Page 15 - English 12 | Activity Book 6
P. 15

Skill-based Activity

           D  Look at the environmental problems and take notes on the cards. Then, discuss your
             ideas with your friends.

           a                                  b                                  c

          Cause:                             Cause:                              Cause:
          Effect:                            Effect:                             Effect:

          Solution:                          Solution:                           Solution:

           E  Put the text into the correct order.

                                 What if? The possibilities behind the sinking of the Titanic

                 What would have happened if the radio of a nearby ship had actually reached the Titanic instead of not
             A   transmitting for reasons that aren't clear to this day?  There were so many messages to send out the day
                 before the disaster that radio operators didn't have time to listen to yet another nearby ship's warning
                 about ice in the area on the night of the disaster.

                 What if the Titanic had been able to carry all 64 of its lifeboats instead of just 20? Lifeboats that were
             B   used during the disaster were seen on the deck of the ship just a few days before the ship hit an iceberg,

                 and all of these "what if?" scenarios came to life.

                 What if there had been no mix-up at the port in England and the ship's lookouts had been given the
             C   binoculars they should have been given instead? He could have just turned away from the iceberg
                 instead of trying to do a complicated port around maneuver in which he tried to turn quickly to one side
                 to clear the bow of the ship and then quickly turn back the other way to clear the stern.
                 The winter of 1911–2012 was mild. There were more icebergs floating off the west coast of Greenland
                 than at any time in the last 50 years because the North Atlantic had been warmer than usual at the time.
             D   That one unusually warm winter might have meant that the Titanic would never have hit any icebergs,
                 which would have made the ship sink. As a matter of fact, there may be no tragedy in history better
                 suited to the "what if?" game than that of the Titanic.

                                            ORTAÖĞRETİM    15 ENGLISH-12
                                        GENEL MÜDÜRLÜĞÜ
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