Page 7 - English 11 | Activity Book 5
P. 7

Gap Filling

              4  Read these notes and messages. Write one sentence to explain the situation in each one
                and one sentence about their wishes.

                    My friend, Phil, fell and hurt his knee while he was playing basketball at school. The sports teacher took
                    him to the hospital. I’ve come to see him. Can you come and take me from here after work?
                    PS. Can you bring some basketball magazines? Phil is bored.

                    I wanted to ask you if I could borrow your laptop, but you weren’t there. I need it to write a project at
                    school. I’ve taken it to school, but I promise I’ll take care of it. You don’t mind, do you? After all, that’s
                    what brothers are for! I’ll bring it asap.

                    I was sorry to hear that you’re ill. I only learned yesterday when Martha told me. I know you don’t want
                    any visits at the moment, so I’m sending this note with some chocolates. I hope you can eat them. Don’t
                    worry about maths, physics, French, etc. I’ve taken notes for you, and I’ll give them to you when I see you.
                    Get well soon!

              5  Think about a situation and write a message to your partner. Write a reply to your
                 partner’s messages including your wish, expectation, or regret.

                                            ORTAÖĞRETİM     7 ENGLISH-11
                                        GENEL MÜDÜRLÜĞÜ
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