Page 11 - English 12 | Activity Book 6
P. 11
Multiple Choice
7. You buy a new pair of shoes from the store. When you 10. Choose the best option to fill in the paragraph.
come home, you realize that the right and left shoes in the
shoebox are different sizes. You take them back and explain Last summer, a friend and I went to Lisbon. (1) __________, we
the situation to the shop assistant. She helpfully says to flew first class from Istanbul to Lisbon. It was incredible!
you: When we arrived there, we immediately went to the hotel
and took a long nap. (2) ________, we went out to eat at a
A) We’re sorry for the mistake. I’ll fetch you the correct size fantastic restaurant. (3) _________, a scooter popped out of
right now. nowhere and nearly hit me! The rest of the journey was
B) I don’t think that there is a misunderstanding here. uneventful. (4) __________, we started exploring Lisbon.
C) Please give me a refund; otherwise, I will sue you. A) Then / Suddenly / At last / First of all
D) Sorry for that. We can offer you a different shirt if you B) First of all / Then / Suddenly / At last
like. C) First of all / Then / At last / Suddenly
E) Sorry, but it’s nearly impossible to find faultless cloth D) Suddenly / First of all / At last / Then
here as this is an outlet center.
E) At last / First of all / Then / Suddenly
8. Find the irrelevant sentence in the paragraph.
11. What do the green energy sign symbols in the picture
(I) Hydropower, or hydroelectric power, is a renewable mean?
source of energy that can be used over and over again. (II)
Solar energy can be used to generate electricity or be stored 1 2 3 4
in batteries or thermal storage. (III) It works by using a dam
or diversion structure to change the flow of a river or other
body of water. (IV) It uses water as a fuel, but it doesn't get
reduced or destroyed in the process. (V) It relies on the water A) Eco-friendly – Recycle – Zero Waste – Renewable Energy
cycle, which is a never-ending, always-recharging system. B) Eco-friendly – Zero Waste – Renewable energy – Recycle
C) Recycle - Eco-friendly - Zero Waste – Renewable Energy
A) I B) II D) Zero Waste – Recycle – Eco-friendly – Renewable Energy
C) III D) IV E) Recycle – Eco-friendly – Renewable Energy – Zero Waste
E) V
12. What might be the man in the blue shirt in the picture
saying to the old man as an offer?
9. The news of a good deed travels far, but the news of a
bad one travels even farther. - Polish Proverb
What can be the meaning of the proverb above?
A) If you don’t read the newspaper,
you are uninformed.
B) We should report the news in as
factual a way as possible.
C) People tend to tell the bad news A) Please, let me carry the box for you. It is quite heavy.
faster than the good one. B) Take the case, I can’t carry it anymore.
D) Newspapers are the mirrors of C) Why don’t you give me some fruits?
the world. D) I can offer you a good price to carry the box for me.
E) Search the fact before you believe in some news. E) I’m sorry, but I have a terrible backache.