Page 9 - English 11 | Activity Book 6
P. 9

Multiple Choice

          7.  Choose the correct explanation for the following   10. Choose the correct option to complete the sentence.
            statement.                                           If you ___________ me that you wanted to visit me in the
            A minute ago, the ball was here, and someone might   afternoon, I ___________ at home.
            have taken it.                                       A) would have told / have stayed

            A) I am sure that someone has come and taken it.     B) have told / will be staying
            B) It can’t be true that someone has taken it.       C) tell / would have stayed
            C) It’s possible that someone took it.               D) told / will have stayed
            D) I saw somebody had taken it.                      E) had told / would have stayed
            E) There’s no way somebody took it.
                                                              11. Choose the correct definition of the following proverb.

          8. Choose the correct option according to the question
            What cannot the woman in the photo be thinking?

                                                                 You can’t judge a book by its cover.

                                                                 A) A single fortunate event doesn't mean that what
                                                                   follows will also be good.
                                                                 B) One who has made a mistake feels terrible about it
                                                                   even if nobody is aware of it.

            A) He should have remembered my birthday instead of   C) Just because something looks attractive does not
              checking his emails.                                 mean it is genuine or valuable.
            B) Seeing  the  joy on  his  face, I  guess  he  might be   D) You cannot know what something or someone is like
              organizing a surprise party right now.               by looking at that person or thing's appearance.
            C) He must have forgotten our wedding anniversary;   E) Someone is doing something as eagerly and entirely
              otherwise, we wouldn’t sit here doing anything.      as possible.
            D) I must have done something wrong to upset him.
            E) He could have apologised to me after the argument   12. Which of the following cannot explain the situation
              we had, but he prefered to look at his phone instead.  below?
                                                                 Someone saw a man in a field in his pyjamas late at
                                                                 night, and he was carrying a broken collar in his hand.
                                                                 A) Maybe the man was sleepwalking, and he might
          9. Which of the following is closest in meaning to the   have taken his dog out for a walk. The dog might
            sentence given below?                                  have tried to run and broken its collar, then.
                                                                 B) The dog may have seen a rabbit, run after it, and
            He might have been less dismissive of my talents if he
            could have seen my latest achievements.                broken its collar. The man may have tumbled out of
                                                                   bed to see what had happened.
            A) He was so rude that he didn’t even understand my   C) The dog could have heard a noise in the field and
              success and skills.                                  broken its collar to go there. The man could have
            B) I wanted him to be aware of my success and abilities,   rushed there when he heard the dog's bark.
              but he was far away from me.                       D) Although a stranger came and broke the dog's collar
            C) He had to recognise my achievements if I had shown   to let it go, the dog should have kept the house. The
              him how skilled I was.                               man wondered what had happened.
            D) I thought of him as a tolerant man, but he was so   E) A  stranger must have come and tried to harm the
              proud that he even ignored my success.               dog while sleeping, and it must have broken its
            E) He hadn’t been aware of my recent accomplishments,   collar while it was chasing him. The man must have
              so he didn’t care about my skills.                   heard the noise and ran there in pyjamas.

                                            ORTAÖĞRETİM     9 ENGLISH-11
                                        GENEL MÜDÜRLÜĞÜ
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