Page 13 - English 12 | Activity Book 6
P. 13
Reading Activity
1 B Answer the following questions according to the text.
1. Who understood that Melisa is a quite smart girl when she was a little child?
2. When was she sent to Helsinki?
3. Why did Melisa apply to summer school in the USA?
4. Where did she start working after she finished computer engineering at Stanford?
5. What feelings evoke in you after reading Melisa’s success story?
1 C Complete the sentences according to the text.
1. After Melisa had started BİLSEM, _____________________________________________________________________________
2. Before Melisa became the first in TUBİTAK Türkiye with his physics project in high school, __________________
3. What Melisa learned in India is ______________________________________________________________________________
4. Melisa wants all Turkish youth ________________________________________________________________________________
1 D Which paragraph(s) is about the topics below? Write the numbers.
1. Melisa’s school years and successes in Türkiye
2. Melisa’s childhood
3. Melisa’s work achievements
4. Melisa’s college education abroad
1 E Find words or phrases in the text which mean:
1. ___________________ : someone who works for a company at a senior level (Paragraph 1)
2. ___________________ : trying to obtain something for yourself while preventing the other person from
doing so. (Paragraph 2)
3. ___________________ : spending all or most of your time or energy on something. (Paragraph 4)
4. ___________________ : the ability to continue in doing something even when it is difficult (Paragraph 5)