Page 8 - English 11 | Activity Book 6
P. 8

Multiple Choice

          1.  Which of the following can be said according to the   4. Which of the following is closest in meaning to the
            given situation?                                     sentence given below?
            You  borrowed your friend’s  study  notes for a  vital   I’m sure she injured her hand when she fell off the horse.
            examination while leaving from a visit to her house.
            Although she reminded you to return it twice last week,   A) She can’t have injured her hand by falling off the
            you forgot. When you finally return the notes today    horse.
            after the exam, your friend looks into your eyes angrily   B) She must have injured her hand when she fell off
            and says:                                              the race.
                                                                 C) She should have fallen off the horse when she
            A) These notes belong to Jessica. You should give them
              to her.                                              injured her hand.
            B) I told you not to bring them back. You can keep   D) She might injure her hand if she falls off the horse.
              them.                                              E) She could fall off the horse and injure her hand.
            C) You are so kind. Thanks for sharing your notes with
            D) You should have returned them last week. You’re
              pretty late.
            E) I need to read these books for exam preparation.  5.  Choose the correct option to complete the dialogue.
                                                                 Ada: Where is Melody?

                                                                 Louis: Her car keys and glasses are on the table. ___________.
                                                                 A) She must have left for her house
          2. Choose the appropriate option to fill in the blank.
                                                                 B) She had to go to the mall to buy something
            A: I can’t reach my mother’s phone. She left two hours   C) She can‘t have gone too far
            ago. I’m somewhat worried.                           D) She shouldn’t have left the meeting early

            B: Calm down! Her cell phone ___________ battery.    E) She can’t go out alone
            A) must run out of
            B) ran out of
            C) had to run out of
            D) should have run out of                         6. Match the situations and choose the correct answer.
            E) might have run out of                             I.  We are still waiting for the firm's representatives to
                                                                   start the meeting.
                                                                 II. Isabel is worried that she will be late for the interview
                                                                   on Monday morning.
          3.  Which of the following is closest in meaning to the   III. They had to deal with flat tires rather than have an
            sentence given below?                                  enjoyable journey.
            Jerome didn't want to accept their proposal, but he did   IV. I didn’t know there was a beach nearby the hotel.
            it in the end.
                                                                    a.  I would have brought my swimsuit.
            A) Jerome could have refused their proposal, but he     b. It must have been a terrible day for them!
              didn’t.                                               c.  They might have got stuck in traffic.
            B) Jerome shouldn’t have returned their proposal, but   d. She shouldn’t have gone out of the city at the
              he did.                                                 weekend.
            C) Jerome mustn’t accept their offer, but he has
              decided to do so.                                  A) I-a, II-d, III-c, IV-b
            D) Jerome had to accept their proposal even though he   B) I-d, II-b, III-a, IV-c
              didn’t want to.                                    C) I-b, II-c, III-d, IV-a
            E) Jerome might accept their proposal as he wants to   D) I-c, II-d, III-b, IV-a
              work with them.                                    E) I-d, II-a, III-b, IV-c

                                            ORTAÖĞRETİM     8 ENGLISH-11
                                        GENEL MÜDÜRLÜĞÜ
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