Page 10 - English12 | Activity Book 5
P. 10

Reading Activity

          A  Have you ever heard the term 'toxic positivity' ? Read the text and get information.

                             ‘Toxic positivity’:  The importance of living with negative emotions

              It is almost impossible to see quotes or comments accompanied with motivational sentences such as,
              “Every cloud has a silver lining,” “Focus on the good things,” or “When life gives you lemons, make
              lemonade.” on social media platforms. These words may seem comforting, but they also highlight an
              aspect that can be more harmful than helpful: toxic positivity
           5  What is toxic positivity? Toxic positivity means rejecting negative emotions and responding to distress
              with false reassurances rather than empathy. It occurs as a result of feeling uncomfortable with negative
              emotions and is generally well-intentioned, but can cause alienation and a feeling of disconnection.
              When people talk about what they are feeling, their main aim is often to validate their emotions and
              accept the emotional experience. On the contrary, emotional invalidation includes paying no attention,
              denying, criticizing or refusing another person’s feelings. For example, maybe your friend is telling you
              how scared, worried and uncertain he/she is about the future. This is hard to hear for you, so instead of
              listening, you try to reassure him/her that everything will be OK. This attitude may misrepresent you to
              others, making you seem hard to connect with or even a bit fake. There are several studies looking at
              the effects of emotional invalidation. The results are clear: it is very harmful to mental health. People

           15  experiencing  emotional  invalidation  are  more  likely  to  have  depressive  symptoms.  Sometimes,  it’s
              normal not to want to deal with your negative emotions. But, if you’re regularly forcing a positive
              attitude on yourself although your feelings are the opposite, it  can damage and spoil your mental
              health. On the other hand, the more psychological flexibility people have, the more they can live with
              their emotions and get through difficult situations. For example, after a breakup, a young man feels
              anger, unhappiness and confusion. His friend listens to him and validates him. Then, the man normalizes
              his conflicting feelings and understands that they will not last forever.
              It’s important not to put more positive emotions over negative ones first. Don’t forget that your negative
              feelings won’t go away unless you eventually deal with them. So, admit them, try to understand where
              they are coming from, and think about what you can do to send them away.  All emotions teach you useful

           25  information about how you are doing in the world, and all are equally valid.  Stop toxic positivity by clearing
              up what you want from your conversation partner. Let yourself feel your feelings, and let others share theirs
              without needing to fix them.

                                            ORTAÖĞRETİM     10 ENGLISH-11
                                        GENEL MÜDÜRLÜĞÜ
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