Page 8 - English12 | Activity Book 5
P. 8

Multiple Choice

          1.  Which of the following statements express the people’s   4. Choose the correct option to continue the statement.
            moods about a movie?                                 Social media use can lead to low quality sleep and harm

              I.  Shall we hang it on this wall? We can feel calm   mental health. __________
                  whenever we see it.                            A) Moreover, it has associations with depression, anxiety,
              II.  His speech and acting made me feel disappointed.  and feelings of isolation, particularly among heavy
              III.  I felt proud when I saw her on the screen.     users.
              IV.  The colors of this picture always make me feel joyful.  B) Therefore, many people in today’s world live with their
              V.  Why don’t you read this one? The author is       smartphones as virtual companions.
                  humorous.                                      C) That’s why it is a powerful communication tool that has
                                                                   changed how individuals interact with one another.
            A) I - II                         B) II - III
                                                                 D) Social media-based networking among small groups of
            C) III - IV                       D) IV - V
                                                                   people is beneficial for many.
                                E) I - V
                                                                 E) It provides users with a quick means of electronic
                                                                   communication and content sharing.

          2.  Which of the following can be said according to the   5. What can be said for the given situation?
            given situation?                                    You want to have a rest at home after a very tiring

            You invite one of your colleagues to dinner. She accidentally   day. But, there is a loud music coming from upstairs
            breaks a plate. You feel that she is embarassed. You want   which prevents you from sleeping. So, you knock your
            to comfort her and say:                             neighbour’s door and warn him politely:

            A) I can’t believe that! It was a gift from my grandfather.  A) I like the music you are listening to. Who was it composed
            B) Don’t worry, next time you come to dinner, bring a new   by?
              plate, and we will be all right.                   B) I will have to make an official complaint unless you stop
            C) You are so careless! You had better be more careful in   the music right now.
              somebody else’s house.                             C) Turn down the music or I will call the police.

            D) Oh! I think I will have to throw away the rest of the   D) Excuse me! I need to have a rest. Can you turn down the
              plates.                                              music, please?
            E) Actually, it is not an important plate. Please, stop   E) Why are being so rude to your neighbours? You are not
              worrying about it.                                   the only person in this building.

          3.  Choose the correct option to complete the sentence.  6.  Choose the correct option to complete the sentence.

            If you hurt your leg in a home accident, ___________    To make a good impression in a job interview, we ___________

            A) do not move and call the doctor at once.          A) try to act in a negative way.
            B) turn off the tap and mop the floor.               B) don’t give the feeling that you are calm and relaxed.
            C) do not put very small objects around young children.  C) avoid shaking hands.
            D) stand up immediately to check the injury.         D) stay calm and look into people's eyes.
            E) take a painkiller and continue the work.          E) do not smile in a friendly manner.

                                            ORTAÖĞRETİM     8 ENGLISH-11
                                        GENEL MÜDÜRLÜĞÜ
   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13