Page 7 - English12 | Activity Book 6
P. 7

Gap Filling

          B  Complete the dialogue with the words / phrases in the box. One is extra.

               able      can     chance     could   I need a  minute     sorry     wish      mind      help

              Carol:   Edward, have you got a (1) _______________? (2)_______________ favor.
              Edward:   In fact, I’m quite busy, but sure, what can I (3) _______________ you with?
              Carol:   Well, you know the advertising job for the software company Barrol & Denis?
              Edward:   Of course. I was so relived to finish that project finally. I thought it would never end.
              Carol:   Look, I’m really (4) _______________ to tell you this, but they want some more changes made.
              Edward:   You can’t be serious! I’ve already rewritten that copy, I don’t know, maybe, 10 times?
              Carol:   Yes, I know. I’m very sorry. Would you be (5) _______________ to work on it this evening?
              Edward:   I’m quite doubtful if I (6) _______________, Carol. I’m working on the Smart Sparrow social media
                       campaign. Moreover, they are awaiting it by the end of the day.
              Carol:   I’d forgotten about that. Is there any (7) _______________ you could work late tonight?
              Edward:   Sorry, Carol. I (8)_______________ I could, but I can’t.
              Carol:   Please?
              Edward:   I’m going to attend a family event this evening. It’s been planned for ages.
              Carol:   All right. Then, (9) _______________ you possibly come to the office early tomorrow? I promise I’ll
                       make it up to you!
              Edward:   OK. How?
              Carol:   Just tell me what you want!
              Edward:  What about an extra day off?
              Carol:   All right! Can you get here at 5 a.m.?
              Edward:  6 a.m.
              Edward:   Deal.

          C  Fill in the missing parts of the dialogues with phrases of request.

               1              Sure. Here you are.                              _______________  please  show  me
                                                                               your digital boarding pass?

              2                                                                                _______________ you

                                            Yes. Of course.                                    could do me favor.
                                            What is it?


                                                                                  I’m sorry, but I can’t. I thought you
                _______________ looking after                                     knew that I’m allergic to cats.
                my cat when I’m out of
                town next week?

                                            ORTAÖĞRETİM     7 ENGLISH-12
                                        GENEL MÜDÜRLÜĞÜ
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