Page 17 - English 11 | Activity Book 6
P. 17

Answer Key


             1       1. E          2. D           3. A          4. B          5. F          6. C

             2       1. C          2. D           3. A

                                                    Gap Filling

                     1. should have studied more
                     2. shouldn't have done so much          1. must have                2. might have
             1       3. shouldn’t have driven so fast  2     2. should have      3       3. can’t have
                     4. shouldn’t have bought it             3. may / might have         4. must have
                     5. should have dressed up                                           5. might have

                     2. might have left your bag on your seat in the restaurant
                     3. can’t have taken my keys
                     4. might have gone on holiday
             4       5. can’t have accepted the bribe
                     6. might have sold the stolen goods
                     7. must have been at home last night
                     8. can’t have borrowed any money from you

                                                Multiple Choice

                   1. D           2. E          3. A          4. B           5. C          6. D

                   7. C           8. B          9. C          10. E          11. D         12. D

                                               Reading Activity

             1       Suggested Answers:
                     Islam, spirituality, mysticism, divine music, love, eternity, Rumi, Sufi, ney, whirling

                     1. He was an Islamic dervish and a Sufi poet.
                     2. In life, trusting the timing requires faith, planning, not being afraid to be innovative when
             2         necessary and knowing that there is a time and place for everything and that you are working
                       toward it.
                     3. Students' own answers

                     1. abundance     6. cherish             1. cherish                  1. b
                                                             2. succeeded
             3       2. humble                       4       3. permanent        5       2. a
                     3. relieve                              4. relieved
                     4. permanent                            5. Abundance                3. a

                                            ORTAÖĞRETİM     17 ENGLISH-11
                                        GENEL MÜDÜRLÜĞÜ
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