger.
             1. I didn’t pay attention to what I ate as a kid.

                                         2. I never read very often before I went to university.
                                                                                      E. g. I wish I hadn’t been so
                                                                                       selfish. I should have been more
                                                                                       generous when I was younger.
                                                                                        If I had been more generous in
                                                                                         my youth, I would have more

                                                                                         friends now.

           3. I didn’t make a lot of friends when I was in high school.  4. I argued a lot with my parents when I was a teenager.

                                            ORTAÖĞRETİM     12 ENGLISH-11
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