Page 5 - English 11 | Activity Book 6
P. 5


           1  Match each situation with the best explanation.

              1   Jane wasn’t in a very good mood today.                             Explanation

              2   Brian got a call and looked very worried.             A  She could have got a raise.

                                                                        B  He must not have slept enough.
              3   The teacher looked delighted today.
                                                                        C   He may have spent all his pocket money.

              4   Jack couldn’t keep his eyes open.                     D  He can’t have heard the good news.
                                                                        E   She may have fought with her brother.

              5   Jeff was fired from his job.                          F   He might not have done his work.

              6   David seems to be broke.

           2  Read the letters to the ‘Ask Sarah’ advice column and Sarah’s replies.

            Match the letters with the replies. One reply is extra.

                         1                              2                               3
              Dear Sarah,
              Someone told me that my brother’s   Dear Sarah,
              girlfriend was dating another guy.   I was at a friend’s house for dinner
              I felt I should let my brother know,   last week. I accidentally broke a   Dear Sarah,
              and  after  I did, he  confronted her   beautiful  vase.  It  was  my  friend’s   My son is 23 years old. He graduated
              with the story. Although she denied   mother's favourite wedding present.   from university last year, but he
              it, it caused a terrible argument, and   I offered to pay for it, but she   can’t seem to find a job that he likes.
              they almost broke up. Now, it turns   refused. Should I have insisted? I still   I’m worried that he’s not trying hard
              out that the rumour wasn’t true, and   feel bad about it.     enough to get a job and be on his
              my brother has stopped speaking to           Feeling Guilty   own. Meanwhile, he is still spending
              me.                                                           his father’s money.
                       Miserable Sister                                              Tired Mom

                                 A                        B                        C                        D

              Dear ______________________,  Dear ______________________,  Dear ______________________,  Dear ______________________,
              You’re making it too      You should have thought   Well, you learned a     I think you did the right
              easy for him to spend     more carefully before    lesson. You shouldn’t    thing. It was essential to
              money. Be firm and tell   you acted. It wasn’t     have listened to gossip,   offer to pay for it, but
              him he has two months     necessary to get angry.   and you shouldn’t       it’s not surprising that
              to find a job (any job)   Next time, speak to the   have passed it in. Now,   she refused. Perhaps you
              and gets his own place.   child immediately and    you have to repair the   could give her a special
              He’s old enough to take   warn him or her not to   damage. Apologise        gift to make up for it.
              care of himself, but you                           sincerely and hope that
              have to be willing to let   do it again.           he will forgive you and           Sarah
              him go.                           Sarah            forget.
                      Sarah                                              Sarah

                                            ORTAÖĞRETİM     5 ENGLISH-11
                                        GENEL MÜDÜRLÜĞÜ
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