Page 8 - English12 | Activity Book 6
P. 8

Multiple Choice

          Which of the following can be said according to     Choose the correct option for questions 4 and 5
          the given situation for questions 1 – 3?            according to the poem below.

          1.  Tomorrow, your sister is going to be discharged from
            the hospital after a critical operation. You want to take
            her home from the hospital. You do not have a car, but
            your friend has. You ask him / her to borrow the car. You
            A) I was wondering if you could take me to the hospital
              today?                                                      The kindness boomerang
            B) Would you mind if I took your sister to the hospital?
                                                                          A helping hand
            C) Could you please lend me some money to go to the           A heartfelt smile,
              hospital?                                                   The kindness you give
            D) Do you mind if I borrow your car to go to the hospital?    Comes back in a while.
            E) Could I take you and your sister to the hospital in my
              car?                                                        Like a boomerang
                                                                          Winging through the air,
                                                                          The people you help
                                                                          Send you love and care
                                                                          When you show kindness,
          2.  You want to carry out a micro project against               It’s very true:
            deforestation, but you need money for it. You decide to       Others show kindness
            sell your second-hand books and other stuff at school         Back to you
            to collect money in order to buy seeds to plant trees in                      by James Aitchison
            the school garden. So, you go to your friends and ask:
                                                              4.  What does the word ‘boomerang’ in the poem refer to?
            A) Could you help me plant trees in the garden, please?
            B) Would you mind if I sold seeds in the school garden?  A) Love   B) Wind     C) Kindness

            C) Is it all right if I tell the school director to plant trees?  D) Hand   E) Smile
            D) Can I buy these books if you don’t need them?
            E) Would you please buy these things to help me plant
                                                              5.  What is the main idea of the poem?

                                                                 A) When you are kind, everybody likes you.
                                                                 B) The more you show kindness to people, the more you
          3. After a year off, you decide to start working again. You   get kindness.
            think that getting a letter of reference can be useful
            in addition to a CV and a letter of intent. So, you call   C) Smiling catches you and turns back to you.
            your ex-director and request him politely:           D) Loving and caring for someone makes you happy.
                                                                 E) If you want people to respect you, be kind to them.
            A) I was wondering if you could write me a letter of
              reference for a job application.
            B) Would you mind if I applied to another company?

            C) Could you possibly take me back as I have been away   6.  Choose the correct option to complete the sentence.
              for a year?                                        Mr. Silverline is a quite generous businessman. He ___________
            D) Do you think I could write a letter of reference by   everybody, especially to children who are in need.
              myself?                                            A) validates       B) develops   C) donates
            E) Does anyone mind if I fill in an application form and   D) purchases      E) establishes
              get back to work?
                                            ORTAÖĞRETİM     8 ENGLISH-12
                                        GENEL MÜDÜRLÜĞÜ
   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13