Page 6 - English12 | Activity Book 5
P. 6

Gap Filling

          A  Fill in the dialogues by using the phrases given below.

             Why don't we     I suggest you        Let's          Shall we      I suggest that    How about

            1.  Elif:      I’m feeling exhausted nowadays. I guess the tension in the office is the main reason.
               Nicole:  ________________________________ take a few days off and go on a vacation. I’m sure you’ll feel refreshed.
               Elif:      That would be great! I think that’s what I need.

            2.  Sam:      Look at us! We’re here, we’ve met for coffee and a ‘chat’ and we’re not even talking to each other.
               Emma:   I’m so sorry! I was just sending a message. I was multitasking!
               Sam:      Oh, I see that you are busy. ________________________________ meet another time then?

            3. Dennis:   I can’t believe how I made this mistake. It was late last night, and I was tired. I accidentally used

                        my company credit card instead of my own to buy something! What am I going to do now?
               Eve:      Don’t worry. There’s a procedure to deal with this. ________________________________ you write an e-mail to
                       the head person in charge of the finance department of the company and state that you want to

                       make up for your mistake.

            4. Nelly:    Sandra Brown just keeps emailing me about things that have nothing to do with work and nothing
                        to do with me. I don’t know what I am going to do.
               Paul:      ________________________________ asking her to stop sending them?
               Nelly:    I don’t think that’s a good idea. I have to be careful what I say as she’s quite an important client.

            5. Esra:      I think we are lost. I can’t find the famous opera building in the application of the city map.
              Tina:      Oh, great! What are we going to do now?
              Esra:    ________________________________ take a taxi? Taxi drivers sometimes know better than the application.

            6. Emily:   Jason and I are going to the leisure centre in Carmine Street for bowling on Saturday afternoon.
                        Why don’t you come with us, Ricky?
              Ricky:   I’d love to. By the way, the new girl, Sofia, in our class once said that she liked bowling. Maybe, she
                        would like to come if we invite her.
              Emily:   That’s a good idea!  ________________________________ call her right now!

                                            ORTAÖĞRETİM     6 ENGLISH-11
                                        GENEL MÜDÜRLÜĞÜ
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