Page 8 - English 11 | Activity Book 5
P. 8

Multiple Choice

          1. Which of the following is closest in meaning to the   5. Choose the correct option to complete the sentence.
            sentence given below?                                _______, but I’ve been travelling all day.

            I wish I had taken a torch with me. I can’t see a thing.
                                                                 A) I wish I called you when I have time
            A) I needed a torch to see a thing, and I could see
              everything.                                        B) I would have phoned you if I had had time
            B) It’s impossible for me to see anything because I   C) If I had called you, you would have had time
              don’t have a torch.                                D) I wish I will call you when I have time
            C) I took a torch with me to be able to see in the dark.  E) I’m sorry not to be able to phone you

            D) Seeing anything is the reason that I didn’t take a
              torch with me.
                                                              6.  Choose the correct option to complete the dialogue.
            E) If I saw a thing, I would take a torch with me.
                                                                 Tony:  Oh, I’ve been late. There was a big traffic jam
          2. Which of the following can be said according to the       because a lorry had crashed. Has Jerry arrived?
            given situation?                                     Maya: I  know  you  live  in  the  same  neighbourhood,

            Your parents told you not to dye your hair, but you did,   but he came. He has been in a meeting with the
            and now it’s in a really bad condition. You regret not     boss.
            listening to them and say:                           Tony:  He must have taken the underground. _______
            A) You’re right. I shouldn't be angry with myself. It   Maya: Probably yes. It is not a big deal for you to be
              wasn't my fault.
                                                                       late. Don't worry.
            B) It’s really bad. I wish I had gone to another
              hairdresser.                                       A) No. If only he had given me a lift.
            C) You may be right. I wish I had done it before.    B) I wish you hadn't taken your car, so you arrived early.

            D) It’s my fault. I should have listened to you.     C) Yes. I wish he had taken his car to get to work.
            E) You’re right. I regret not having dyed my hair red.
                                                                 D) Yes, we have been neighbours for a long time.

                                                                 E) If he had taken his car, he wouldn’t have got to work
          3. Choose the correct option to complete the sentence.
                                                                   on time.
            If I _______ Beth lives in London, I _______ her.

            A) had known / would have visited
                                                              7. Choose the correct option to complete the dialogue.
            B) knew / will visit

            C) had known / would visit                           Taxi driver: Which way do you want to go? Through
            D) know / would visit                                           the centre of town or on the ring road?
            E) had known / would have been visiting              Passenger: I don’t know. Which way is the quickest?
                                                                 Taxi driver: _______.

          4.  Which of the following could be the reason for the   Passenger: Well, you decide. You’re the expert.
            statement below?
                                                                 A) If I knew, I would tell you the best way.
            I wish they would turn it down.
                                                                 B) If only there weren’t an accident.
            A) I like that TV show.
                                                                 C) I hope to go as soon as possible.
            B) I don’t want to listen to Mary singing.
                                                                 D) I wish I knew, it depends on the traffic.
            C) Their TV is really loud.
                                                                 E) I guess the way to the airport is crowded.
            D) There is news on the radio.

            E) The children are playing loudly next door.

                                            ORTAÖĞRETİM     8 ENGLISH-11
                                        GENEL MÜDÜRLÜĞÜ
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