Page 13 - English 11 | Activity Book 6
P. 13

Fun Time

             Can you solve these riddles? Discuss with your friends. Use the following phrases.
            If you need help to solve the riddles, look at the clues at the bottom of the page.

                                                      Riddle Time

               He might have …    She could have …    He must have …     She probably ….      Perhaps …

              A man lives on the top of a
              very tall building. Every day,                         Bridge
              he gets in the elevator on his                    A woman stepped
              floor and goes down to the                        to the edge of a
              ground floor. He leaves the                       very high bridge,
              building and goes to work.                        and as people
              When he returns from work,                        watched, she
              though, he can only travel                        jumped off. The
              halfway up in the elevator                        woman was not
              and has to walk the rest of                       injured. Why?
              the way. Why does he have to
              do this?

                      William                                               Poison
              William lives in San                                 Mr and Mrs Brown went
              Francisco. While the rest                            into a cafe, and each
              of the family were out                               ordered an orange juice
              shopping, two men came                               with ice. Unknown to
              into the apartment and,                              them, they both got
              ignoring William, took the                           beverages laced with
              TV set, the mobile phone                             poison. Mr Brown downed
              and the computer. William                            his in one gulp and left
              had never seen the men                               while Mrs Brown stayed
              before and did nothing                               in the cafe and drank hers
              to stop them. He didn’t                              slowly. Later, Mrs Brown
              even act surprised by their                          died of poisoning, but Mr
              behaviour. Why not?                                  Brown didn’t. Why?

              One day Sebastian celebrated                         Elevator: The man is very short.
              his birthday. His older twin                         Bridge: Why do people throw themselves off
              brother, Sam, two days later,                        bridges and other high places?
              celebrated his birthday.  How                        William: While having excellent eyesight, William
              can this be possible?                                can’t talk.
                                                                   Twins: Their mother was on a boat when she gave
                                                                   birth to twins. This difference in their birthdays
                                                                   happens every four years.
                                                                   Poison: How was the poison put into the beverages?

                                            ORTAÖĞRETİM     13 ENGLISH-11
                                        GENEL MÜDÜRLÜĞÜ
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